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Everything posted by GirlyPrimis

  1. Name: Ricarda Username: GirlyPrimis Rank before kick/leave: Oldest Rank: Major / Rank before getting kicked: PVT How long have you been in sapa: Over 1.5 years Who kicked you: First time left, can't remember the second time Date of kick/leave: Somewhere in 2016 / 17 Reason for kick/leave: First time: Wanted to create a new squad which didn't worked out. Kicked for: Acting like an absolute retard. Basically when I was given an ok to rejoin SAPA after a few years (the Management has changed during the time I was away) they were unsure what rank to give me. I talked to a few people I knew from before like Maryondo, Ze, Istar etc. The majority told me I would be getting an instructor rank back but it would be told at a meeting at the end of the week, until then I was basically rankless. I met some newer PVT's and Instructors and helped them a bit organizing stuff, helped them make trainings and also participated in them (since I was seen as a 0* Cadet) etc. A day before the meeting I helped the people organize it, plan a bit and all went on. On the meeting some internal things were told and at the end promotions given out. One of the Privates I help didn't get a promotion, even though he helped make this whole meeting possible and more (I didn't know what happened before so I should've not judged the decisions made by HQ). And afterwards HQ told be I'll get a PVT rank, instead of a SGT rank I had before. This made me kinda mad and I got into an argument with Then-Viceleader Jonas. Said argument became so heavy that I leaked the SAPA passwords and also did other nasty stuff (Dont want to go into full detail). What happened from your side/why did you leave? : Already disclosed in the question above. Why do you want back in? : Firstly to get my PC back since I lost it somewhere between the argument and leaving the server for 3 years. Secondly since SAPA is now a group I would not become burn out of doing the same things, since I can just spawn as my squad whenever feeling bored from that. What have you learned from this? : In those 3 years I hope I've matured enough to not become angry over such silly things and accept whenever a HQ tells something. Who do you want to apologize to? : Firstly to HQ for misjudging their decisions and leaking the forum stuff since that WAS and STILL IS not acceptable in any way. Secondly to Nanobob and Tut for having them change the Forum passwords because of my actions. And thirdly to all of SAPA for compromising their stuff and spitting on their oppurtunity they gave me. Why should we give you a second chance?: I know I fucked up lots of times. It started once I first left SAPA that things didn't go smoothly from their. I also know that I'm currently on the Blacklist. So I'm not expecting to get any kind of positive feedback from this anyway. However should there be just a tiny slight chance that my Reapply is even considered I would be very grateful for that. Just like I said before, I think I've matured enough to clearly understand that my actions I did before were unacceptable and my Blacklist totally necessary. I'm also open for any kind of punishments you may want to put onto me or talk if you please to do so.
  2. @Thing But not a single post was about me tho.... ANyways im not turning this topic into something else than it is supposed, so this will be my last non-picture post
  3. @Thing I can except people raging about their personal things because I post a pic? lol
  4. @Filex Not only active, but a ragefest xD
  5. @ILLUSION Schlitzauge
  6. Ah shit, here we go again...
  7. @Kain I'm restricted, I visited your profile instead if that is enough.
  8. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 20GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never Why do you need this change? My vehicles were removed when I went inactive Links to your donation topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94472-donationricarda-amount-2000-gbp/?tab=comments#comment-1755153 Links to your previous donation changes requests: - ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Darkred Undercover Buffalo (if the vehicle cant be colored I'll take a black one) Location: LSPD Username: Girlyprimis Vehicle 2: Black and Darkred Crown Victoria Location: LSPD Username: Girlyprimis Additional note: I lost access to my old account, that's why the loginname's dont match. I still have access too my older profile on the archive if proof is required
  9. GENERAL INFORMATION In Game Name: Ricarda Username: GirlyPrimis Age: 23 (as of 19.07) Nationality: German Languages: German, English Total Server Playtime: 7 years (with several breaks in between) Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: SAPA / NNB / SEAL Current/Previous Groups: Ex-PC and Ex-PC Tester Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: 1x Abusive behaviour (getting money from someone elses account) ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: Investigation and stabilizing the security of the State. CIA gathers both external and internal information and helps other policing services to ensure crime preventing. But not only does the CIA the security statewise, but also for any citizen in need of assistance if their capazities aren't maxed out / or focused on more important things. What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: Either OPA, since I see my strenghts within representing official matters/being a public face and controlling what information are released to the public and which are classified since they could possible compromise future operations. Otherwise I would choose DO because of my police career background, which will surely come in handy that way. What is our main role: Crime prevention and Information gathering, both in- and external by any means possible. What can you bring to the squad: Lot's of experiences from my previous squads and my long playtime, an expansive RP ability and loyalty towards the squad I'm in. Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: First I have to ensure that neither mine nor the agencies intentions are released at any point by any means necessary. I would try to gather and document as much intel and informations as I can get without putting myself in risk of getting myself caught in the process. For that I'll use every equipment the CIA has to offer. I'll transfer those informations to the higher ups so they can either transfer them to official policing agency's or for preventing purposes. Should, during any point at the mission, the public safety become critical I'll immediately organize myself with our agents and policing agency's for a swift-strike to end the endangerment. Should my own undercover role become critical at any point of the mission, I'll either leave my role and head back for a briefing. If my cover is already blown, I'll activate my emergency button to let my fellow agents know that I was caught so they can take proper actions. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: I'm both willing to make extensive and long RP's and/or to spend much time on the forums writing articles. Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: @Ardron @ILLUSION Why did you choose C.I.A.: I'm mostly RP based, so this squad is the closest to my preferred playstyle. I also trained Ardron back in SAPA so I know that I'm in good hands here.
  10. @xDarkMan Sending... Connetion interrupted
  11. @Hitler said in Show us yourself V3: What a :duck:
  12. Didn't find a specific thread for it so... Hi
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