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Posts posted by Rowdy35

  1. alt text
    @Skomorje said in Los Escondidos | Media Archive:

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    Roleplay with: @Los-Escondidos & @Arms-Assassins
    Participants: @Genetrix @Rowdy35 @Nexroth
    Date: 22.03.2020

    It was afternoon in the Los Santos city. Escondidos had a big bank robbery today and their guns were almost out of stock because of the robbery. Skomorje and Genetrix went to their gun storage and checked the amount of the guns. Skomorje took out his phone and called his friend to buy some guns from him.

    (The conversation between Skomorje and Rowdy -S for Skomorje -R for Rowdy)


    S- Hey yo' man, whaddup?
    R-I am all good brother, how about you?
    S- I am great thanks for asking. So we had to done something today and our amount of the guns are almost out. We need some guns. Can you provide us them?
    R-Sure thing bro. I am going to give you my current location, meet me up there.
    S- Alright we're on our way pal,see you there.


    Skomorje and Genetrix took an Admiral and went to the Rowdy's location. They went to the San Fierro, Arms Assassins ship. When Skomorje and Genetrix arrived at there Rowdy was waiting for them. Skomorje and Rowdy shaked their hands went inside the gun store. They had a hidden arms factory inside of the gun store. Rowdy showed them the arms factory and showed them some AK's, Combat Shotgun's and other combat guns. Rowdy gave two prototypes of the guns and told them to test these guns in the polygon. Genetrix and Skomorje tested the guns and liked so much. They talked about the price and how to deliver the guns. Rowdy did some discount because they are friends and the delivery was coming by the sea. After they are done talking they went outside, Skomorje and Genetrix got inside their car and went to the Escondidos docks.

    After they arrived in the docks, Rowdy gave Skomorje'a call and he said he's on his way to the docks. Skomorje called Genetrix and Nexroth to take the guns from Rowdy and load them to the storage. When Rowdy arrived Skomorje and Rowdy shaked their hands and started to take out the guns from the boat. They carried guns to the gun storage and Skomorje took the money bag from the gang money safe. Skomorje went near to the boat with Rowdy and he gave money to the Rowdy. Rowdy took the money bag and he got inside of his boat and went back to his territory.

    Screenshots: click here for the screens

  2. @Nexroth said in Gladiators MC | Media Archive:

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    RolePlay Number: <13>
    Participant organizations: @Rowdy35 - @GladiatorsMC
    RolePlay Story: We learned today that new weapons have arrived from Cuba. In San Fierro, we found out that a gang called AA was going to the Armory. We heard the incoming weapons were new models. They said the new models had a long magazine ,silencer, laser and red dot shot. It would be very risky and lucrative for us to steal them because they are more advanced than the weapons we have. We gathered with our brothers at the club and went to San Fierro. We went to the Armory. We made plans before we went in with our brothers. We went inside and asked the price of the guns in a normal way. He asked for $ 20,000 for the AK47 and $ 15,000 in sniper. I said I wanted to look at the AK47. As soon as he went to get the gun, we pulled out our guns and threatened him. He shot at our brother with the gun he took to show us and wounded him. We necessarily we had to kill him. After we killed him, we looked at our brother's condition and the bullets were just grazed. We immediately started collecting guns and bullets from the store. After we got everything, we put it in the trunk of the car and drove away.


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  3. ^[alt text]

    Section 1 - Non-RP Information

    Nickname: Rowdy

    Username: rowdy

    Old nickname/Other used names ingame: N/A

    Age: 18

    Gender: Man

    Current G/S Arms Assassins

    How long have you been a member of your current g/s and what is your rank? I joined Arms Assassins 9 months ago and I am 2 level.

    Current groups:

    • ~[Outbreak Organization]~(maroon,black)

    • ~[The Motor Heads]~(lime,black)

    • ~[Cluckin' Bell]~(yellow,black)

    • ~[Cunning Stunts]~(orange,black)

    • ~[San Andreas Pirates]~(cyan,black)

    Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: N/A

    Will you have enough time to learn in the evening (at the course)? Yes

    Tell us something about yourself: My name is Hasan I'm 18 years old I like to play games. HQ team's decision is the most important thing for accept situtation. Well first of all i need to say i'll show my best effort and bests for be a part of SAFD. You can accept me because of my personal futures, for example; I am a friendly, mature, loyal and funny person. Thats why many people calls me as ''ma boi, funny boy and trustable''. I meant, i am not a cunt (). Anyways like i said, i hope SAFD HQs like my application and wish see me in SAFD.

    Section 2 - Questions

    Do you understand that joining the academy of San Andreas Fire Department doesn't give you any rank or anything that will make you better than other people? Yes

    Do you understand that you will have to be in a fire fighting course for more than a month? Yes

    Do you understand the rules of the academy and the rules of San Andreas Fire Department? Yes

    Do you understand that you will have to learn and to pass writing tests in order to pass the course? Yes

    Section 3 - Detailed Profile

    What are your strengths?

    • Using weapons

    • Driving a car

    What are your weaknesses?

    • Parachute

    Why do you want to join the SAFD? Well, because SAFD has quality, good, friendly members and HQs. Also i have friends from there, i would play with them together and to make new friends. Shortly SAFD is special on my eye.

    Why do you want to join the academy? As I said above, to make new friends and I want to know more about firefighter roleplay.

    What specialization would you like to learn within the academy? I want to know how a young firefighter can be.

    ^[alt text]

    Applicant's signature: Rowdy
    Date: 30/05/2019

  4. alt text

    ~[TMH Technicians Working on :]~(lime,black) Rowdy
    ~[Technicians Involved:]~(lime,black) Rowdy
    ~[Location:]~(lime,black) LVX
    ~[Duration of Working:]~(lime,black) 20 Min
    ~[Number of Vehicles Repaired:]~(lime,black) 20-25
    ~[ScreenShot:]~(lime,black) https://imgur.com/a/ZsJNyqt

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