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Posts posted by Rick

  1. Name:Emirhan
    RP Name:Joe Barbaro
    Login Name:jerome11
    General Information:I'm Emirhan,I am 15 years old.I was born in Turkey.I am studying at highschool.I am living with my family.I have been playing saes for 5-6 months and i know the rules etc.
    English skill (1/10):7/10
    Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The San Andreas Conservative Party is an old party that Mr.Franco founded by Henry and Franco.This party's main goals are just like that,economy,security and presidency.SACP believes in a strong support for big corporations of our country.SACP can ensure the welfare of people.With the SACP Prostest aren't allowed.Also SACP only coalition with Cuban Liberation Party and they are refuses the other parties for coalition.
    What rank would you like to obtain:Treasurer or Secratary of party
    Current roleplay groups:Al-Munazama
    Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain):N/A
    Why do you want to join (Min 30 words):I would like to join this party,because i like the goal of party and these goals are suits to me.

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