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Everything posted by Hari

  1. @Spider denied.
  2. Supporting a br: ::: ::: Delivering a vip: ::: :::
  3. ::: Defending a pbr: :::
  4. @RiseAgain Pending.
  5. ::: Supporting a jb: :::
  6. Defending O br: ::: ::: Defending U br: ::: :::
  7. ::: Helping at O br. :::
  8. @MeshariHaji pending. @RiseAgain denied.
  9. There has never been such a thing as m4, cs meta. But now there is a meta - sniper one.
  10. Yes for reverting it back to like it was, sniper HS in some areas only (SF, bayside, whetstone etc.), not all turf zones. With HS enabled in all zones, sniper is too dominant and popular of a wep. Even before HS, sniper had its utility as a great long range wep, and it was widely used in turfs. But with the added 1 shot thing it gained a bit too much power compared to other guns that didn't receive any HS ability.
  11. Turfing in various places and times last night: ::: :::
  12. Yes change to bigger zones. The recently added turf rule that makes defenders/attackers fight only inside/near the zone is squeezing a lot of players inside small zones and limiting the turf. You used to be able to shoot from outside the zone as long as you're targetting the turf, and it was nice, the fighting happened around a larger space and there were more tactics, it was funnier.
  13. @Holodos - Accepted.
  14. @Ragnax - accepted,
  15. hbd zhuzhu
  16. @Danil - pending.
  17. ::: Before: After: :::
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