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Everything posted by FastYounq

  1. About yourself: Hello my name is Naci, I am 18 years old. my in-game name FastYounq, I have been playing SAES:RPG for 7 years. I love computer games and I usually play MTA (Saes).I'm a old player of SAES:RPG and now I think it's time to get into a quality gang like Outfit and this is my family. In-game nickname: FastYounq In-game username: general4234 Your real name: Naci Age: 18 Nationality: Turkey Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: yes I know many people and many of them are my old friend. Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: No What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I do my best to activate a place and improve it.I work hard to make my gang the best gang ever and i am active player and Outfit is like my family because everyone in the outfit gang is respectful to each other. Additional information about yourself: I've been in many gangs for seven years, but I didn't leave without any reason, I had reason to leave. So now many outfit members my old friends and it is time to return to my family now! Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): Since 2011 I have been SAES: RPG player but I've never been inactivity before. What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): SoA/AA/UE/BBMC/VLA/BS/Cripz/TST/ICE/FBI Why have you left the above?: SoA: The gang leader closed the SoA. AA: With permission from AA officials I left to establish my own gang. UE: After I obtained permission from the UE authorities, I left the UE to help the BBMC gang. BBMC: Because of the disputes within the gang, we decided to close the gang as a result of the HQ's decision. VLA: I decided to close it because the gang was not active. BS: I was kicked because I was not active in the BS gang. Cripz: I left because I had a problem with gang officials. TST: I began to dislike policing and I went back to crime. ICE: I broke up with the ICE because there was no discipline and rules in the gang. FBI: The FBI is a very nice place, but I decided to leave because it was not active. What server groups are you currently a part of?: CEO Previous server bans and reasons (include links): I was banned because it was misunderstood but then I talked with admin and we solved the problem. https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/96703-vlafastyounqv-banned-by-unknownclosed/
  2. HBD yarram 17 mi oldun ?
  3. About yourself: Hello my name is Naci, I am 18 years old. my in-game name FastYounq, I have been playing SAES:RPG for 7 years. I love computer games and I usually play MTA (Saes).I'm a old player of SAES:RPG and now I think it's time to get into a quality gang like Outfit and this is my family. In-game nickname: FastYounq In-game username: general4234 Your real name: Naci Age: 18 Nationality: Turkey Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: yes I know many people, especially many of my friends from the former SoA gang. Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: Nah What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I do my best to activate a place and improve it.I work hard to make my gang the best gang ever and i am active player and Outfit is like my family because outfit members are my old gangs friends. Additional information about yourself: I've been in many gangs for seven years, but I didn't leave without any reason, I had reason to leave. So now many outfit members my old friends and it is time to return to my family now! Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): Since 2011 I have been SAES: RPG player but I've never been inactivity before. What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): SoA/AA/UE/BBMC/VLA/BS/Cripz/TST/ICE/FBI Why have you left the above?: SoA: The gang leader closed the SoA. AA: With permission from AA officials I left to establish my own gang. UE: After I obtained permission from the UE authorities, I left the UE to help the BBMC gang. BBMC: Because of the disputes within the gang, we decided to close the gang as a result of the HQ's decision. VLA: I decided to close it because the gang was not active. BS: I was kicked because I was not active in the BS gang. Cripz: I left because I had a problem with gang officials. TST: I began to dislike policing and I went back to crime. ICE: I broke up with the ICE because there was no discipline and rules in the gang. FBI: The FBI is a very nice place, but I decided to leave because it was not active. What server groups are you currently a part of?: CEO Previous server bans and reasons (include links): I was banned because it was misunderstood but then I talked with admin and we solved the problem.
  4. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: FastYounq Username: general4234 Age: 18 Nationality: Turkey Languages you can speak: English,Turkish Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since 2011 I have been SAES: RPG player. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : SoA/AA/UE/BBMC/VLA/BS/Cripz/TST/ICE/FBI If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : SoA: The gang leader closed the SoA. AA: With permission from AA officials I left to establish my own gang. UE: I left the UE to help another gang. BBMC:After talking to gang HQs, I decided to close the gang. VLA: I decided to close it because the gang was not active. BS: I was kicked because I was not active in the BS gang. Cripz: I left because I had a problem with gang officials. TST: I began to dislike policing and I went back to crime. ICE: I broke up with the ICE because there was no discipline and rules in the gang. FBI: The FBI is a very nice place, but I decided to leave because it was not active. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : I was banned because of multiaccounts.Later we solved the problem and the ban was lifted. What groups are you currently part of? : CEO Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :I do my best to activate a place and improve it.I work hard to make my gang the best gang ever and i am an active player in saes. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:They started out as a small group of friends. Later they developed themselves in the fields of arms trafficking, drug trafficking, extortion, arson and kidnapping and as they evolved, they became powerful and respected.All tasks have achieved a 100% success rate.He is currently San Andreas's most successful assassination organization. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? :Joining B ~ B is very important for me because there are important and respected players in the B ~ B gang and it might be good for me to learn from them.I will always try to learn and improve myself during my stay at B ~ B. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I know Matizz, but nobody told me to join the B ~ B. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] :I will try to be a good member by organizing plenty of activities to improve B~B and I have a lot to learn from B~B.
  5. It's a two-level gang that's shut down because of the bad leadership of a bad leader.I'm happy to be closed bbmc, you've made yourself less embarrassed, soulfly. AND @TaJ & @chemist You're the ones who see the event from the outside, and I'm the person who created the event. Do not make blank comments without knowing what is what.Your threats will not scare me, you try to live in your own dump Watch out, don't drown!
  6. oh finally, congratulations boys
  7. yiki Varsn Reis , Doum Gnn Kutlu olsun .
  8. @Isaac Tested And nvited,Welcome to The Blood Brothers MC. ~[Accepted]~(lime)
  9. Good Luck Brother :)
  10. @Marry Welcome back, brother. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @yassin50 Good to see you back, brother. ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Darkl1ght Be active in the game and hang out with BBMC members. ~[Pending]~(orange) @polenta1 Be active in the game and hang out with BBMC members. ~[Pending]~(orange)
  11. My Lucky Number : 9 !
  12. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 129 -=(black,red)Activity Name : Night Activ Members:=- 15.11.2018 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/fo0okV4
  13. @Spicey He was tested and invited. Welcome to Blood Brother MC Brother. ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime)
  14. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 126 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 13.11.2018 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/IWvyJaf
  15. @yassin50 ~[Accepted]~(lime) , Get in the game and ask the HQs to test you. @RadiO ~[Denied]~(red) , Copying other people's application answers.You can apply again after 1 day. @xX-ZOMMRA-Xx ~[Accepted]~(lime) , Get in the game and ask the HQs to test you. ~[The Blood Brothers HQ Team]~(red)
  16. Good Luck Guys
  17. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 96 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 05.10.2018 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=- https://imgur.com/a/s82LiQW
  18. -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 94 -=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 04.10.2018 -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/2j2w3t2
  19. Application Format First Part Nickname: FastYounq Account Name: general4234 Gender: Male Age: 19 Nationality: Turkey Primary Language: Turkish Secondry Language(s): English How long have you been playing SAES: 8 years How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 1044 hour Previous G/S/C : Sons Of Anarchy Arms Assassins UnderGround Empire CripZ Black Syndicate Varrios Los Aztecas The Strike Team ICE CEO Second Part: What is roleplay means? : In the game is to make a real life role. What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : Killing someone for no reason. **What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:**Only official gangs can make BR. And The PBR starts when there are 20 players in the bank. Tell us 2 BR rules : -It is forbidden to jump from the roof of the bank without parachute. -It is forbidden to make markerkill. Tell us 2 Turf war rules: CLO / DE / CEM Spawn is forbidden. Medic and police are forbidden to be spawn. What is avoid arrest ?: Suicide is forbidden when the police try to catch me. Third Part: Why do you want to join us?: I want to do my best to improve the BBMC gang. Why should we accept you?: Because I've been in many good gangs in SAES and I know what to do to develop a gang. Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who): Leonidas (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)
  20. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS/CEO: FastYounq Prize: 1.000.000 $ Type: Chicken Shooter Location: LasVenturas Winner(S): @Destor ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/hskrRfO
  21. [Event Helped #46] Event Type : Chicken Shooter CEO Helpers : [CEO*]Leonidas, [CEO]Rowdy,[CEO]Soulfly Event Hosted for and by : Hosted for UE By FastYounq ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/hskrRfO
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