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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I'd like to see it happen
  2. Well deserved,congrats
  3. Additional activity for both sides,why not.
  4. @Blue said in FPS Issues: buy a better pc :honk: :honk: :honk: Till today my fps was between 30-40.Idk somehow fps drops started.
  5. Today I logged in and I couldn't play cause fps drops.FPS is suddenly drops to 0,and you don't know when will it be drop.Its quite annoying.
  6. 06/08/2020 Assisting NavM BR with Baphomet and Santa in LV Bank ::: ::: 06/08/2020 Assisting NavM BR with Baphomet and Santa in RC Bank ::: :::
  7. Go ingame,press M, and pm to versace.He ll explain you game detailed,also you can ask money from him
  8. Its impossible,also it ll cause fps drops
  9. Happy bday gib us moni
  10. Hbd camel enemy
  11. Eid mubarak
  12. 29/07/2020 Turfing SF and Bayside Before; ::: ::: After; ::: :::
  13. ^[] ^[Multiple pictures taken by photographers and staff of the party] ^[After receiving a call from Michael Trone asking me to provide him company in his small tour around Las Venturas since i was originally from there, We started by checking the biggest areas by going around markets, people started recognizing Michael after seeing him for a couple of times on the TV, our future president refused to pick any important amount of security guards with him to be closer to the people without any walls in between, he encountered workers, cops and even non-workers, listened to their problems and tried to get to a respectful, logical solutions, promises were made and more respect and faith grew in the people, a successful campaign is presented in a a sucessful way of speaking and understanding says our leader] Rick Grimes Democratic Party Press Office
  14. Username/Account-Name: Rick,jerome11 Nationality/Age: Turk,15 Introduce yourself in 3 sentences min: Hello my name is Emirhan,I am 15.I am hardworker guy,I never give up for a thing which I couldn't achieve,also I am versatile I can work for almost every job given to me. Small introduction to your rp identity: Rick Grimes,28 years old.He is angry person but disciplined.Thats why he always wants evrything perfect. What is the main political ideology of the party: DP wants better econimy,and more oppurtinuties for lower classes.Thats why they are most innovator party of SAES.
  15. Picnic Site FINISHED Number of objects: 518 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): PM me for code. Link to the Album: ::: ::: This building's purpose is,people come,and register to this picnic site,and they can come here once in a week. There is some stuff for watching the nature,and there is castle for kids for mediaval Roleplay,also you can see there is a throne for roleplaying. Also we added many plants cause we wanted people feel like in nature.
  16. Happy birthday bobie
  17. @Tut-Greco said in Lets bring old taser back It's not all that simple when you have only 16 backup partners against 100+ criminals armed from top to toe. Keep in mind that it can take minutes for backup to arrive. You are talking like that 100 person hanging with each other lmao,most ppl are hanging alone some of them 2,sometimes 4 and rarely many criminal can get in a picador and I am sure If 4 cop come together they can arrest many criminal without loss,and you are in a squad, squads are arent created for skins and some weapons,you can easily call your partner if you are in a squad.
  18. STAGE BUILDER Account name: jerome11 Ingame name: Rick Your age: 15 Do you got acces to a construction panel? (zip, lws, etc.) If yes, which: ZIP Show us 1 party you've build to convince us (including imgur link): I sent Cheess
  19. RACETRACK-2 4 Number of objects: 578 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): Link to the Album: Well its too big for screenshots,so I made a video for it :) ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSlYiE5PmTo :::
  20. Picnic Site. 3 DAY 1 Number of objects: 121 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): Link to the Album: ::: ::: Its not finished yet,there's a lot thing to do,this building changed to a picnic site.
  21. Happy birthday reis :money_with_wings:
  22. Event #3 Event Type: Chicken shooter LWS/G6 Hoster: @MrSolrac Winner: @Ban Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots ::: :::
  23. The ppl who votes for no cannot aim.
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