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Everything posted by Marwyn

  1. Address: 16 Tianmen Square Account name: ichu05 Last seen: 7th of February 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VWJwQ0S
  2. Maybe implement something like the taxi driver money script for patroling cops ?
  3. Event number: 402 Event type: Sniper 1v1 Tournament Reward: 1.000.000$ (sponsored by Fad @fadi-semre12 ) LWS Helper: Matthews Winner(s): Pazoo Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/t4WOO7w
  4. Also when climbing on shit you're basically invincible
  5. probably made before ..
  6. what we want vs what we get
  7. Don't worry man , The statistics are on your side in terms of recovering numbers .
  8. Address: Nanobob Motel Room 1 Account name : zeus74330 Last seen : 22nd of march 2020 Screenshot : ::: :::
  9. I suppose what you mean by marker abuse is cops sitting in marker and shooting while not taking any damage because of marker cooldown thing . I strongly agree that jail needs some changes but not complete rework maybe add some extra rooms and more entrances so crims won't camp at one and it would be more fun for both sides I guess . at this point jail is built like it wants to be jailbreak-ed .
  10. I just hope this topic won't be ignored for the future although the majority accept it
  11. Skerdi
  12. A better solution would be somthing like "Press H to respawn at last spawn " the moment u die or something like that so you can just spam that button.
  13. -Press H to open bribe window.pls -Event music is toggled off by default and we don't have to toggle it off everytime a new song starts pls. -Save M settings so that we wouldn't have to toggle off GTA IV minimap everytime we login.
  14. I just don't get it ? successful BR means money for crims why would it matter where they are standing in the bank why ?!
  15. It's really annoying when you're trying to pick someone up and some kid steals your vehicle the moment you unlock it and just flies away . Add a command that locks the driver's seat only ?
  16. @Shadro not after cops buy energy drinks and get the same speed. Another thing about cops being outnumbered by criminals , tasers are not very effective and rarely used where criminals are crowded such as SRs cops just run around hitting with the bat and in BRs and JBs they just kill ..
  17. @jonathan959 How can you be so ignorant and naive I've tried both sides for a long time , and I experienced playing as a cop for while and seen how easy and unchallenging it is . Then I made this suggestion to see what others think none is crying except your weepy face.
  18. You're missing the point here , it's not who's more active or whatever , The main focus is 1 on 1 pursuit which isn't affected by criminal or police activity .. 1 on 1 pursuit used to be challenging and exciting but now it's almost impossible with the equipment police got .
  19. @Ramos it's called a suggestion either accept it or reject it . Other than that you can clear off .
  20. @hope Kind of a risky move to be honest as you risk avoiding arrest also grenades don't work in interiors . @Tut-Greco You're right but I don't think you fully realize how much of an advantage this is because you rarely play ingame as a criminal ,consider the very short reload time too and boy the recoil is on point . Also the shotgun makes up for the nerf . just give crims taser guns and shotguns and rip (don't)
  21. @Moley But the criminal side has much more players
  22. As you know taser shoots 2 times before having to reload which is unrealistic and kind of over powered to be honest . I know cops will hate this suggestion but cop side has so many advantages such as the shotgun , Which made 1 on 1 police pursuit unchallenging for a cop. This is how tasers actually work: ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_LK-1KpWaU :::
  23. @Tut-Greco Maybe with the use of drugs
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