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Everything posted by Albie
FOX Crew: Drebin Slay Howlze AntiRug Knele Danniel Ethan XpooKs Date and time of the patrol: 27/11/2020, 19:35 to 20:05 Screenshots: ::: :::
The rules are very clear on this, it only needs a small amount of common sense to understand a situation and assess it. The clear exception to the words "arrest first" is 'unless arresting is not an option', and after it you're given a couple of examples. If you want the desired effect of your suggestion, then you have to suggest that cops should not be allowed to participate in Turf Zones at all, otherwise, the rules remain unchanged and the exceptions still apply. A cop entering a turf zone is almost always outnumbered, and most definitely taking fire, it makes no sense to allow cops to enter Turf Zones then tell them 'But you can only run around and try to arrest the 50 people shooting at you, oh and you can't shoot back.' If you have an issue with a certain cop that's targeting you and constantly killing you, you can easily report that ingame without needing to suggest this. This doesn't really seem like a genuine suggestion if you're gonna use the argument 'Cops kill every criminal', because if that was actually true then you can literally get them adminjailed without this suggestion. To answer Tut's question, to me it seems like this suggestion isn't really because people think it's worse to get killed than arrested, it's more like... Criminals want cops to chase them instead of shoot back, that way cops become an easier target, but when cops have the ability to shoot back, they're not as easy a target because they could kill your teammate and arrest you. On the other hand, if the cop wasn't able to shoot back, the most likely thing to happen is that the cop will try to run straight to you and your teammate, making it way less risky and more easy to kill the cop. TL:DR, it's easier to kill a cop when he's chasing you than it is when he's shooting you. That's why they want this rule added.
@Jay said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: How can you not see the logic? If you smell by simply just having armpit hair then you obviously don't clean yourself thoroughly enough. I have never shaved my pits, and was always an athletic kid/teenager and never once was i riddled with bad body odour. The people who do complain of bad body odour from not shaving their pits, clearly don't wash properly and/or don't use deodorant. If you don't wanna shave your pits then that's fine, do what you want but saying that it is absolutely a requirement to shave your arm pits is fucking retarded. That's like saying it's mandatory to shave away your facial hair because dirt can live amongst your beard. Like no, you just wash it. Pretty simple, there's nothing scientific about it. The reason I couldn't see the logic is because if a person actually takes the time to shave their armpits then they obviously will care enough about their body to wash and clean properly, if the people who shave are the "dirty people" why would they waste the time and effort to shave? You said that you never shaved your armpits and that you never had a body odor but it's never the same for everyone, some people get a bad body odor so a clear and obvious solution would be shaving the extra hair so it's easier for air to actually cool down the body temperature and stop it from sweating. Again, it's not the same for every person but there's people in this topic who keep saying "Men don't shave" and other similar things. But it's easy to see why people actually shave when they feel like they have more body odor than other people, it increases the effectiveness of deodorants and antiperspirants. It's not even just that, in different cultures people are required and expected to regularly shave, and you can easily see the link between that and the climate where those people live. People living in warmer areas are more likely to shave than people who live in cold climates, body hair traps more heat, and shaving it will literally make you feel refreshed and invigorated, just washing will never give you the same result, I even tried it myself. I went ahead and stopped shaving my armpits, to see how long it takes for me to start having a smell, and it was VERY clear that when I shaved, I smelled great for waaaay longer after a shower than when I didn't shave, it made it easier to just clean up the skin itself without a barrier, the hair just traps sweat and makes it harder to remove the scent of it. If you don't want to shave, then you don't have to shave, but whenever a vote is involved, it's clear that the majority of people find body hair unappealing and only a rare few actually view it as an appealing/manly trait. So don't be surprised when people get grossed out about body hair. It's not a requirement to shave, but when an argument or discussion is involved, the people who never shave tend to start using derogatory terms to justify what they're doing, makes me feel like they're just using the lazy way out, which in turn makes me think that the people who don't shave are dirty and lazy, and that's the common stereotype about them.
[SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on
Albie replied to Leb's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Spetnazz said in [SUGGESTION] Able to kill outside of the bank when a PBR is on: Better suggestion; Make sure every admin is on the same page in regards to rules. I'm pretty sure I've been told that it's allowed to defend outside during PBRs by multiple admins. Turns out it isn't (???). The admins have 2343232 interpretations of the rules, and it's honestly making the server unbearable. I agree with this ^, we should be pushing for clarification on all rules, people shouldn't be adminjailed for something that wasn't clarified or something that different admins had a different opinion on. Common sense can't always be applied on everything, there are rules that need a whole lot of clarification, and if no admin is willing to fix that then punishments shouldn't be given away on rules that aren't clearly written. -
@Jay said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Those who shave and say they do it so they don't smell are probably the dirty people. I have never and will never shave my armpits unless any future girlfriend I have wants me to and even then I'd probably end up just pushing her down the stairs for being such a bitch. I fail to find any logic behind this statement, could you please clarify it? @Spetnazz said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Or people who, for some reason, havent heard of antiperspirant in 2020... Which I dont know if I find more or less concerning than them being dirty Using antiperspirants then keeping a forest right under your arm will literally limit the effectiveness of it. An antiperspirant is meant to be applied on your SKIN, not your HAIR. Armpit hair doesn't have sweat glands does it? Shaving/Trimming your armpit hair makes an antiperspirant more effective, so people who shave their armpit hair THEN use antiperspirant are still better smelling and more hygienic than people who don't shave but use antiperspirants. Yet again, another reason why shaving is better, so ha! Nobody yet brought up a logical/scientific argument as to why not shaving is better, the only thing you see here is people claiming that "It's manly" and everyone who disagrees with their opinion is a bitchnot good enough of a reason to not shave. Bartman tried, but the "health benefits of not shaving" that he posted claiming that not shaving makes your sex better has no legitimate sources and seems to be highly based on opinion with the exception of one point that it brings up, the 'cuts and infections' one, as if the same doesn't apply to any cut on your body, it seems like that "benefit" was only added to advertise a different post they made. I could easily go on and on about how desperate the people defending 'not shaving' are for any claims that can help them, using insults or memes to back up that idiotic logic doesn't make you very smart, it just makes you look like you don't have any evidence to support the claims you have. If you have an opinion, then man up and defend it with real evidence(scientific or logical), instead of hiding behind insults like a insertbadwordhere.
YEAH! That's what a real MAN looks like! sarcasm(cuz some people will take it seriously)
@DROT said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: why does it grow there if it is not supposed to be there No one really said that it's not supposed to be there, just because something is part of your body doesn't mean that you shouldn't take care of it and clean it. The same applies for nails, why cut them? Would you say the same thing for nails? What's the difference between those two? What about beards and regular hair, why do humans shave and style those? You can go all natural if you want, but it doesn't change the fact that for most people it's unappealing, uncomfortable, and has a worse smell if you don't shave and groom it. Men who groom and shave do it for many reasons, mostly revolves around culture, style and also basic hygiene. Let's be honest here, there's A LOT of people who use the "Real men don't shave their armpits" excuse to just be lazy and expect people to actually accept that. If you don't want to shave your own hair, you're free to do that, but don't go around trying to force others to do the same thing just because you don't want to shave your armpits. A real man wouldn't belittle other men just to make himself feel better about his laziness. Some people might actually find it attractive, many others won't, so the question just depends on who do you want to look appealing for.
[CREATIVE] New sirens (audio)
Albie replied to Tut's question in Server Modifications / Handling Suggestions
@Tut-Greco said in New sirens (audio): @Bidrift said in New sirens (audio): I totally agree, but don't give it away to everyone, it should be locked to PC, official policing groups and official squads (all of the squads or some certain squads for example those that have a level higher than 4). That way it wouldn't be spammed/abused by random players and it gives players an impression to join squads or groups. It wasn't my idea to restrict it to certain groups, but it's not that i don't mind it. let's see what others have to say. It's a small feature, but small features are probably the only things keeping certain groups alive, so in my opinion it's a definite yes that this should be restricted, -at the very least- from police trainees. I'm on the edge on if this restriction should involve squads or not, so it might need more future discussions. -
My vote is a YES as long as the same limitations apply, which probably means cargarb will only be available on the Patriot, and that sounds pretty fair. A few issues that should be looked into if this actually gets added: -Depends on how well scripted this gets, criminals should not be able to cargrab on any emergency vehicle. -Another issue which might pop is how can you arrest a criminal if they're cargrabbing? Since if I recall correctly you can't melee people who are cargrabbing. -If the melee issue gets fixed, there's another bug that might cause some problems, which is spamming /cargrab; it basically changes between empty cargrabbing spots, which makes you look like you're teleporting and might help bug abusers avoid arrest. Those are the only ones I can think of so far, aside from that, there's no problems with this being added!
FOX Crew: Albie, Toolbox, Jeaven, Sneijder, Ha$$oni(At the end) Date and time of the patrol: June 19th, ~23:00 to 23:30 Screenshots: Album!
Prison Break (Jailbreak Cooldown System)
Albie replied to CheeseBotMk2's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
Take this into consideration: "Personally you could turn it into something interactive(like an event INSIDE the prison), where criminals have to team up and stop cops from locking down the prison." Something needs to be done to make jail breaking more fun for everyone, because the way it's going right now is pretty meh, a pointless DM war where everyone gets mad and goes AFK after anyways. -
Prison Break (Jailbreak Cooldown System)
Albie replied to CheeseBotMk2's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Albie said in [SUGGESTION] Prison Break (Jailbreak cooldown system): A jailbreak cooldown system will help replace the need for admins to actually watch the prison constantly to make sure no camp DMing happens. This can be used as a clear line for criminals to back off when they can't make a jailbreak, it also encourages criminals to actually escape quickly and leave the area instead of sticking around for hours. The suggestion details can be improved on, but the main idea shouldn't change. Personally you could turn it into something interactive(like an event INSIDE the prison), where criminals have to team up and stop cops from locking down the prison. Moving this here -
Activity Details: The FOX Headquarters has received a call about a criminal raid at the Los Santos Correctional Facility(Prison) which involved a huge amount of rioters and escapists. Mere moments after hearing the call, three FOX Agents have been sent to handle the situation, Detective Agent Albie along with Senior Field Agents Redlive and Destroyer in a FOX issued Tactical Maverick helicopter. The situation has been handled professionally, with armed targets eliminated and rioters contained, none of the Agents have received any long-term injuries(No deaths). Overall, a successful operation. Date: Tuesday, May 12th, 2020. - 1:10 Screenshots: Click!
[SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system
Albie replied to SheraP's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
@Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Marker abuse / Jail system: almost never using this marker, but the one marker at helipad no arrest protection, or iam nub & mooved : D You're actually right about the roof marker having no arrest protection, but it also has NO type of protection AT ALL, so it's not just criminals but cops always get marker killed in that one. -
[FEATURE] - Mark Vehicles Immune to Respawn
Albie replied to Stone's question in Suggestions / Changes - In Review
I have a mixed idea for each of the suggested solutions. Instead of making it so it's marking a car as immune, you could instead make it so if the car owner used /engine then it wouldn't respawn AS LONG as the OWNER is in a certain range of the car itself, that way you wouldn't have to worry about any abuse of marking the car as immune to troll people. But this also brings up the issue of group vehicles, since they technically don't have an owner. -
[SUGGESTION] Radio for State Troopers
Albie replied to Guard's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
It's not about them being newbies or knowing radio codes, since none of that actually matters. The radio is a simple feature that allows communication between different 'cop groups'. So you shouldn't actually look at it from the perspective of "State Troopers aren't newbies." instead you should ask if State Troopers are actually gonna use this effectively or are they gonna abuse it? Is giving them the radio access gonna stop them from attempting to reach a higher role like PC or any other cop role that gives you access to this feature? Based on my own experience, the main reasons to join a squad/group or become a PC is the features, but if those features are gonna be accessible to me then do I really need to join any law organization? It's a silly question, since people will reply with the argument of 'But radio wouldn't stop people from joining squads and cop groups', and yeah I agree, but we should at least know HOW MUCH it will affect that. TLDR: How big will the impact be on people joining cop groups if State Troopers have access to the radio? -
@Jagwar said in Five-0 :: News within the squad: rip u annoying cucks now i can freely ride with 2stars. it was a good run while it lasted I think you're forgetting that their members/philosophy will still live on, better /loc every single ex Five-0 member while you can!
FOX Crew: Albie, Reacher, Redlive, Split Date and Time of the patrol: 18/03/2020 - ~18:45 Screenshots: ::: :::
[FEATURE] | Reworking the SAES Dogfighting (Hydra) System
Albie replied to Howlze's question in Suggestions / Changes - In Review
@Cummins said in [SUGGESTION] | Reworking the SAES Dogfighting (Hydra) System: Good idea, but it's hard to prioritize an issue that affects only the handful of players that are allowed to fly hydras. You're right, it only affects a small amount of players, but here is the thing, it was mentioned that patches for this bug already exist in other server, so it doesn't become a case of "should this be prioritized?", instead it's a case of "when/how can these already existing scripts get implemented in SAES?" -
FOX Crew: Albie, Aaron, Ha$$oni, JohnnyEnglish. Date and Time of the patrol: 16/03/2020 - ~11:30 Screenshots: ::: :::
FOX Crew: Albie, Ha$$oni, JohnnyEnglish Date and time of the patrol: 12/3/2020, ~20:20 Screenshots: ::: :::
FOX Crew: Albie, Toolbox, Beast Date and time of the patrol: 7/3/2020, ~18:30 Screenshots: ::: :::
FOX Crew: Albie, Arsenic, Dominik Date and time of the patrol: 02-26-2020, 16:50+ Screenshots: ::: :::
Address: 2 Rodney Road Account name: bassmetal Last seen: 16th of January, 2019 (40 days) Screenshots: Here!
FOX crew: Albie, JohnnyEnglish, Howlze, Sultz(At The End) Date and time of the patrol: 20th of February ~21:50-22:30 Screenshots: Album!