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Everything posted by Hari

  1. ::: Retaking the motherland. Before: After: :::
  2. ::: Defending O br. :::
  3. ::: Before: After: :::
  4. ::: Before: After: :::
  5. ::: Before: After: :::
  6. ::: Before: After: :::
  7. ::: Before: After: :::
  8. @Luki pending. @FreshCoffee pending. @Hakan pending.
  9. ::: Before: After: :::
  10. ::: Br assistance. :::
  11. ::: In a pbr and gbr. :::
  12. @Luis accepted.
  13. ::: BC, TR turf yesterday. :::
  14. @hitam denied.
  15. ::: Before: After: :::
  16. HS is a fun feature but there's a disbalance if only 1 weapon has this ability, adding a decent amount of power to sniper, which already was a great weapon with a lot of range before the HS thing. Add some extra damage for making HS with other weapons too then, well this won't happen as it's probably too messy. But enabling HS in some regions like it used to be seems like a fine idea (tr, sf, flint county etc). Then people could still have fun with HS and it wouldn't play as big of a role in overall turfing as it does now, where sniper is the most profitable weapon.
  17. @Morpheus Denied.
  18. @Luis Pending.
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