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Everything posted by ForeManito

  1. #734 Event Name: 2 vs 2 sniper LWS/G6: @KARIM {LWS} Prize:1.5M Winner(s): @Deep @nicky Screenshot(s):https://imgur.com/a/bTASYYy
  2. #733 Event Name: Last Man Standing LWS/G6: @KARIM {LWS} Prize:1M Winner(s):[iAA]Harb Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/7UPcVOz
  3. Happy birthday bruh !!
  4. Ingame name:Foreman Username:essftw Country of Residence and Nationality: I currently live in sousse and my nasionality is tunisia Spoken Languages: Arabic is my primary language and am also capable to speak a decent english and frensh a little bit Age: am 14 years old Date of the beginning of your SAES careersince: i've been playing on the server for a while , its been probably a year and a half and the amount of time i spent is adequate to enter such a great organisation like the company because i reached the experience required and became fully aware of the server rules. Previous organization: UndergroundEmpire / Pirus / ETF The reason why you left or got kicked out: ETF: Honestly , They made me have fun playing with them but i felt rather uncomfortable at the same time because i started getting bored of the cop's side. Pirus: i've been always playing solo when i was in pirus and i really was fed up passing my time doing nothing. UnderGroundEmpire: the organisation was on a really awful situation and i faught with a member so i settled to leave. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Yeassh , here we go all over again !! Okay so paragraphs startingggg .... Now !! I am 14 years old , my name is aziz, and I am a person with different personalities, characteristics, and identities. the many ways, in which I identify myself, in fact, are the ways that define who I am. I have a big brother, which makes me a bother; I have two loving parents, which makes me a son, I am in middle school, which makes me a student, and I have wonderful friends , I play video games , make arts and love listening to different types of music and i seriously enjoy watching whatever i find in youtube. I enjoy lots of different video games, however mta is in the leading and its my top game and the only server that entertains me is SAES:RPG , i've been playing on the server for an extended period and i never got bored the whole era. i became an experienced player over days and such a great roleplayer. i turned into a player who is fully aware of the server rules who have such a magnificent shooting , driving and flying skills. Im also a friendly player who is fully developed and mature that won't ground any problems to the organisation in which im. so yeah, that's me. Sweet. Bye.
  5. RolePlay Number:(33) Story: While i was drinking alcohol, i got a call from an old friend of mine, he needed some drugs, i'd gladly told him to meet me at a exact location to make the deal there. When i arrived, i found him there, waiting for me. I opened the car trunk, then he choosed the best quality of the drugs, we discussed about the price, then he went to put it on his car trunk. While he was doing this, Suddenly, a cop came, aimed at us, and threatned us to enter his vehicle or die. Then he took us to Los Santos Police department, checked our files on the police computer, we're accused of drug trafficking, he tried to take us to a jail cell, i whispered to my friend and told him, that we'll kill this cop, then run away. Participants: @Jamal,@Me@cop.ghg Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/mpb3ftT
  6. Title:Buying some drugs Roleplay Number:(32) Story: It was a normal day in the house so i decided to buy some drugs (cocaine) i talked with someone @the best one in selling drugs his quality so good and i can trust him not like other gangs.i meet him in the base w talked. Finally we have a good deal for kg 35$i goed to check it ready or no so it was all clear i take the drug and we handed over to each others and we went in a way<3 Participants:@Jamal @SoulFly @Foreman Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/IHLrbb0 https://imgur.com/CxY4dje https://imgur.com/3wkeu1M https://imgur.com/ZYGw2KB https://imgur.com/ufRGIIg https://imgur.com/vYNnh7P
  7. In-game Name: -Foreman Real Name: -Aziz Age: -14 Country of Residence: -Tunisia What made you applying for The Pirus?: -who made me to apply to The Pirus is that it has many exprience like the leader Soulfly he is old in Mta (Saes) and i like what thre doing every time is so cool and i promise them i'll be so helpful in this gang. What is the main role of The Pirus?: -Arms smuggling and gun shipment. Let us know a bit about you: -Hello,im Aziz im from tunisia i live in sousse im 14 years old im studying in the scool,i love setup game like Mta cause it feel me like im intelligent in english and it will be so easy when you login to saes and play Do you have access to Discord and a properly working microphone ?: -ye i have access to Discord and Microphone Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?: -you must guys give me the chance to be one of you cause i'll be polite and cool with members and it will be like family and i'll so my best to be The Pirus The Best in Saes in the future and trust me guys cause i will never give up for you <3
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