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Everything posted by Dovahkiin

  1. no drinking even on saes
  2. MIT - Application Form Username: Dovahkiin23 Account name: Dovahkiin Age: 21 years old Nationality: Croatian Languages: English, Slovenian English skills (1-10): 7-10 Do you have Discord: Yes How long you play SAES/RPG: Three years, I'm not sure How much in-game hours do you have: 799 ingame hours Do you have Procop Diploma: Yes, I have Previous Gang/Squad/Company: FBI, SAPA, CIA, SAFP, DEA, Royals, TRF, STF Have ever been banned before: No Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail: Explain Rule 3: **: Patroling alone is a no, no thing. For example, if you are patrolling alone and some degenerate is ready to kill you because you found out that he is an motivated sex offender and you dont have anyone to back you up? You are suitable target to be the next victim! Explain Rule 4: So Im not allowed to arrest players below or with 5 wanted level stars. Put it like that, for some reason those criminals you can portrait as bootleg criminals, you cant perform supreme krav maga police tactics on 14years old criminal who is slanging dope around corners, it isnt very good thing to do. Explain Rule 6: Rule 6 is basic server rules, no deathmatching, park killing, marker killing etc. Explain Rule 8: Do not arrest at Hospital and Events. If someone escapes to an event wait for them to come out. Do not be AFK at Hospital, leave the area immediately. What else to say, 8th rule describes itself as it needs to be. Why do you want to join us ?: Its simple. I read your squads mission and vision. After finding out more about your squad from forum media, I can clearly see how my goals align with the purposes of the squad. There's nothing I love more than working with other engaged individuals towards a common goal, and that's what excited me about doing mission here. My research has led me to four fundamental ways that my goals align with yours, and here they are.
  3. Pls bring back that shitty old jail in Flint County that was two or three years ago in function!
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 90R04877JJ119014M Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Police Dodge (GTA V) Vehicle Colour: normal Specify any upgrades: Nitro 10x Usernames to lock: dovahkiin23 Where you want it placed: Bone County PD ( Here: https://i.imgur.com/ISv4NFm.png) For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  5. San Andreas Federal Police Case Report Case No: 3 Date: 25.3.1992. Reporting officer: Dovahkiin, officer @Ivo Prepered by:@Sanfara @Sanfara said in Sanfara's Application for ALT: Type Of Activity: RolePlay ALT Members: N/A Participants: @Dova @Maria @lvo Information/Story: so in the morning, i was doing some trucks delevries and when i was near Los Santos International Airport a cop just shows from no where and turns his siren on me and ordred me to pull over,turn the engine off and step out from the vehicule, i responded to the call and did what he told me then he walked to my place and started a conversation with me, he told me that i was speeding fast (120km/h) then he asked me to give him my ID and License cards then he went to scan them after a while he told me that this is not my first speed trap, i told him that this is correct and i already paid them. he told me that he will check my truck but he found it clear, he gave me back my cards and told me that im free to go now. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. San Andreas Federal Police Case Report Case No: 2 Date: 22.3.1992. Reporting officer: Dovahkiin Prepered by: Dovahkiin INCIDENT: Drug Dealing Detail of event: San Fierro, Queens; suspect named Eric Lanlard, street name Easy E, was selling drugs (LSD, cocaine) in his night club Gaydar Station . The call was made by anonymous female person about his nightclub extra profit . After brute force in his club and police investigations taken, 500 kgs of cocaine & 65kg of LSD was found in clubs' cellar . Eric tried to escape with his purple car (Tahoma) but was successfully taken down by police pursuit. Actions taken: Eric Lanlard was arrested and taken to San Andreas Department of Justice in San Fierro where he will be investigated by San Andreas Federal Police Marshals about details and to find out from where did those drugs arrive. After that he will be sentenced to prison. Screenshoots: ::: :::
  7. Name: Dovahkiin Username: Dovahkiin23 Rank before kick/leave: Probationary Sergeant Do you have PC: Yes How long have you been in sapa: One and half year Who kicked you: None, I left by myself Date of kick/leave: I dont know, it was long time ago. Reason for kick/leave: I left SAPA to join another squad. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I wanted to join another squad to learn new things and perspective frome other people. Why do you want back in? : I miss the glory days when I was still a cadet in SAPA. What have you learned from this? : I want my old SAPA days back. Who do you want to apologize to? : To Jonas133, he was a good SAPA vice leader & I miss him. Why should we give you a second chance?: Because I'm a good nature person that respects everyone, always ready for teamwork and I'm a big fan of SAPA.
  8. https://www.workers.org/2020/03/46670/ Its not a joke, someone somewhere knows what are they doing, but we don't. When USA sends 30k marines to Italy you know its not a joke.
  9. San Andreas Federal Police Case Report Case No: 1 Date: 14.3.1992. Reporting officer: Dovahkiin Prepered by: Dovahkiin INCIDENT: High rise patrol Detail of event: Day 13.3.1992. about 20:20h , suspicious bike apeared in Red County, after speeding away, the person driving the bike did NOT comply to speed limit on road. When I got close to him and gave him a warning to stop the vehicle, person was ignoring my warning. After another warning, (I got much closer to the bike) person driving started to shoot at me. After about ten minutes of police pursuit I managed to ram him outside in the ditch. Person driving the bike (suspect) was called Darude ( one of GJMC's leader). He stepped of his bike and immediately grabbed his gun and tried to shoot me. After cover action he ran away. Actions taken: An arrest warrant was sent after the person Screanshoots: ::: :::
  10. mouthed vaccum cleaner veteran whore
  11. GENERAL INFORMATION In Game Name: Dovahkiin Username: Dovahkiin23 Age: 19 Nationality: Croatian Languages: English, German, (all balkanic languages) Total Server Playtime: 696 hours of total gameplay Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: ~[STF]~(blue) , ~[FBI]~(blue,navy) Current/Previous Groups: Current: ~[ProCops]~(cyan) , Previous: ~[San Andreas Medics]~(lime) Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: N/A ROLEPLAY INFORMATION For you, what is C.I.A.: For me CIA is one of the largest secret agency in the world. It represents to me confidentiality, integrity, order and discipline. What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: Directorate of Operations. Because there isn't a worlwide crisis where CIA isn't involved,and by that I mean that CIA is the largest secret agency that controls the world not only by outside but from inside other foreign countries. By spying other foreign countries (especially those who are threat to US government) CIA fills the gaps, perfects spying,the result of that is always a step foward to slowing worldwide crisis in better way. My conclusion is that when you or someone else talks about CIA, you have that creepy, shady feeling that some CIA agent is watching you dressed as French onion seller. You hear that your neighbor was shot last night by some dude from France who sells onions, no it was CIA undercover agent doing his job right! What is our main role: International circumstances after CLO terrorist attacks have led to covert actions becoming a significant instrument of US foreign policy. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is responsible for their implementation, which has become not only an important actor of US foreign policy, but also a subject of international relations, a very effective means of achieving national interests, a secret action, because of the realization of secret actions and the successful realization of US national interests are in their essence an interventionist mechanism and almost all CIA activities out of that spectrum are illegal. However, their role and significance within the instruments to achieve the goals from the spectrum of American national security have changed to a certain extent. Secret operations are still a significant tool for achieving goals. What can you bring to the squad: As its a game I can bring you much fun by doing Roleplays, and other CIA involvements in SA. I'm fast at learning. CIA will for me be other experience because of different roleplay situation, as not only CIA is about San Andreas State but for other country too. Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: Depends on which type of spying mission it is. For example, if you are spying someone in its house: technology has gone so far and I could easily spy him through his laptop camera, through his Smart TV, mobile telephone etc. We are in 21st century, there is no need for looking him from my car or van like in movies. You can do all that in your office, on your computer. Check his activities in the morning, evening routines and everything else. And if you have enough evidence that the suspect is hiding something, you can easily disguise yourself as French onion seller and lockpick his door. OTHER INFORMATION Any other information you wish to specify: No Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: No, decision for writing this apply is all by myself. Why did you choose C.I.A.: As I mentioned above, it's because of all that shady feelings about CIA, it would be quite fun to roleplay as a CIA agent and it will be totally new experience for me than it was in other squads.
  12. Patrol #3 Personal Patrol #3 Participants: [SAM]Dova Duration: 1 Hour Amount of healed individuals: 30+ Screenshot : https://imgur.com/a/UGZsQQl
  13. Patrol #2 Personal Patrol #2 Participants: [SAM]Dova Duration: 30mins Amount of healed individuals: 8+ ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/4xBb1Ro
  14. Wise words Tenpenny, wise words
  15. If I was an HQ I would make an official poll about this so players and other staff/admins can decide what they want about this situation! We have here many complains, people who say hes a good guy, people who says that he is a bad one. So lets make an official poll what players and others want, demoting him in HQ or staying in HQ. I think thats best, reasonable and mature way to decide on that, we need to respect democracy! Note: only stating my opinon on this situation what I would done if I were in charge( I'm not in charge so you can ignore it if you want), not on situation who is good guy who is bad guy so dont be angry on me!!! You need to promote love not hate mans! here is a cute cat with a bread arround his head
  16. Roleplay type: Arresting drug traffickers Description of roleplay: LVPD got anonymous call that some thugs from gang called OverdosedCrime were guarding some kind of cargo for a few days. It was something that smelled at this point, so LVPD called Special Task Force to go and take a look at cargo storage in Redsands West, Las Venturas. STF quickly arrived, then blocked the road and saw two black males (supposed to be OC criminals). STF officers have done basic routine inspection in which they found that one gang member had illegal supstances in his car. After good inspection of their car, officers found out that cargo storage belonged to OC high ranked member. Cargo was inspected and there was found many illegal items such as stolen cars, famous San Andreas paintings, stolen jewerly and illegal drugs. They were arrested and brought to LVPD where they will be transfered to Los Santos courthouse to be sentenced. Participant(s): @Laza @Ramos @OrionnN @Dufabo @Victor @BonIIs @ziad @Elyes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0LzSKkR
  17. decomposing corpse that sexually harasses children for living
  18. Personal Information - Name: Damjan Nickname: Dova Age: 18 Gender: Male Nationality: Croatian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): My name is Damjan, I live in Croatia's capital city Zagreb.There I'm studying mechatronics. I love to hang out with my freinds a lot. Playing SAES when I have free time. I a have no intresting hobbies. I'm intrested in law enforcmant(any thing thats has do with law), love to pe paragon to SAES community and helping others in bad times! How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I think two years now Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? Banned no, jailed yes (jailed speaking my national language) Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: SAPA, FBI and unofficial DEA Please list your current group memberships on the server: ProCops and San Andreas Medics What are your strengths? I know how to make good and creative Role Plays, I have good arresting skills, I'm patient and I love to be proffesional in anyway possible What are your weaknesses? I quess parachuting Do you have discord & TS3? No I don't have Whats your average ping? 50-60 Do you have access to the PC spawns? Yes I have! How many hours do you have in-game? 639 hours How often do you visit the forums? Everyday! Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 10/10 Arresting (out of 10): 10/10 English (out of 10): 8/10 Driving (out of 10): 10/10 Combat (out of 10): 6/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? I think if I join STF my part as ProCop right now will be filled. Joining STF will be difficult achievement. Also I want to be in proffesional squad that do things right! Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? None recommended me Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes I have In your own words, define roleplay: Roley play or RP is acting like real life person, for example if you are police officer and you pull up a car I will act proffesional like real life officer, I will do basic rutine inspection and all like in real life. In your own words, define DM: DM or Deathmatching is killing player ingame for no reason and with no point at all. DM is for weaklings. In your own words, define teamwork: Team work is special ingridiant for any squad, if there is good organization and teamwork there is proffesionality and stability. But mainly team work is helping and good arrangements with your squad colleagues.
  19. +1 @Tut-Greco
  20. Patrol #1 Personal Patrol #1 Participants: [SAM]Dova Amount of healed individuals: 18 ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/F61zF0G
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