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Everything posted by Marwyn

  1. @M7mod maybe add stairs or something like that
  2. replace the useless ring that we can't enter. I don't think this post needs a poll. ::: :::
  3. Address : Sunwear , Sunglasses and Hats Store Owner : Qleder Last seen :22nd december 2019 Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/1W88YIY
  4. @SNome In BRs for example when players are rushing cops or crims you don't have time to differ ..
  5. A problem that will occur when hiding nametags is that some squads and gangs use the same skin ..
  6. website is down are there any other alternatives ?
  7. Simple .. A criminal spawn with the ability to sell drugs and weapons ? and will be given some weapons on the spawn with low ammo ( m4 , cs , uzi , sniper) .. But to spawn you have to get a certain number of SRs and PBRs and other criminal activities done . e.g. 50 SRs 10 PBRs and a different skin as well how about this one ? ::: :::
  8. happy birthday mate
  9. It costs 1.9M and goes 140KM/H ? yes ... totally not worth it . While the Bandito costs 100k and goes .. 240KM/H @Tut-Greco Edit : 145KM/H to be exact
  10. Regarding The Boxer's Spawn -Add the ability for boxers to sell skills . -Add skill selling markers in other boxing clubs-there's only one in LS- . -Boxers don't get wanted in the fighting clubs . -Add a script for organized 1v1 fights in the fighting clubs , suggestions for the script : **1-**When the two players stand in the marker they have the ability to offer the reward and if both type in the same amount and agree to fight (all according to the script) And the money is withdrawn from both players . **2-**HP resets when the game starts . **3-**Boxers don't get wanted during the fight . **4-**A count down for the two boxers where they are frozen until it says GO (like the /event countdowns ) **5-**When a boxers kill the other boxer the money gets transferred to his pocket Matters to discuss : What if one of them times out ? What about the high ping ? What if someone interferes from outside with a weapon ? What about cops with a taser ? Should it be a must to have 0 stars before you spawn as boxer ?
  11. cops will vote no without thinking
  12. After you get rammed by a police car you fall on the ground and you have to wait until you get up but what the cops do is that they /eject their partner so he instantly gets out of the car arresting you as you are getting up after you get rammed , Makes no sense and kinda unbalanced . I suggest removing /eject and if not at least for cops .
  13. +1 but make an option for disabling it .
  14. You've been all waiting for this I know, I contacted the leader of the gang and I got this info ... How to join ? You can't , well .. try pming the leader ingame .
  15. Well for NPC Arms Dealer it's realistic you know in the US there are public gun shops , but public drug shops for cops ? Naaa
  16. How about this ? I think criminals would like it .
  17. Drug dealer got 5 skins and Arms dealer has 2 skins and both are ugly , Add more skins for the arms dealer spawn . EDIT : Suggest skins down below VVV
  18. Well my idea wasn't about moving the jail it was about adding another one there for people who get arrested in LV or SF
  19. Marwyn

    goot aply

    @Markus ahh makes sense ICE CDS TST
  20. Suggestion removed , I didn't like the idea .. But you can still vote !
  21. Marwyn

    goot aply

    I quote "Why did you leave or got kicked from the G/S/C Above?: ICE::I want to return to life as a criminal TST::I want to return to life as a criminal CDS:i want to return to life as a police" Alright so you left ICE to return to criminal life yet you joined another squad "TST" and you left TST to return to life as a criminal ok you joined a gang and you left that gang to return to life as a police and guess what YOU'RE APPLYING TO A GANG , WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS...
  22. @Markus @Markus said in Revive GT: @Bone has explained why this wont be a thing again. I believe this has even been suggested yet denied Where did he explain ?
  23. We know that in a PBR you have to pick up the money from the safe in a numerical order I suggest canceling the MUST to pick it up in the numerical order because sometimes 1 player can ruin the PBR by taking too long on a safe intentionally (trolling) , especially the first safe ... Why do other criminals have to wait for him and makes no sense having to pick up the money in numerical order . at least if one player takes too long we can get the other 7 safes .
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