GENERAL INFORMATION In Game Name: Ricarda Username: GirlyPrimis Age: 23 (as of 19.07) Nationality: German Languages: German, English Total Server Playtime: 7 years (with several breaks in between) Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: SAPA / NNB / SEAL Current/Previous Groups: Ex-PC and Ex-PC Tester Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: 1x Abusive behaviour (getting money from someone elses account) ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: Investigation and stabilizing the security of the State. CIA gathers both external and internal information and helps other policing services to ensure crime preventing. But not only does the CIA the security statewise, but also for any citizen in need of assistance if their capazities aren't maxed out / or focused on more important things. What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: Either OPA, since I see my strenghts within representing official matters/being a public face and controlling what information are released to the public and which are classified since they could possible compromise future operations. Otherwise I would choose DO because of my police career background, which will surely come in handy that way. What is our main role: Crime prevention and Information gathering, both in- and external by any means possible. What can you bring to the squad: Lot's of experiences from my previous squads and my long playtime, an expansive RP ability and loyalty towards the squad I'm in. Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: First I have to ensure that neither mine nor the agencies intentions are released at any point by any means necessary. I would try to gather and document as much intel and informations as I can get without putting myself in risk of getting myself caught in the process. For that I'll use every equipment the CIA has to offer. I'll transfer those informations to the higher ups so they can either transfer them to official policing agency's or for preventing purposes. Should, during any point at the mission, the public safety become critical I'll immediately organize myself with our agents and policing agency's for a swift-strike to end the endangerment. Should my own undercover role become critical at any point of the mission, I'll either leave my role and head back for a briefing. If my cover is already blown, I'll activate my emergency button to let my fellow agents know that I was caught so they can take proper actions. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: I'm both willing to make extensive and long RP's and/or to spend much time on the forums writing articles. Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: @Ardron @ILLUSION Why did you choose C.I.A.: I'm mostly RP based, so this squad is the closest to my preferred playstyle. I also trained Ardron back in SAPA so I know that I'm in good hands here.