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Everything posted by KARIM

  1. ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 238 ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: Wild Angels @Arone ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: I was in the garage as usual, until I got a call after answering the call, he said that he was the BOSS of the gang "Wild Angels" and that he needed some help in mechanics because his car had a problem with the engine and minor damage to the front doors and glass. I had no objection to rejecting his request. He asked me to meet at the base of his gang to take a look at the car and then I went to the desired place with my towtruck . After I arrived, the manager was by my side and I was doing the work. I checked the engine and found it disabled so i replaced it with another,also i added a door and added more raw glass to avoid damage in the end the work I did was wonderful and I put my touch thereand,the boss was surprised to see how his car became ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/ghCAeDk
  2. user : deeeep lastseen : 3 october 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/K1J25K3
  3. emm , k
  4. missclick
  5. @matizz bro not all , except nnb
  6. ~[Event Number 73]~(#33990b) Event Type : Find the dead body though the maze LWS/G6 helper(s): @koko (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner(s): Angle ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/MIHwRxN :::
  7. ~[Event Number 73]~(#33990b) Event Type : Chiken kicker LWS/G6 helper(s): @Expert (LWS) Location: LV X Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): [SAFP]Kajo ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/IIxucb3 :::
  8. @hassoni 67 ? :/
  9. Gz turks <3
  10. Gz boyz
  11. Event Number: 378 Event Type: Escape from hydra LWS/ G6/Ceo: @Strong Winner(s): [TT]Barras Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: Missed screenshots , sorry
  12. ~[Event Number: 361]~(magenta) Event Type: [STF@DUFABO (LWS) LWS/G6/Ceo : Dufabo Winner(s): [ThC]Browny Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pMTvnIz ~[Event Number: 362]~(magenta) Event Type: Risky Marathon LWS/G6/Ceo : Dufabo Winner(s): [AA*]Pazoo Prize: 1.500.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IMlk7o0 ~[Event Number: 363]~(magenta) Event Type: Kart Race LWS/G6/Ceo : [AA]KOKO Winner(s): [B-B]Matizz Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZSu61yd ~[Event Number: 364]~(magenta) Event Type: Fight Of fall LWS/G6/Ceo : [B-B]Matizz Winner(s): [SWAT]Flame Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://a.top4top.net/p_1025qnk1s1.png https://b.top4top.net/p_1025tk6dr2.png ~[Event Number: 365]~(magenta) Event Type: Race boat LWS/G6/Ceo : [B-B]Matizz Winner(s): [SWAT]Flame Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://c.top4top.net/p_1025jsgar1.png https://e.top4top.net/p_1025x68gv2.png ~[Event Number: 366]~(magenta) Event Type: Fight Or fall LWS/G6/Ceo : [STF]Dufabo Winner(s): [FOX]Pilcrow Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://d.top4top.net/p_10263tv861.png https://e.top4top.net/p_10263bm3i2.png ~[Event Number: 368]~(magenta) Event Type: Musical Chairs LWS/G6/Ceo : [B-B]Matizz Winner(s): Tob|Curvy Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wVMFg05 ~[Event Number: 369]~(magenta) Event Type: Find the kart and return it LWS/G6/Ceo : [STF|Ramos Winner(s): [B-B]CHWARZ/ [ThC]Blue / [TST]Jamal Prize: 3.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rPMP1CV ~[Event Number: 370]~(magenta) Event Type: Reach the dead line LWS/G6/Ceo : @Castiel Winner(s): [TT*]Green Prize: 1.500.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v2dl6w1 ~[Event Number: 371]~(magenta) Event Type: Marathon LWS/G6/Ceo : @Expert Winner(s): Skinner Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kEfOKx5 ~[Event Number: 372]~(magenta) Event Type: Escape the hunter using vortex's LWS/G6/Ceo : @Strong Winner(s): [TT*]Green Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mlNDBYS ~[Event Number: 373]~(magenta) Event Type: LMS SNIPER LWS/G6/Ceo : @Ramos Winner(s): [ThC]Sparrow Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cN17lkY ~[Event Number: 374]~(magenta) Event Type: Escape the rhino LWS/G6/Ceo : @Strong Winner(s): [SAM*]Scorpyo Prize: 5.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DV9QGR1
  13. ~[Event Number 72]~(#33990b) Event Type : Escape the rhino LWS/G6 helper(s): @Strong (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 5.000.000$ Winner(s): [SAM*]Scorpyo ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/DV9QGR1 :::
  14. ~[Event Number 71]~(#33990b) Event Type : LMS SNIPER LWS/G6 helper(s): @Ramos (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): [ThC]Sparrow ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/cN17lkY :::
  15. ~[Event Number 70]~(#33990b) Event Type : Escape the hunter using vortex's LWS/G6 helper(s): @Strong (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): [TT*]Green ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/mlNDBYS :::
  16. ~[Event Number 69]~(#33990b) Event Type : Marathon LWS/G6 helper(s): @Expert (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): Skinner ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/kEfOKx5 :::
  17. ~[Event Number 68]~(#33990b) Event Type : Reach the dead line LWS/G6 helper(s): @Castiel (LWS) Location: G6 Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner(s): [TT*]Green ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/v2dl6w1 :::
  18. ~[Event Number 67]~(#33990b) Event Type : Find the kart and return it LWS/G6 helper(s): STF|Ramos (LWS) Location: PC Prize: 3.000.000$ Winner(s): [B-B]CHWARZ/ [ThC]Blue / [TST]Jamal ScreenShots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/rPMP1CV :::
  19. ~[27/10/2018 - Los Santos BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #91]~(magenta)
  20. ~[27/10/2018 - Las Vanturas BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #90]~(magenta)
  21. ~[26/10/2018 - San Fierro BANK ROBBERY 8/8 #89]~(magenta)
  22. username : aekonigi2 lastseen : 18 sep 2018 ss : https://imgur.com/a/WmNHF97
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