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Everything posted by Hassantt

  1. Address: lv lote warehouse #4 Account name: ali303 Last seen: 24th july 2019 Screenshots:
  2. kl sana wenta tyyeb ya s7by
  3. Ingame name: Hassan Username: BlueZ>Hassan Nationality: egyptian Spoken languages: english - arabic How long have you been playing SAES like 2 years Current organization soon Current groups: Cluckin Bell Tell us more about yourself My name is Hassan and i have 16 years old and i like playing football and games in my PC like SAES, i like to help people and i am very Active ingame,i am very respected player with people and i like play with team and i hope be part of this Group Rate your bmx/mb skills out of 10: like 7.5/10 Explain our role in few words: it mean 8thS going with bikes (BMX) around all Country SA and they wanna develop it more and more to be best thing in saes and need it be famous in SA and can do street racing in saes to all love it and beSomething essential and give this server a better bikes ( like BMX -BM).
  4. gl Bro
  5. woow nice video GL
  6. woow nice bro good luck
  7. ^[] Patrol #13 Patrol duration: 30 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 19.08.2019 Location: patroling around LV Participants: @Ramos Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3ax6i8s1u/ ^[]
  8. Event Number: 61 Event Type: Hunter Chekin Event Price: 100,00,00 LWS & G6: Filex Event Winner: Cripz>Taffy Screenshot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/1dcxsgwck/
  9. Event Number: 61 Event Type: Chechkin Shooter Event Price: 100,00,00 LWS & G6: Filex Event Winner: skysea Screenshot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/1dg5k36x0/
  10. Activity Number: 71 Activity Type: 4 activity members The Pirus (2019/8/16) Screenshot(s):
  11. Name: Hassan Username: Hassan Age: 15 Nationality: egyption English proficiency: its like 8/10 Playtime on the server: 701 Server Groups: Cluck Current organization (g/s/c): Soon Do you own a kart? N/A Why do you want to join us? Hmm, bec its a good group and have a nice and pro members and i like play with team in this group and its not like only players they are a brothers on this group and i love it i applied before in KC but i got deny i forget the nreasons but now i back and applied again now bec i rlly wanna join it and i love KC role its very nice. Why should we accept you? bec i am active player and good player and i rlly wanna it the proof( i applied before but i got deny and now i am applied again) and i will give this ggroup all my skills like in RP and i am respected player and i hope to egt acc in this time
  12. ^[] Patrol #12 Patrol duration: 30 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 16.08.2019 Location: patroling around SA Participants: @Ntruder Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2e4hqh0ck/ ^[]
  13. Address: sprunk store Account name: stickkillers Last seen: 13 july screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/vadql7k4/
  14. ^[] Patrol #11 Patrol duration: 30 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 14.08.2019 Location: patroling around LV Participants: @MrTheBank Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2nimkf8fe/ ^[]
  15. Screenchot: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2ktky8wck/ Starting bind: 3m [Good luck guys]
  16. Roleplay type: Trash Fire at Grave Yard Description of roleplay: We've been dispatched about trash fire at LS Grave Yard. LSFD responded with 2 fire engines and 1 battalion car. SAFD firefighters and cadets have put out the fire, then they searched for any possible suspicious stuff. At the end, we found burnt out M16 gun, briefcase, and a gas can. So, we found out that was an arson and we dispatched police immediately and gave them all the evidence we found. The police took the case from here. Location: Los Santos, Grave Yard Participants: @Ramos - @JohnnyEnglish - @DJO - @Bangas - @Hassantt - @Spicey - @Freezom Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BeSVsM9
  17. ^[] Patrol #10 Patrol duration: 30 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 13.08.2019 Location: Patroling around LV,LS Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2xawrs2f8/ ^[]
  18. Address: BAS his hideout Account name: yosoooo Last seen: 12th july 2019 Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/mh03Kmpn
  19. Event type : Checkin arreste Prize : 1000.000 LWS/G6: C|Filex Winner(s) : Yakuza|Thebutcher Screens : https://postimg.cc/gallery/30ej7sqbo/
  20. Activity Check [7member Online] [TST]Hassan[R**] [TST]Freezoom[MAJ] [TST]Relax[R**] [TST]Max[R*] [TST]Crosmma[R*] [TST]Jeepsrt[R**] [TST]Lucifer[MOH] SS:
  21. Event type : Checkin arreste Prize : 1000.000 LWS/G6: Cripz>ZAZA Winner(s) : 203|Satan Screens : https://postimg.cc/gallery/2p8c1pav8/
  22. ^[] Patrol #9 Patrol duration: 30 min Date (DD/MM/YY): 11.08.2019 Location: Patroling AT,Los Santos-Red County Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1efox1lqc/ ^[]
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