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Everything posted by Ardron

  1. All sorted
  2. Sorted
  3. Sorted for perkele
  4. Vehicles sorted, 2 cars were easily repositioned. A new Police SF was placed in Five-0 base and the Police Lambo was moved there aswell. All vehicles were locked to ramby. 1.4 mil rewarded
  5. Happy Birthday Mr. Austrian @Geri !! :cake:
  6. Sorted, wrap set to lines
  7. @SAES-HQ Can any of you lock this topic? New one is in place by Taj
  8. Interior 13 added to 3 Anal Block
  9. 3.000.000$ rewarded
  10. @ILLUSION Don't worry, there are other places with higher priority to send my wishes which I already did :wink:
  11. Police Turismo added, there is no TST logo in the wrap list so "piglambo" added, locked to users: fandi123,maxismuz4141,kakoki. Wrap was added as a combination of multiple donations: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10566/donation-mr-leon-amount-10-00-gbp/10 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10810/donation-mr-leon-amount-5-00-gbp/7 Having a total of 3 donations, one police dodge which doesnt have a wrap, and the police turismo with a wrap.
  12. Crown Victoria sorted, locked to oximan42
  13. Sorted
  14. Sorted
  15. Donation vehicle moved to TST base, locked to users fandi123,kakoki,kaka02,xxnetroxx
  16. Happy Birthday sir @Hassoni !!
  17. ^[] ^[A nation can only reach it's true potential where every citizen is treated in an equal and fair way, where nobody is beyond law, weather you are a president or a factory worker, where your rights are equal, where transparency is at it's home and where every citizen of our country has a place to call home. ] The San Andreas Communist Party (TSAC) - https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10815/the-san-andreas-communist-party-tsac
  18. @TaJ my answer to you with a video! Staring @Kim https://youtu.be/2CyM4fbO-pQ
  19. Username king1992 Amount donated 30 Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/54872-donation-ardron-amount-2000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/48476-donation-ardron-amount-1000/
  20. Best CC wannabe!
  21. Pro SWAT member
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