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Everything posted by Majima

  1. ^[] ^[Roleplay: 3] ^[The 'Big Macho Tiger' presents himself.] ^[Participants:] ^[ @DBMoodyBlues @Ronnie ] ^[Story:] ^[Before you start reading the story, click this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4ErmBDTOJo and read it while the song plays.] ^[] ^[I think I'm cute] ^[] ^[I know I'm sexy] ^[] ^[I got the looks] ^[That drives the girls wild] ^[] ^[I got the moves] ^[] ^[That really move them] ^[] ^[I send chills] ^[Up and down their spines] ^[] ^[I'm just a sexy boy] ^[Hello there! I'd present myself but you probably already know who I am. The name's Macho. Tyrone Macho. This gallant guy you see it's me, hard to believe right? How can someone be such a sex god with big dick energy? For you see, I'm a patroller under San Andreas Interceptor's training and I happened to make riding BMX my new hobby when I'm off duty. It all happened several weeks ago when a young fella rammed into me after failing a 360. He apologized to me and he was scared that I was going to punch him but I was amazed by that stunt he was trying to pull and said "Sick moves, bro.". That's when he said "Hey, this gramp's alright" to his friends, that's when I felt a connection. I asked if I could hang with them. They asked me if I knew how to ride a BMX and do cool tricks. I laughed. Why? What the fuck, who do you think I am? Tyrone Macho buddy, of course, I know how.] ^[] ^[So this is me riding around with my hot flamingo muy masculine BMX looking to have some fun and practice my 'no hands 720 upwards inverted with zero gravity' move.] ^[Oh, I forgot to mention...] ^[] ^[I'm also known as 'leg opener'. Wherever I go, I make that pussy game go boing boing.] ^[] ^["Woah, Woah. Easy there babe, hands off the merchandise" - I said.] ^[] ^[I don't obey the law, the law obeys me. That's Tyrone's way.] ^[] ^[Let's skip the introduction. I got approached by some shady guy with a knife asking me to sell some weed. It was pure Jamaican shit, could be worth a big amount of cash. Says he couldn't sell it because he was being hunted or some shit. Whatever. I hop in my BMX and head myself to the location where the buyer would be.] ^[ ^[On the way, I happened to cross with a billboard that had a motivational phrase from a known writer, Luis Fonsi. So inspiring! I stopped and cried for a bit. Then I kept on going.] ^[] ^[I thought to myself "I gotta impress this guy. Maybe he'll throw some extra cash for watching a cool stunt.] ^[That's when I decided to pull my 'no hands 720 upwards inverted with zero gravity...] ^[I failed miserably... DOESN'T MATTER!] ^[] ^[I cleaned myself after making such a mess and went to make a deal with this pendejo.] ^[] ^[ "You sure took your time, ese." - he said.] ^["Ese? Ese sounds like 'S' in Spanish so when we say 'S' in English it sounds like "ass". Ass? Do you want to eat my ass, bro? That's pretty gay, bro." - I replied.] ^["What the fuck, puto? Let's just get this shit done."] ^[] ^[I managed to get 500k's clean off that guy. That's hella dough... I probably should give it to the knife guy from before...] ^[] ^[SIKE! That cash is mine!] ^[Maybe I'll share with the rest of the 8TS kids. Maybe...]
  2. Has a crush on helena :smile_cat:
  3. Happy birthday fuckheaaad
  4. Ingame name: Majima Username: DBMoodyBlues Nationality: Portuguese Spoken languages: English, Spanish and a bit of French. How long have you been playing SAES: Since April of this year. Current organization: AA - Arms Assassins Current group:s Global Trust, San Andreas Pirates, Al-Munazama and Izanagi clan. Tell us more about yourself: I am a very loyal and dedicated person, down to earth, always willing to help in any way possible. These are the most noticeable traits about me. Explain our role in few words: Spread the word around about the BMX spirit that is growing, make people understand that you can enjoy yourself with just a bike, especially for stunting. Also, making the bike a useful resource when there are no cars available.
  5. A BMX group hahaha I had a similar idea a few days ago. Glad to see that I'm not the only one. Good luck!
  6. @Garcia1999 Mafia guy from the simpsons
  7. Would be cool if jailbreaking was actually something hard to do. The way it goes nowadays is a standard flowchart, inside jail -> open cells -> police spawn as warden -> dumb war inside jail. Also, it would be cool if they added ways to do it in a stealth way. I feel like jailbreaking needs to be something more prestigious.
  8. Likes to tell a fact about the people above him
  10. My clitoris is 8cm, where is my option? I demand justice!
  11. @DBMoodyBlues said in Al Munazama - Official Media Center: ^[RP#68 - THE FIRST STEP - MAKING CONNECTIONS] ^[Organizations:] ^[Al-Munazama & Arms Assassins] ^[Participants:] ^[Me and @BusterMcBadass ] ^[Story] ^[After all the trouble I have been through since the war, I find this not bad all, I think I'm really liking it here, I have comrades who share the same ideals, we have good training thanks to professionals and we fight for a greater reason. Despite all of this, it isn't enough for me. I want more. Being a simple refugee or an aspiring Mostajid is not enough for me. You see, as a rebel you have to be ambitious. Not only I want to help the organization grow even further, I want to grow with it.] ^[But for now... I'll just stick with the lesser tasks. This is me in a casual day, taking a break.] ^[ I have a superior approach me and tell me I have an important task to perform. I was put as Al-Munazama's representative in a deal with one of the most prestigious gangs in San Andreas, Arms Assassins. So, he tells me "Look Fareed, we managed to get a fucking sweet deal with Arms Assassins. If we manage to pull this off, our fire power will grow exponentially. It will take place in Arms Assassin's base in 1 hour. Get ready, get strapped just in case things go wrong and don't be late!".] ^[I just nod and answer "Okay, I'll be there!". I take my car and hit the road.] ^[Nothing unusual happened during my trip although I never let my guard down, I was always on alert for any sign of trouble. I, finally, arrive at what seemed to be the Arms Assassins' base. What a big ass ship! These guys are not fucking around.] ^[I parked my car by the gate and there was already an Arms Assassins' member waiting for me. We greeted each other and he suggested that we get inside because there was talk of undercover cops sniffing around San Fierro.] ^[I was nervous and suspicious but after some small talk here and chit chat there, I felt more relaxed and the environment felt a lot lighter, the guy was actually reasonable. He told me that the cargo ship that was transporting the weapons had taken a hit and a lot of cargo and goods were lost. Fortunately, our weapons were intact which, naturally, translated to a sucessful deal and at the same time, I got the chance to make a connection.] ^[Glorious day for Al-Munazama] ^[Screenshots] ^[https://imgur.com/a/qo6c4qw]
  12. @Joshbond Why should they focus on the police side??
  13. Nice concept. Good luck
  14. I am not saying local chat should disappear from the Chat Box, it should appear in both main chat and above the character like Tut suggested.
  15. @Tut-Greco Sure, this is more rp-suitable but I also thought it could help localchat communication.
  16. @Crash The same way you did before? This addition would make it easier in my opinion.
  17. If you are going to vote NO just to vote, at least present me some counter-arguments.
  18. I think I made myself clear.
  19. What I mean with the topic's title is having the localchat appear above the characters for easier communication/roleplay (see picture below). It kinda sucks when the server has a lot of players online and the main & Cc chat is being spammed while you are trying to talk with someone via localchat. I remember when I used to play MTA in earlier days, some servers had this. EDIT: Local chat should show in Main chat and above characters.
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