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Everything posted by Paradox

  1. Cops side already has retarded nonRP ability what you want next? People join crim side because both side's job is same 'DM' and you are much free to DM as crim increasing jail will make you jobless or time between SR
  2. People want more RP in server (no1) and someone comes with more DM shity idea.. LoL
  3. @Karma said in Reason behind my inactivity.: Back then the server was full of interesting people not turks nor tunisians which probably made it more fun for me back then. Ma boi are u talking for real ? Get the fuck outta of here ! Turks were always there sir but cant say same for sand nigers
  4. I will curse this day until end of my life.... hbd always sad pepe
  5. Since Stay let you suck his dick, i will let you fuck my slave Venom in the arse Feliz cumpleaos
  6. Server is not used to get 100+ player and now we get close to 300 thats why^
  7. @ILLUSION said in BR Alert Sound for Criminals: If criminals are going to hear Canserbero saying "Helloooooo I am Canserbero from de Kompani" every time when a BR starts, I am in! I can pay all of my money to canserbero for this hahahha
  8. Feliz cumpleaos O Zebra
  9. Cut the bullshit and remove ram arrest /ram killing or such things its sux for both sides
  10. Happy Birthday bud you can spawn DE for your birthday gift
  11. Hydra Shooter LWS: @koko Winner: @Lou ::: https://prnt.sc/rsawf4 https://prnt.sc/rsawfg ::: Roadtrain Race ALT Base --->CLO Base Winner: @Reus ::: https://prnt.sc/rsb0lz https://prnt.sc/rsb0ms :::
  12. While i was siting on my Office i got a notification about a situation of our truckers. His truck stuck on mountain and he was asking for help, so i went to my cargobob turned my engine on and started to moving to his position. While i was getting close to mountain i saw his truck and it was bad situation. I got close him to slowly and tried to hook his truck under my cargobob. After long tries his trck started to go reverse and trucker had no chance to stop it and he jumped out of his truck and saved his life. Sadly truck exploded after crashed down of the mountain but trucker was fine ::: https://prnt.sc/rriz7d https://prnt.sc/rrj0hm https://prnt.sc/rrj3hy :::
  13. While i was chilling around San Andreas i got call from HQ and drive straight to my Office to talk with my superiors. They told me there is a construction coming to our base and i have to deliver it to Las Venturas construction site. Once the Trucker came to base i attached it under my cargobob and started going to Las Venturas.Once i went there worker was waiting me there and we talked a bit and delivered him the Construction ::: https://prnt.sc/rqwkyt https://prnt.sc/rqwjp2 https://prnt.sc/rqwlon ::: Special Thx to @Rowdy35
  14. While i was resting in my office i had a call from my superior and he explained me about delivery. I had to delivery stuffs to abondoned airport at Bone Country. I loaded the stuffs and took off from All Load Trucking Airfield After a long way trip i made it to Bone Country and landed on the airfield. Once i landed i parked my shamal into Plane Garage and waited the guy who i would give the delivery. Once he came we started the talk and i explained him what i brought him and what he asked me to do. Once we done with the talking i helped him to load the stuffs to his Trailer and attached it to his Roadtrain He liked our delivery and promised to work with us more often.... Special Thanks To @Brondy
  15. Escorting goods with @Greed https://prnt.sc/rk5puo
  16. Escorting goods with @Brondy https://prnt.sc/rk5nw2
  17. I have better idea guys lets remove all cars from server and run around like chickens or maybe only remove criminals so cops can use their cars
  18. Feliz Cumpleaos. @Venom waiting your arse btw CORRE @PerrooLocoo CORRREE
  19. Activity type: Refueling at LS and RC Screenshots
  20. I was planing to do such as trainer like it but someone did it before me pfft
  21. HBD cunt
  22. @kipt said in Desert Eagles - Official Statement: ofc also tag HQ members so you can get their attention
  23. RIP those people who has been traning to land 35 next time .... @RAMPAGE
  24. Refueling stations at SA https://imgur.com/a/YWdorWd
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