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Everything posted by Pitty

  1. @rampage said in Share your Nanomeme!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmGctR8kzWc @RAMPAGE thats not actually a beatboxing video, he is just showing us in a short video of his sounds after banning someone! :)
  2. @zaza said in Golden Memories .01: 2012 First promo of cripz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_480LncFTM4 2012 another promo one of my favorite . you can see lots of name who is retired already.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73uHcj999Uo 2014 when wiggle wiggle was popular https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAzTWAbEucU Then 2015 a GOLDEN PIECE from epic movie called '' Pulp Fiction '' Most important thing in those videos .We never had chance to use bots .All of them actually real people and spent lots of time in this simple videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-KRT5C-WcE Ah also this one when cuban cars member so mad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TGTSE0SdaI&t=70s at 0:56 i see myself !!!! omg
  3. Pitty

    Ban Appeals

    @Ardron in a nutshell
  4. atleast he didnt copied a application format from any other gang/squad like most of those bloody wankers does, best of luck, i would like to see you improving in the future! :)
  5. @cornelius said in The FBI's Most Wanted Fugitives: You can't even be active and you want to arrest smth your memes are the reason that you never will be on the "most-wantedlist"... And i know what you are about to say, i will never be on the wanted list because of my FIFA skills?
  6. you are kicked from CC, noobtit!
  7. In-game name: BS|Pitty Username: karimdg Age: 24 Nationality: Belgian Previous bans/punishments: The last ban i actually can remember is that i got banned by Brophy for insulting him; Got adminjailed for deathmatching Why you think you would be suitable for the role: I would like to join the current San Andreas Housing Agency, like i mentioned in my previous applications, i always wanted to do something for the community, and i hope i can do this in this way.. I must admit it, i'm not a housing guy, last time i requested an inactive property, was somewhere in 2017 if i'm not wrong, but i hope in this way i can learn a lot about housing, and help others with it! Greetings, Pitty
  8. Granted, but there will be a shitload of terrorists on your "private jet" I want a lolly!
  9. @Luppo you can F12 the player, and use /report in-game, but as far as i can see from your story, hospital arresting is allowed, since you have like 10 seconds of immortality to go away from the hospital area, DMing isnt allowed, but like i mentioned before, you can use /report in-game :)
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