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Everything posted by Cheer

  1. S.W.A.T Activity: Stopping SR's Date: 06/09/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. S.W.A.T Activity : LV BR Date : 05/09/2021 Screenshots : ::: :::
  3. Eeeeee happy bezbez day habibiiii @Netro jeww!!
  4. S.W.A.T Activity: Patrolling, Stopping SR Date: 31/08/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. S.W.A.T Activity : BR Date : 31/08/2021 Screenshots : ::: :::
  6. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #50 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : RolePlay ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 31/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's : N/A ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer ~[S]~(sienna)tory: In the evening, I was hungry. I had no money to go to the restaurant, I checked my pocket and I found only 10 bucks. I took my towtruck and went to the burger shop. I entered the shop and it was empty, I was wondering what is going on and I remembered that there is a party in the city. I took my plate and paid the shop assistant. I chose a place near the window and sat there. While I was enjoying eating. Igot a call in my personal phone. I ignored the call and kept eating but I got called again. I was wondering who is annoying me. When I answered, I found that it's the wife of one of my friends. She crashed into a bus and her car is broken and she can do nothing. I threw the burger and left the shop. I was driving really fast to arrive faster as the lady was alone in the middle of the street in the evening. I even got caught by a traffic officer for driving too fast. Once I arrived, I found the bus and her car blocking the traffic jam. I found her crying hard, I calmed her and asked her to relax in the towtruck. I took the car with my towtruck and went to my garage. The car was in a good shape, only few damages in front bumper. I parked the car inside and started working. I started with removing the broken bumper, I placed the jack and raised the car. I went under the car and unbolted it. Then, I decided to paint the car pink and add pink lights. First of all, I removed the rust from the car and then I cleaned the surface with a cleaner. After that, I sprayed the paint on the car. And few minutes later, I checked if the paint was made correctly. I asked the lady to come and check her car and she was surprised. She thanked me a lot and gave me a huge sum of money. T hen she took her car and went away. ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  7. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #49 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 30/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @Nico ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  8. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #48 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : RolePlay ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 28/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's : N/A ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer ~[S]~(sienna)tory: While I was taking a break at the private local, I've received a call on my personal phone. It appeared that it was one of my oldest friend. He asked me if we can repair his drift car ( Elegy ) as he would like to participate in the drifter race which will happen soon. So, I told him to come immidiately. When he arrived, I opened for him the garage. We had a short talk about what he needs exactly and then I told him to have a seat and take a free drink. I took the required tools and started fixing it. I started firsly with changing the rear tire as it was popped due to a police who was chasing me. After that, He asked me to fix the engine cables as they were releasing dark smokes. Right after that, I asked the customer to come and have a look, he was so exciting with his modern car. ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  9. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #47 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 28/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @Afufu ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer @GamerZ450 ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  10. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #46 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : RolePlay ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 26/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's : N/A ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna,sienna)elper's : @Cheer @Youssef-1 ~[S]~(sienna)tory: I was patroling around San Andreas and after some minutes I had a call from Youssef , he told me that there's many customers in the garage and he need more hand in there, I directly responded as soon as possible and I was there after 5 minutes,Firstly we started with repairing the Picador. The customer wasn't in the garage we just towed his car from his house in San Fierro , The Picador was broken , almost all of the doors 'fucked up' except the seating doors (right and left one), I didn't saw anything wrong in the engine from the side but Youssef told me to check the interior of it, but as i said , nothing was wrong with it, only the hood door in there was damaged and broken , I took care of it and Youssef was busy with the another doors , I removed the broken door but in the garage I couldn't find a hood door , Only trunk one was there, but I had crates of engines and doors in my flatbed , I entered my truck and parked inside of the mod shop, We've unloaded the doors crate and we saw there Picador's hood doors , I grabbed one and we took it to the Picador. I moved it to the car and I placed and installed it carefully with the screwdriver, when I finished with it I went to the back of the car to take care a bit from the trunk door , I grabbed new trunk door from the shelf's and I placed it carefully in the trunk spot , Also the back bumper that placed under the trunk door was broken and I had to replace it aswell , I went to the bumpers shelf and i grabbed good bumper for the Picador.I went back to the back of the vehicle and I installed it carefully with the screwdriver. The second customer that I took care of him was an Criminal, As its was gangster man I tried to do the best , That crim asked to install in his car v8 engine because he had old v6 engine since 2010,Well... I took my screwdriver and I started to un-install carefully his v6 engine from the hood , After i did it i grabbed it and then A dropped it on the floor , I went once again to the flatbed to grab a v8 engine because I couldn't find one in the garage , I unloaded the engines crate and I grabbed the best v8 engine from there and I went back to the Jester , I placed it very carefully and I grabbed my screwdriver and installed it, I asked him to start the engine and the sound of it was pretty good , We opened him the garage door and he tested it around. ~[S]~(sienna,sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  11. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #45 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 25/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @Jesse421 ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer @Senpai @alperens ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  12. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #44 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 24/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @Nico @Afufu @Leonard ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer @Youssef-1 @Faysal ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  13. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #43 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 23/08/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's : @Nico ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer @Bisollini ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  14. Happy birthday, @Toreno & @Cheess It's your days guys! Enjoy <3 :birthday_cake:
  15. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #42 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 15/06/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @Afufu ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  16. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #41 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 14/06/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @bigmike ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  17. ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #40 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 13/06/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @beauty ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer @Sharlock ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  18. ~[After a long time of inactivity, I came back from my inactivity and I'll start posting activities like I did before.]~(sienna) ~[P]~(sienna)ost ~[N]~(sienna) : #39 ~[A]~(sienna)ctivity ~[T]~(sienna)ype : Patrol ~[D]~(sienna)ate : 12/06/2021 ~[C]~(sienna)uban ~[C]~(sienna)ars ~[M]~(sienna)ember's :hammer_and_wrench: : @Benny ~[O]~(sienna)ther ~[H]~(sienna)elper's : @Cheer ~[S]~(sienna)creen~[S]~(sienna)hots : ::: :::
  19. Address: Rangers Nest Account name: Jaycee2015 Last seen: 18th January 2021 Screenshots:
  20. Address: Sex Shop Xxx Account name: faindope Last seen: 14th January 2021 Screenshots:
  21. Address: Abandoned Store 2 Account name: olp Last seen: 12th January 2021 Screenshots:
  22. happy birthday ou nchlh koul aam hay bkhyrr <3 #Judy-Javel
  23. Type of Activity: Stopping SRs Members Online: @Cheer @The-Best1 and SWATs. Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Address: Ls Shopping Mall Corp Account name: Spentou007 Last seen: 18th august 2020 Screenshots:
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