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Posts posted by Howlze

  1. One thing I think makes the BRs extremely troublesome is the way the interior is built. The pyramid-ish scheme, when you have to run into the main cracking room is close to impossible if there are more than 5 on each side. They continously spam their Combat Shotguns/M4s, and you'll almost, if not everytime instantly get killed.

    I agree there needs to be added some difficulty to the bank robberies, as they are a bit too easy for the gangs to defend.

  2. Hi everyone,

    The Idea:
    Adding a pair of handcuffs that are strictly for role play usage. They should be restricted to SAi, Secret Service, DE, HLS, ProCop. Adding them to official squads could be considered, however, I just feel like it is too easy to become a part of an official squad. They didn't earn it the same way you did in the restricted groups - you had to prove your worth, that you know how to role-play and actually play the game. Not just play the arrest and kill everyone game.
    These handcuffs are supposed to be used to put people that are a threat to either the national security (Secret Service) in custody.

    How should they work?
    They should restrict the person who is cuffed from running (shift-running) - or perhaps at a limited speed. They should not be allowed to pull out any form of guns either.
    Both parties (the one cuffing & the one being cuffed) should confirm the action, this should be added to prevent any sort of abuse. Considering they are STRICTLY for role play usage, a confirmation system should not be troublesome whatsoever.

    To allow more role-play ideas. The entire role-playing scene is getting saturated, and people are getting tired of the typical - get pulled over, talk for a few minutes, and then get a bribe to role-play episode. Therefore, it is time to add some new features, that would give people the interest of role-playing.

    Looking forward to seeing your criticism.

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