~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#39: The Swindler Cop and The Trap ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 29/10/2019 ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay Story: I was at my home, drinking a beer and watching TV, when I received a call from my leader telling me to come to the base now, I didnt know what he wants but I thought some gang meeting, so I wore my clothes and headed to my car, but, unfortunately I found one of my car tyres is flat, and the car isn't able to drive, I start searching for any nearby cars as soon as possible to dismantling it or steal it, as I got trained from an early age, and I found one, I tried first to steal it, but it will take a long time to turn on the engine as I haven't the car keys, so I decided to dismantle and take one of it tyres, everything was going well, until an officer passed and caught me, I tried to offer him a bribe to left me, and he accepted at the end, I gave him the money and he gone, I got the tyre, added it to my car, turned on the engine and headed to our church, on my way to the base there was a dark mysterious car following me in a strange way, I focused on it and he was the cop who I bribed him, I called my leader and told him about that, and he told me to let the cop chases me and dont do anything, when I reached the base, they was preparing for a trap. they attacked the officer, I got back my bribed money, the cop has been killed, we cleared the scene, then we entered our church and had some talk, and his car sent to our undercover factory, which located at San Fierro. ::: :::