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Everything posted by Kiloo

  1. erection
  2. Title should be "Inactive LV" my bad
  3. Address: 1 dutch faggots close Account name: xtmx Last seen: 5 August 2021 Screenshots:
  4. As heard on Radio SA, Full version now available on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKE2569TxIA
  5. Camels are robbing a store in Los Santos. (1/09/2021) ::: :::
  6. car skills 2021 (i know nothing about editing i just opened premiere and started doing any shit) https://streamable.com/9o56fo
  7. Address: 1 Beach View Account name: bostonking Last seen: 12th of July 2021 Screenshots:
  8. Address: The Antiques Roadshow Shop Account name: monstercookie12 Last seen: 9th of July 2021 Screenshots:
  9. EDIT: Turns out property was already requested before, so please delete this
  10. Address: 9 River Street Account name: monstercookie12 Last seen: 9th of July 2021 Screenshots:
  11. Address: Blades Computer Parts Account name: wave21160 Last seen: 24th of May 2021 Screenshots:
  12. Address: Miller's Disco Account name: Chatar Last seen: 17th of April 2021 Screenshots:
  13. squad rn
  14. finally got rid of varane and got the ethernet cable (iniesta)
  15. Address: Blue House on Richman Account name: kado123456 Last seen: 10/5/2021 Screenshots:
  16. Happy Birthday brother, enjoy your day!
  17. small upgrades
  18. When it starts raining SWAT officers from the sky https://streamable.com/03snzt
  19. trying out some new cards
  20. Applicant Main Information : Nickname : Kiloo Username : overwolf1 Age : 18 Nationality : Egyptian Languages you can speak : Arabic, English and some German Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since 2019 Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : ETF and Gen X If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : They both died Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No What groups are you currently part of ? : None Do you have discord? if yes, link/tag it : mourad#0236 Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?: I'm Loyal and I like to always work as a Team, I'm also Mature and I always try to break no rules. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black~Bullets specialize in Assassinations specifically but they also have workshops for Weapon repairs and customizations and can also provide Ammo for any type of weapon. Money Laundering is also something they can do through their subsidiary company Investments Corp. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I got recommended to check out Black~Bullets and I liked their Roleplay, also it's the house of the camels so it feels like home. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : @Bodo420 (Friend) - @Morde and @Yannick (Recommended me to apply) Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Nope
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