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Everything posted by BigBoss

  1. 14
  2. @Lincoln said in I can join gang FREE plzzz <3 <3 <3: ~[thx]~(red):heart_eyes:
  3. @nikisadaka said in | Cosa Nostra |: Nickname:nikisadaka Age: 22 years Nationality: Bulgarian Languages Spoken: Bulgarian,English and little Russian. Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:Never How long have you played on SAES so far: Im playing on Saes arround 6 years , but the most of the years i was offline because ive studied higher education. Optional Information: only play as a criminal, I was in a moto club, but then I stopped playing and lost a lot of houses and businesses, only my money was left in the bank and the cars. I think I can help you to create a good group, and I will be faithful to you nice apply ~[Accepted]~(lime): You have put much effort in making this apply for joining this gang
  4. @nikisadaka apply Nickname: Age: Nationality: Languages Spoken: Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?: How long have you played on SAES so far: Optional Information:
  5. ~[THX ALL]~(red):heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
  6. ~[im sry for delet gang]~(red) :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded:
  7. Nickname: BigBoss Accountname: mohamed ali Age:15 Country:tunis Languages spoken:English, arabe , france How long have you been playing on SAES : 2 year Use TAB and write how many hower u have : 27hours this new compte Second Part: What is roleplay and will you be able to do it : Roleplaying is acting or performing as an another character. What is Deathmatching and when you can do it : Deathmatching is shooting, known as free for all. You can do it when you are defending your base,you can't shoot civilians without a reason. What are Bank robberies and what is difference between BR and PBR: Bank robs are when a gang takes the whole bank for themselves, public bank rob is when gangs and other criminals takes over a bank together 20 player. What is Turf war and give 3 important rules for you: Turf war is gang war, You cannot spawn as a medic or a pizza boy to help out your gang. You can't spawn as a cop. Do you know 1 of our members and did he suggest BBMC for you : N/A no
  8. @RahimM ~[THX]~(red)
  9. Nickname :mohamed ali Ingame username : BigBoss Nationality & Age :15 ,Tunisia Previous Punishments :Never been banned before Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : i create 3 gang Because I want to join this gang Explain us our role in your own words : You are very wonderful and define the bank robbery professionally. Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I will learn from you bank robbery and jet contexts , I am active and I am sure that I will give my loyalty to this awesome and special family.
  10. 1.Personal Information. Real name: ~[mohamed ali]~(red) In-game nickname: ~[BigBoss]~(red) Login name: ~[hamama15]~(red) Age: ~[15]~(red) Nationality: ~[tunis]~(red) 2.In-game Information. How long have you been playing MTA?: ~[2 year]~(red) How long have you been playing SAES? : ~[2 year]~(red) Average FPS/PING: ~[N/A]~(red) Your previous gangs/squads/companies: ~[i have 3 gang BHB RD SOS]~(red) Why did you leave/get kicked?: ~[not]~(red) 3.Additional Questions. Why do you want to join us?: ~[I love you JAX]~(red) :yum: :heart_eyes: Why should we accept you?:~[you my best frend]~(red) ~[and i play good]~(red) What can you bring to our organization?:~[N/A]~(red) What does DM mean/Is it allowed?: ~[DM is duel is war]~(red) What is Avoid Arrest? Is It allowed?:~[N/A]~(red) What is marker kill? Is it allowed?:~[N/A]~(red) Have you read all F1 Rules and Understood them?: ~[yeah]~(red) 4.Skill sets Rate your english /10: ~[5/10]~(red) Roleplaying skills /10: ~[7/10]~(red) Weaknesses: ~[Sniper and police]~(red) Strenghts: ~[N/A]~(red) ~[Good Luck me:heart_eyes:]~
  11. @RahimM said in Bounty Hunter Bloods || Official Topic: About yourself. -In-game nickname:Amineesoussi -In-game username:Mama123 -Your real name:amine -Age:14 -Nationality: Tunise Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : 1year Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :NO If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No Why we should Accept you ?: Iam cool player PISSS ~[Accepted]~(lime): You have put much effort in making this apply for joining this gang
  12. @Rainy ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  13. @ext4zy said in Bounty Hunter Bloods || Official Topic: Nickname:ext4zy_ Age:14 Nationality:Bulgaria Languages Spoken:Bulgarian,english Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:I have never been banned/kicked How long have you played on SAES so far:4 Optional Information:Well,im playing in this server from 4 days im active and im skilled as criminal,i hope you accept me ~[Accepted]~(lime): You have put much effort in making this apply for joining this gang
  14. @Tapi ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  15. @Lightning ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  16. @Disa ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  17. @lazar007 ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  18. @SoulFly ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  19. @Element ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  20. @MrDeathBoy ~[THX]~(red,red):heart_eyes:
  21. @Faysal ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  22. @Matias ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  23. @martinJames said in Bounty Hunter Bloods || Official Topic: About yourself. -In-game nickname: Jokesta -In-game username: theclub -Your real name: Martin James -Age: 13 -Nationality: Pinoy Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : like 1 years ago but i stoped playing then i comeback like 3weeks ago Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :NO If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Why we should Accept you ?: because i want to help Bigboss to recruit and im respectfull and im kind loyal and helpful ~[Accepted]~(lime): You have put much effort in making this apply for joining this gang
  24. @PlatWater ~[THX]~(red):heart_eyes:
  25. @RahimM said in Bounty Hunter Bloods || Official Topic: About yourself. -In-game nickname:Lil_Naza -In-game username:mhiritunise -Your real name:Abderrahim -Age:18 -Nationality: Tunise Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : 1year AND 2month Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) :NO If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : YES iam left the Rulebreaker Why we should Accept you ?: I am very Love play saes rpg and iam a cool Player ~[Accepted]~(lime): You have put much effort in making this apply for joining this gang
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