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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Happy birthday mate
  2. @Ranger11 Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  3. Happy birthday you little Tunisian gypsy
  4. Happy birthday my lovely mate, wish you all the best!
  5. Congratulations @JojoDb well-deserved mate, now send me Belgium beer.
  6. Happy birthday you result of sperm donation, wish you all the best and have a good birthday
  7. @LuixRodex_ On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. After multiple discussions, we came to the point where we can't proceed with you yet. If you're still interested and willing to be part of our team, re-apply in 2 weeks starting from today: (23/02/2021). I would personally suggest you to be much more active In-game, which is your current biggest weakness, and generally patrol/hangout with SWAT members during the given time. Everything is in your hands Application status: ~[DENIED]~(red) Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  8. Herzlichen Glckwunsch zum Geburtstag
  9. @Kyzz Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  10. Congratulations lads.
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. @OldMafia Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  13. @Dor Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  14. Your ingame username: Lightning12 Your ingame alias: Lightning Your year of birth: 2001 Your gender: Male Nationality: Russian Country of residence: Israel How long you have been playing SAES: I've been playing SAES since early 2017. Qualities you can offer: Qualities you can offer: To start with, the main key quality that I can offer is my loyalty and honesty to the players and everyone that knows me, I don't have a prejudice toward anyone that I see at the first sight, other than that I'm always dedicated towards the mission and job that I'm given and I will always represent it on the highest quality that can be possible which may come up with the upper hand sometimes. Furthermore, with my dedication towards the server in the past years, I learned how to act and communicate with and people and properly understand them with their needs, this comes very usefully in-game and in real life situation, because understanding the person right is always the key to understanding their deeds, In addition, I'm a committed person to my work and everything besides that, I will always give 100% of me when needed and if something needs deep work and representation, obviously I will triple check it before even having the idea of representing it. Additionally, I have extended experience in Leadership in-game and in real life in general, I have been working on some projects in real life lately that I led successfully to a successful point, and I have learned a lot from it which opens me a lot of doors of being a good leader with positive communication skills. Your weaknesses: I sometimes tend to have really dark humor which sometimes will sometimes result in others to have a negative feeling towards those jokes and humor, my other weakness is that I usually don't forgive people even if it's a small thing that they did to harm me or my reputation on any possible way. Do you have Discord Installed: Indeed. Reason for application: I have been playing SAES for some legitimate time now and I pretty much have extended knowledge about the rules and how the gameplay works in general and with that, I have considered applying for the Community Staff position today because I want to take a "Step" forward in the community and contribute to it, and with that, I want to help new or even old players in the community like Staffs helped me back in the days when I was a newbie, I want to share my knowledge among the new players and help them in any way possible. Server Memberships: SWAT,HLS,GXT,CC Additional information: Howdy there I would like to introduce myself, My name is Adik and I'm currently 19 years old, I was originally born in Russia but moved out with my family to Israel at the age of 6 months due to some restrictions and problems. My main hobby from a real young age was playing on a computer and still is, Not so long ago I received my induction order but due to Covid-19 the recruitment was postponed and most likely denied for me due to my health conditions, due to that I have a lot of free time which I mainly focus on Playing, trying to hang out with friends somehow with the restrictions and slowly studying computer science here and there. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None Previous (legitimate) bans: None
  15. @Beag Thank you for your interest in joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  16. Happy birthday Jewment, wish you all the best wishes <3
  17. @Beag On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. We've analyzed your application and based on what you guys showed to us, regarding your application and gameplay we believe you're not ready, for now, to be part of our team. You still have a pretty long road ahead to work to be done, please take your time and re-apply in 2 weeks (7.1.2021). Application Status: ~[DENIED]~(red) @Dj-appa On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization After a long discussion between the HQ team, we came to a consensus that you are a worthy candidate for our ranks. We hope you keep demonstrating us the efforts that you have shown us at this stage. Application status: ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime). Contact any rank 5 (Major) + member in-game to receive your entry test. Best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  18. @Uyncis On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization. After multiple discussions, we came to the point where we can't proceed with you yet. If you're still interested and willing to be part of our team, re-apply in 2 weeks starting from today: (27/12/2020). I'd suggest you patrolling and generally hanging out with SWAT members during the given time. Everything is in your hands Application status: ~[DENIED]~(red) Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  19. Happy birthday macaco
  20. Happy birthday fam
  21. Dear @Vexus , you've clearly not read all of the information, please use the correct application format that can be found HERE, so you will be considered as a SWAT applicant. Thank you, and best of luck. -SWAT HQ
  22. Granted but you don't have the electricity to turn it on. I want to be a Pilot
  23. Granted, but only after your death. I want some spicy chicken wings.
  24. Global Express Trucking HQ CONFIRMS the property and terms of renting. On behalf of, GXT HQ Team.
  25. @MouRiS On behalf of S.W.A.T. HQ, I'd like to personally thank you for your interest in being part of our organization After a long discussion between the HQ team, we've come to the conclusion that you'd be a valuable asset to our organization, and because of that your application has been accepted. Your work efforts and hustle were not ignored and we're very excited to see you wearing the S.W.A.T. tags in-game. Application status ~[ACCEPTED]~(green). *Contact any rank 5 (Major) + member in-game to receive your entry test. Best of Luck! Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ Team
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