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Everything posted by Diamond

  1. Event: Chicken Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): Shlyukha Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Event: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @zKill98 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. I. Personal Info In-game Name: BaBDiamond Username / Account-name: babdiamond Age: 16 Gender: Male Nationality: Poland Languages Spoken: Polish, communicative English and Average Russian Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): Between B2 and C1 Average Ping: 40 and less Average FPS: 60-100 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hey, I am BaBDiamond, my real name is Jdrzej and I am from the small city "Jaworzno" in Poland. I am a 16 years old teenager who likes video games and has experience with RolePlaying a character. My hobby is breakdance and I am really into it. Last time I have a good run in many dancing competitions. II. In-game experience When did you join the server: March 2015 How much do you play each day: End of school time, so now I have like 4-6 hours. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAPA Name the reason(s) for leaving: Got PC and left. Current group memberships: PC If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Yes, I would. Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): N/A Name the reasons why you received these punishments: N/A III. Personal skills and knowledge (this question has to be answered in full sentences) Your strengths*: One of my strengths is Driving, I think I am good at it because if I chase someone, my partners know that there is more than 90 % chance that we are going to catch him, I know all Map and lot of short ways in the cities. I think that I'm also good in helicopter piloting, I know what to do, to keep my helicopter in good condition and If needed I can parachute. I am good too in arresting Criminals on Store Robberies because I was patrolling with many squads before and I saw a lot of Tactics. At last, I want to say that I am good at teamwork, I'm listening to orders and I am also giving my propositions. Teamwork Is Key to Victory! Your weaknesses*: I am not the best at shooting, I mean that sometimes a criminal can be better than me, but I am trying to fix it and I will try still. My second weakness is when sometimes someone is playing the fool and trying to dare me, I can't stand and I am using strength, but I can control it while on duty. Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*: Hey, this is one of the oldest squads in SAES. Joining here it's an honor and privilege. Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*: As I said in my strengths, I am good at team working, parachuting and driving, but that are my skills, about my nature, I think I am a nice and communicative person, I know when need to be mature and when is time for jokes. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): SWAT RP: ::: As I see it the S.W.A.T. only for the best, they according to what real S.W.A.T do in real life. This squad is not for traffic controls or writing tickets, they do much more. If there is a Bank Robbery or Store robbery, at first people call Normal Cops, but a normal policeman cannot do much in those situations, so they call S.W.A.T., as I said, this unit is called for actions that need high skills and well-organized squad. "If S.W.A.T. is near, citizens no need to fear." ::: Chosen situation: ::: Okay, so the situation is like that, there is a store robbery in Las Venturas, next to the Blackfield Stadium near S.A.P.A. base. There are much of criminals and they are staying on the roof. At first, we are in Las Venturas, there are 9 S.W.A.T. officers. We split into three teams: the first team is the airborne unit (four people, including the one pilot), the second team is terrene Unit (3 people) and the last team is two snipers, one sniper is at the north of the Store Robbery and another is on the roof of the stadium. Now, we are leaving S.W.A.T. base, the terrene unit takes a SWAT tank and Airborne unit takes the helicopter, also 2 snipers going to grab a helicopter and go with them. The first step is placing snipers on positions I mentioned before, their role will be covering the airborne unit, terrene unit have to do the second step, they need to go near to the store Robbery and 2 hides behind the SWAT tank, one person goes inside the store because they need to force criminals to keep focus on them and the last step is airborne unit, they need to go under Store Robbery and Drop with lines at it, snipers will need to neutralize everyone, who want to look in the air, because no one cannot see the S.W.A.T. helicopter, because if criminals will see it, the all-action will not success. At the last, when airborne unit drop on the roof of the Store robbery, terrene unit speedy go to the Store and jump on Roof when the airborne unit is trying to arrest criminals. :::
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