@ramos said in ID Card System: @ardron said in ID Card System: My only question comes up to multiple RP roles, like people have multiple RP chars, should only one ID be allowed per person as a main RP char..? No clue about that ... kinda tricky question MAYBE it could be like: If you are spawned as Police Officer, your ID will be automatically shown for Police Officer If you are currently spawned as Firefighter, on ID it will be your chosen name for a firefighter. My suggestion: Create panel, where you are able to make IDs for your character (For example: 1 name for cop, 1 name for medic, etc.) That's not very hard to make to be honest, to automatically do that, but that can be abused in some ways, and will be hard to be implemented for now together with the police database, which is not really designed for multiple profile users. At least not in the first version. @teddy said in ID Card System: @ardron buy fake id's from a pickpocket that will reduce stars same way as a cop Well I can come out with something more for that, what if.. people with fake id cards, you get stopped by some cops, if there is an online dispatcher or such, in a way, the dispatcher to be able to "do something" in order to uncover if the id is real or not and send the info to the cop?