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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Ardron

  1. Me personally, I do sometimes do reward changes, even if the 30 days mark has not been hit, and I think I'm not the only admin doing that, cause I think we are understanding too, as long as it is not like abused and a new change is requested over and over again. Specially understanding if gang base moved, house sold or so on, so don't think we are 100% strict in doing that. But yeah, at the same time, preventing people from abusing it. Also, there are quite a lot of requests coming in daily, and there is sometimes even a queue in game of pms for reward changes. About a script, changing vehicle type maybe would work, but we would still have to save initially to a location, cause imagine the mess if people can save the vehicles themselves.
  2. Happy Birthday former AA @Snowyyy !! :D
  3. Happy Birthday old nub! @Royalty !!
  4. Sorted!
  5. 2.000.000$ rewarded in game (bonus)
  6. 4 vehicles sorted at props, one removed from BB base
  7. Sorted Shamal in game 1.000.000$ rewarded in game
  8. Vehicle placed, awaiting wrap
  9. Cheetah added at BC Prop 1.000.000$ rewarded in game
  10. Vehicle sorted, 1.000.000$ rewarded in game
  11. Vehicles sorted, awaiting wrap
  12. Sorted!
  13. Vehicles sorted, 2.000.000$ rewarded in game, thanks for donating!
  14. Rewarded myself 3.000.000$ in game, and will place 3 vehicles when I decide what I want! Working on a wrap
  15. Sorted
  16. Sorted
  17. Sorted
  18. This is a manual post TXN ID: 5NG961665G526725J Donation Amount: 30GBP Requested Awards: I will sort the vehicles myself Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: @Brophy for a confirmation!
  19. Sorted!
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