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Posts posted by Piercee

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    @Star said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive:

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    Role Play Number: 31
    Participants: CIA: @MrDeathBoy , Star
    ALT: @Piercee
    RP Scenario:
    ^[Highway patrol]

    It was sunny afternoon, the weather was great, we had almost finished our schedule patrolling at the highway, stopping random drivers in order to check their license and the alcohol test. As the time was passng by we saw a truck-hauler which was driving really slowly. So, Mr.Rose and I deicded to stop him, as I waved my hand with the stick pointing to the edge of the roadside.
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    I camy by the hauler's cabin and intriduced myself, as I asked mister to turn the engine off and get out of the cabin. Also, taking CDL and logbook was requested. Mister took the documents and jumped off the cabin, as handed over to me. I took the document's and looked through them attentively. Especially I was focusin at the logbook if the rest rules was observed well. Also, all the PTI's have been performed.
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    From this side everything was amazing. The driver and I made our way to the trailer in order to check if the load (pallets) was strapped well. As for weight distribution, everything was nice from the side of vision (the following weight-station will show everything off. none of our deal) Fortunately, from this side everything was alright either.
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    I handed over the document's to him back and said "Good luck on the road"
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