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Everything posted by denox

  1. denox

    Ban Appeals

    I can see them, maybe you have some problems
  2. Happy birthday! (noob stole Nord's idea)
  3. denox

    1 Post

    @tut-greco said in 1 Post: Welcome to the new forum sir hi tut
  4. I am glad to see you all back on track, wish you best luck, make me proud of you!
  5. You can make a great sport car out of it Licano
  6. What about Club?
  7. @lamza WhY So RuDe BrO i WaS JuSt KidDiNg OmG i VeRy CrY
  8. OoOoOo LaMzA YoU JuSt GoT ShReKt NoOb
  9. Back in time a guy called Sharky, from Moldova. He showed me the server in 2012, we played a bit then he left SAES but I liked it and kept playing.
  10. Hello, I want to tell you that I want to lock this topic for a while till I will totally come back active and be able to keep posting activities everyday.
  11. ~[P]~(lime)atrol: #1 ~[D]~(lime)ate of patrol: 25.07.2018 ~[M]~(lime)embers: @Matthews ~[D]~(lime)uration of patrol: 1 hour. ~[S]~(lime)creenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YvTsWgH
  12. Section A: Information Nickname: Denox // [FBI*]Denox. Account name: kavkazets. Age: 16 years old. Primary Language: Romanian. Current S/G/C and rank: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Level 0 (Probie). Other RP groups you're in: ZIP. Describe SAM in your own words: SAM is the only and the biggest medical organization in whole SA, it has only the best and qualified medics with a big experience regarding medicine. SAM stands for "San Andreas Medics", it's role is to respond to all virtual accidents in a RP way and bring more RP to the server. Why was SAM founded?: As how I said below, SAM was founded to respond to all the virtual accidents in a RP way and bring more RP to SAES. What is the SAM motto?: "Always there when you need us most". Who founded SAM?: SAM was founded by Dr. Joe Valachi. Section B: Theory A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use. First of all I will re-group all the medics in one place and set their own role (ex. One will get the injured people in the ambulance, another one will be taking the patients to the hospital, etc.). After that, we'll get all the required equipment and be sure that we got everything with what we can help the people. I will report on radio that our unit is responding to the backup call with the sirens turned on. After ariving to the scene I will report that our unit has 10-2 and that we need more backup such as more medic units and firefighters. When our unit will enter the metropolitan, we'll ask police to get all the non-injured people out of the metropolitan so they won't mess with other people that need help and also help us find out more people. As vehicles I would take two ambulances and one helicopter. Two ambulances to get the injured people inside and help them with their wounds and a helicopter for the people that need help as soon as it's possible so the helicopter will get them faster. Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond. I will set up my my team and vehicles, which are 3 ambulances and 2 helicopters and 10 medics. After finishing setting up I will report in the radio that I'm responding to the backup call. After 10-2, all of the 10 medics will do their job which was setted up by me. Their job is to take all the injured officers out of the robbery are and get them in the ambulances and treat the officers, so their job includes taking out all the bullets from the officers body and bandaging them. The 2 helicopter will take the officers with critical injuries and take them to the hospital for further medic help. Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds? First of all I will take a lot of substances such as "Panthenol" and bandages (Panthenol is a special ointment that helps to calm the burn wounds).After that, I will report in the radio that I've 10-2 and that I'm requesting immediate medical backup at my 10-20. After reporting, I will take some bandages and Panthenols and smear the substance on people's wounds and bandage them. After backup's arrive I will get all the high injured people into ambulances and get them to the hospital. Section C.: Aptitudes How would you respond to criticism by a superior?: I will try to understand what's the problem and try to fix that as soon as it's possible. Why exactly are you applying today?: Because I have the feeling that today is the day when I should re-apply for SAM. What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Well, as my strengths I can state my good driving and RP skills, also my teamworking skills. So about my weakness, I have a really big weakness and I'm trying to get rid of it day by day, so it's my madness, by that I mean that I can get mad very fast if someone is being/acting like a full retard. Why should we accept you to our team?: I think that I will fit SAM because I really like playing as Medic and I know many things regarding it, also I love to RP with SAM members and also because I promise that me and other SAM members will make a unbeatable team. Sincerely, Denox.
  13. Happy birthday sharmota sa7a frr tounsi miboun 3asba
  14. In-game name: Denox Username: kavkazets Age: I am currently 16 years old. Nationality: Moldavian. Previous bans/punishments: I got banned twice, once for multiaccounting when I was a newbie and once for being part of staff team on a SAES copycat server as I really weren't aware of the fact I can get banned for that. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I think that I would be suitable for this role as honestly I have gained pretty much experience all these years I am playing and can share my knowledge with others and just be helpful for the community. Being a SAHA Agent requires carefulness, activity and patiency which I think I can show towards the community and players. I have been dreaming to be SAHA, and to see people being happy after I have helped them, it's a unbelievable experience and something you can be proud of.
  15. PART 1 Nickname: Denox. Age: 16 years old. Gender: Male. Current Groups: ZIP. Rate your English (1-10 scale): I'd rate myself 8.5 out of 10. Have you ever been banned (state why): Yes, I got banned twice, once for multiaccounting and once for being staff of a SAES copycat server. PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer): I'd like to be a photographer. Why are you interested in joining this division: I am interested in joining this division because I like to take photographies and I got some experiencing in taking good shots and capturing all the most important stuff. Why do you want to be part of KTN: I'd like to be part of KTN because this is a uprising news group which is going to be way better than it's predecessor, I hope. So why not to make everything roll like in good ol' times and have fun with others. State why should we choose you over other candidates: I am pretty cool guy and as I said I like to take a lot of photos and my experience will be not superfluous for KTN.
  16. [TT] - Tuga Thugs=- : nice [AA] - Arms Assasins=- : nice [B~B] - Black Bullets=- : nice [Z] - Organization Zero=-: nice [UE] - Underground Empire=- : nice [BS] - Black Syndicate=- : nice [CDC] - Comando Da Capital=- : nice [O] - The Outfit=-: nice CripZ=-: nice [WA]- Wild Angels=-: nice [THC] - The Company=-: nice [FBI] - Federal Bureau of Investigation=- : ~[very mega ultra super dooper nice]~ [SWAT] - Special Weapons & Tactics=- : not nice [SAPA] - San Andreas Police Academy=- : nice [SAFP] - San Andreas Federal Police=- : nice [FOX] - Fox Operations X=- : nice [NNB] - National Narcotics Bureau=- : nice [TST] - The Strike Team=-: nice [MI6] - Military Intelligence Section 6=-: nice [ICE] - Immigration and Customs Enforcement=-: gut [ALT] - All Load Trucking=- : very nice
  17. Personal Information. In-game nickname: Denox In-game username [your login]: kavkazets. Your real name: Dragomir Hioara. Your age: 16 years old. Your nationality: Moldavian. Your timezone: GMT [+/-] GMT +2 How often do you play every week?: I do play everyday like 5-6 hours. English proficiency (Out of 10): I'll give myself 8.5/10 Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absences & forum time too): Well.. I have started playing SAES in ~2013 and created my first account in 2014. I've got banned in ~2015 and I went inactive till 2016. I got unbanned so I created the forum account that I have now and I continue my career. What organization are you CURRENTLY a part of?: Currently I'm not part of any organization. What are your previous organizations?: I've been part of SAFP, BS, MMC, ALT, SAPA, NNB, FBI and TST. What server groups are you CURRENTLY a part of?: I'm part of ZIP. Previous server bans WITH reasons: Well from ~2013 till now I've got banned two times. Once I've got banned in ~2015 for forum multi-accounting and in 2017 for being part of staff team on a SAES copycat RPG server. General Knowledge of SAES:RPG & raceTECH. Explain what park killing is and why it isn't allowed. Park killing is when you kill/get killed by someone using a vehicle (crossing over) and it's not allowed because it's a way of disarming your enemy so he can't do anything to you beside waiting his death. Explain what deathmatching is and why it isn't allowed. Deathmatching is when you kill/get killled by someone without any vaild reason and it's not allowed. Explain what avoiding arrest is and why it isn't allowed. Avoiding an arrest is when you are trying to avoid being jailed by a police officer by different ways.. such as: Blowing up yourself using a grenade or jumping from a bridge on the ground in order to kill yourself. And it's not allowed because if you are about to get jailed by a officer you should surrender and not avoid the arrested using the ways I have mentioned earlier. When was raceTECH founded?: raceTECH was founded by Jay. Where is raceTECH base located?: The raceTECH's base is located in Los Santos. Have you read our group rules prior to applying?: Of course I did. What will happen if you cheat during a racing event?: Louis will hunt me down, and stick his dick up my nose. What is the first thing you should do before roleplaying as raceTECH?: Be sure that your wanted level is 0. What is rule 5 of the raceTECH rulebook?: To be active. In your opinion, what do you think is the most important raceTECH rule?: In my opinion the most important raceTECH rule is to listen to higher ranked members at all times. Additional Information. What interested you most about raceTECH?: I've always wanted to be part of this racing group because it has the role that perfectly fits my interests and I also think that I would be a good suit for raceTECH. Would you see yourself as more of a role player, racer, or event host for raceTECH?: I think as a racer. Why should we pick you to be a member?: Well I'm a enough active player and skilled too. I'm always up for any kind of activity and always free to help someone who needs it. Do you own a vehicle in real life? If so, what is it? [N/A if you don't drive]: N/A What is your dream vehicle to own?: Ford Mustang 1965. ::: Racing and having fun at LS racetrack: https://imgur.com/56uNhxc https://imgur.com/Q2y4gyN https://imgur.com/MtUJlA7 Roleplaying with Racers and rTECH. P.S sorry for adding only one screenshot, I forgot to take more.. https://imgur.com/gppgd77 :::
  18. @gravity Private gayty, 100 laps around the base!
  19. @filex said in Worker Modification (request): @tut-greco i cant join ZIP if i cant build things prove that im worthy for ZIP and ZIP has access to build in all map while worker cant (due to newbies abuse) also when ZIP HQs decide to open ZIP recruitement we will be able @filex Then how people managed to join ZIP without all the things you requested? All these limits were added with a purpose. In my opinion pointless request.
  20. @GiorgosGRN let's bomb
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