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Everything posted by JasonBourne

  1. Patrol #1157 Personal Patrol #20 Participants: J.Bourne Amount of healed or Time of patrol: Around 45 mins. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CPRdEfh
  2. Patrol #1156 Personal Patrol #19 Participants: J.Bourne Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 35 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HpXeLxO
  3. Name: JasonBourne, J.Bourne or Bourne (but im not sure what my nick was at the time i joined SAPA it was either Minty or Bourne) Username: nejc1234567 Rank before kick/leave: Ex-Cadet [none PC] Do you have PC: No. How long have you been in sapa: I believe for like a few days. Who kicked you: Noone, i left myself. Date of kick/leave: Dont remember the date i left, honestly i only remember leaving it around 2017. Reason for kick/leave: Didnt know what i wanted at that time. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : Like i explained above i didnt know exactly what i wanted. Why do you want back in? : As i would like to have a second chance to prove myself and also since SAPA is a group now id love to be a part of it. What have you learned from this? : That it is very unprofessional to leave a squad within such a short period of time. Who do you want to apologize to? : Id like to apologize to everyone in SAPA for my acts in the past. Why should we give you a second chance?: As ive changed myself, i know what i want now and as I believe everyone deserves a second chance.
  4. Section 1 - Non-RP Information Nickname: [FOX]JasonBourne, J.Bourne or Bourne Username: nejc1234567 Old nickname/Other used names ingame: Minty back in the days Age: 21 Gender: Male Current G/S: FOX Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): Last one i have been in was TT and i have been in it for around a year and a half. How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? Almost a month, Field Agent. Current groups: SAM EMS, IAC Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): Centrino (kicked due to my inactivity). Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: I have been banned once for apparently creating a copycat server but the issue has been solved. Tell us something about yourself: Hello, my names Nejc, im 21 years old. I come from a city called Trbovlje which lays in the center of Slovenia. I work as a bartender in a nearby restaurant and thats one of the main reasons why im not that much active as i could be but due to the quarantine im more active than usually as i got nothing to do. Section 2 - Questions Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes. What is your goal within the Fire Department? To improve my roleplay and my other skills overall, to work as a team with other firefighters and become a decent firefighter. Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? Yes. Section 3 - Detailed Profile What are your strengths? Driving, roleplaying, flying. What are your weaknesses? Due to the fact ive gotten a new mice id count shooting as a weakness of mine. Why do you want to join the SAFD? As i have been wanting to join SAFD before i went inactive and i applied and i got denied i believe, now ive decided to re-apply due to me being active again and hopefully get in. What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? Im apart of the SAM EMT team meaning ive got a background in the medicine but now i would like to take a step further and get specialised and get a background in firefighting. Applicant's signature: Date: 13/04/2020
  5. Date: 9/4/2020 FOX crew involved: Bourne Other players involved: @Ragnax Summary: Due to the recent high increase in crimes occuring around San Andreas, several police units have been sent to the streets, including myself. After patrolling around Red County i have came across a person who has been driving as if they have been under some kind of influence. I have flashed my lights and pulled over that specific person asking them to see their ID and driving license. After i have been passed the documents, i checked them in the police computer and on his luck everything was looking fine but something was not right on this driver, so i've decided to check his vehicle if i was to find anything. I told him to open up the trunk and after searching a bit i have came across a gun. I asked him what was this doing in his trunk and he replied saying it was not his and after several attempts of asking him for any of the documents of the weapon and him at the end failing to show me the required documents of the weapon, he has been taken under custody to the Las Venturas Police Department for further investigations. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eW78bK2
  6. Address: Electricity Generator Corp Account name: lior Last seen: 10th February 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AHtBcsX
  7. Bring back the old nametags from 2013 and its all good
  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PCrNORbMuR0
  9. Keep this the way it is or put another trigger on the other side which would allow the crims to open the door and potentionally not get stuck in the room. Cracking system would be good but only for the skilled players but for the new ones it would get very confusing when a cracking panel would show up one of a sudden when they would try to open up the door.
  10. Lets just remove our whole loadout and well run around you like chickens while yall kill us one million times, seems fair to me
  11. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 10gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never yet. Why do you need this change? As i could really use an airplane. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16445/donation-bourne-amount-10-00-gbp/2 Links to your previous donation changes requests: N/A ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Police Dodge Location: LVPD https://imgur.com/a/9AOqXU1 Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: A shamal and as i've previously requested a wrap and i couldn't put it on the police vehicle i'd like to have the wrap 'camo2' on it, if that's not possible then i want it in black color with access wheels. Location: Somewhere at LV Airport with an icon. Username: nejc1234567 Interior: N/A
  12. Address: 8 Alpine Road Account name: mongols123 Last seen: 17th February 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Cb6uGCq
  13. In-game Name: J.Bourne Role-play Name: Jason Bourne Username: nejc1234567 Nationality: Slovenian How often are you on the server? (Hours per week): It all depends on my work schedule but due to the current circumstances im more active than usually but normally i play around 20+ hours a week. Current organization: Fox Operations X English proficiency (1/10): On a scale of 1/10 id rate my English at around 9/10. What position would you like to apply for: Special Advisor. Current role-play affiliations (groups): SAM EMS at the time being. Why do you deem yourself fit for the Liberty Party: As i believe im a good fit for the party due to my experience and as im willing to work hard and learn more stuff at the same time.
  14. Patrol #1128 Personal Patrol #18 Participants: N/A Amount of healed or Time of patrol: Approx. 40 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SRZ2iQz
  15. Sick idea man, im pretty sure it'd make the civilian side more active which is good, im with you, +1
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