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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. Activity number:#24
    Date of activity: 23/01/2019
    4x4 members: @Elegant
    Participants members: N/A

    One day, I drove my Sandking and took a trip with myself, I was speeding a bit and doing some sharp turns and when I drove, my left front tire went flat due to a spikey stone and I didn't have any tools to fix it so I parked my Sandking and went towards the nearest gas station to buy the required tools and come back to my Sandking and pull out from the trunk a spare wheel and start replacing the wheel and throw away the flat tire and later that day, I went home and made sure that I won't drive through the path I went that day



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  2. Nickname: Elegant
    Username: elegant09
    Nationality: Israeli
    Languages you can speak: Hebrew, English, Russian
    Player SAES Career Information :

    How long have you been playing on SAES? : Around a year or so.
    Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Yes I do,

    • SAPA

    • SWAT

    If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them :

    • SAPA - Left it as I got the ProCop Diploma

    • SWAT - Left it because I got bored of being a cop after playing for quite a while

    Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : Nope.
    What groups are you currently part of? :

    • Cunning Stunts (CS)

    • San Andreas Interceptors (SAi)

    • Desert Eagles (DE)

    • Investarms corporation (IAC)

    • San Andreas Medics (SAM)

    Personality Information :

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : What makes me so special over others is because I'm loyal and disciplined member that respects everyone and always speak politely to everyone even who I hate or not, and you should accept me because I'm loyal and like I said above I'm respectful member, and I'm active member that spends most of the day on SAES and always being positive.

    Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Roleplay of Black Bullets is that they are an assassination organization that assassinate civilian, cop, criminal and they also sell guns and even do money laundering and repair or upgrade guns for their clients and of course they have their own price list for this whole service

    Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : I applied specifically for Black Bullets because Black Bullets caught my eye from the beginning and I loved its role that you assassinate and sell guns and basically because of the role they have, and I feel the most connected to the role and I think that I can roleplay it pretty well from my experience from RP servers

    Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : I've gained a lot of friends in B~B, and none recommended me to apply.

    Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : Thank you for taking your time on reading this application

    Best Regards,

  3. Activity number:#21
    Date of activity: 20/01/2019
    4x4 members: @Benny @Elegant
    Participants members: N/A
    One sunny day on Sunday Elegant went out for a trip to calm his mind so he took his Sandking and drove with himself on offroad and as he drove he was about to head home but he drove so much that his tires were slippery and he slipped to the lake and his Sandking was dead, he was so upset that he had to sit down for a bit and then call Benny because he had his towtruck to rescue Elegant's Sandking and than when he called him it was a bit difficult but the Sandking was attached and barely could be moved because it's very heavy and with Elegant's push and Benny on the throttle the Sandking was able to get out of the water and than Benny took Elegant's car to his garage and had to fix whatever he could do and after a month of fixing and repairing, Elegant was called to take his Sandking back to his home and since than Elegant will use brand new tires that Benny gave that will prevent from slipping down from hills and such


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  4. Team Name: [=E=] Team
    Team Components: @Ezio0826 @Element @Elegant
    Steam Profile Links:
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198234181936 (Element)
    https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198303892162/ (Elegant)
    https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ezio0826 (Ezio)
    Preferred Team Colors: ~[Yellow]~(yellow)

  5. Involved SAI members: Charles Hudson @Elegant Howard Penkins @Bidrift
    Other involved people: N/A
    Date, time and duration of activity:Tuesday, 15/01/2019, 15 minutes.
    Activity type: State-wide patrol.
    Thursday at 17:00PM Charles Hudson went on duty and geared up in the SAi HeadQuarters as he leaves the HQ he dispatches in radio and mentions that he's available for calls and that he's starting his patrol, as soon as he went on his day he was called by Howard Penkins called me for assistance in a chase and he responded and we successfully managed to arrest the suspects as we were patrolling around the area in Los Santos we found another reckless driver and didn't comply to us so we decided to arrest him and put him to justice, we than patrolled our way to the SAi HeadQuarters and it was peaceful from there and then I was called from home that something happened to his wife and he went off duty and went to check up on his wife and Howard went off duty also.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qYQKQYI

  6. Involved SAI members: Charles Hudson (Elegant)
    Other involved people: N/A
    Date, time and duration of activity:Thursday, 03/01/2019, 30 minutes.
    Activity type: State-wide patrol.
    Thursday at 12:00PM Charles Hudson went on duty and geared up in the SAi HeadQuarters as he leaves the HQ he dispatches in radio and mentions that he's available for calls and that he's starting his patrol, he placed also a speed trap on the highway between LS-LV for a while and as he patrolled and was waiting he found a lot of reckless drivers that didn't obey him so in that case he decided to arrest them, there was also some helpers and was a difficult time but Hudson made it at the end of the day and arrived back to HQ and going off duty.

  7. @martinJames ~[Denied]~(red), feel free to reapply in 1 week
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    @DavidFox ~[Accepted]~(lime), meet any HQ for your entry test
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    @Judyes ~[Accepted]~(lime), meet any HQ for your entry test

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    @Spicey, ~[Pending]~(orange) show yourself more around the activites
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    @MortalSupreme ~[Pending]~(orange) show yourself more around the activites

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  8. Name: Emanuel
    Nickname: Elegant
    RP Name: Charles Hudson
    Login Name: elegant09
    Age: 16
    Nationality: Israeli
    General Information: Well hey, I'm Emanuel I was born and raised in Israel, I've also two twin brothers which annoy me and they're 8 years old right now and I'm currently 16, I currently spend my free time in playing SAES, I've started playing here like a year ago or something like that and I've been enjoying it so far, I go with my friends also to hang out when we get the chance too.
    English skill (1/10): I'd rate myself 7/10
    Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): This topic is speaking of San Andreas Conservative, was founded back in the days in 2013 by Henry and Franco it was made to make peace in SA and good way of life
    What rank would you like to obtain: Coordinator of events & activities
    Current roleplay groups: SAi, DE, IAC, PC, SAM, CS
    Previous bans/warnings by an admin: No
    Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): I would like to join this particular party because I like their aims and I would support all the way in it because I agree with them and I'II give my best shot to this party as I also have gained a decent roleplaying skills from RP servers

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