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Everything posted by KARIM

  1. Link your Donation Tracking Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/33417/donation-point-balance-karim When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Since i donated ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed ( ITS ALREADY REMOVED DUO INACTIVITY ) ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Landstalker Location: YAKUZA BASE Username: chinwibenlaid
  2. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/33417/donation-point-balance-karim When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Since i donated ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed ( ITS ALREADY REMOVED DUO INACTIVITY ) ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: BC AP Username: chinwibenlaid
  3. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/33417/donation-point-balance-karim When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Since i donated ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Shamal ( removed because of inactivty ) Location: SF AP ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: LV AP Username: chinwibenlaid
  4. Display Name: KARIM Username: chinwibenlaid Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25443/donation-karim-amount-12-50-gbp-sorted-by-getskillz?_=1660832243212 Total number of Donation Points: 12.5 POINT
  5. I dont really know about what ya saying dude but i guess maybe its just bcuz you playing a game from 2004, it is what it is, people get bored they change they move on, maybe its better of you think of moving SAES legacy to GTA V or something else like that.
  7. user : youss last seen : 7 jan 2022 ss : https://d.top4top.io/p_2230ypp5y1.png
  8. Hey , I'm interested but how much i pay you or for free?
  9. Hot
  10. Candidate Name: KARIM Candidate Region: Tierra robada
  11. Easy :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
  12. Teddyl did your mother not tell you to hold a plant next to you to replace the oxygen you are wasting IM DELETING MY BROTHER BLUE ] 99% complete..... no_entry_signERROR!no_entry_sign 100True100 Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable star_and_crescentI could never delete you Brother!sparkling_heart Send this to ten other familyMujahideenfamily who would give their lives for Allah Or never get called cloudBrothercloud again If you get 0 Back: Juhanam for you no_entry_signstar_of_davidno_entry_sign 3 back: you're off the martyr listcloudsweat_drops 5 back: you have pleased Allah greatlystar_and_crescentsweat_drops 10+ back: JANAH!!two_heartstwo_heartsstar_and_crescenttonguetongue
  13. Imagine allowing HLS to make it hard then you find sucess rate when hls are present 94.44% , 93.85% compared to other banks
  14. :honk: drama started
  15. Vehicle Type: shamal Vehicle Colour: n/a Specify any upgrades: n/a Usernames to lock : chinwibenlaid (me) and Nutellaguy , sisisu12 , blue35 Location : SF Ap And pls gimme disk spawn if possible
  16. TXN ID: N/A Donation Amount: 12.50 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: Donation sorted by @Getskillz Please confirm @Brophy before i request a vehicle.
  17. Happy birthday
  18. @sushii said in New Jail: @immortal The new Jail has had more activity since adding in the new features. Cops and criminals have agreed that it is more of a challenge now, meaning they enjoy to jailbreak more. who said that but ok
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