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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. Event Number: 23 Event Type: Last Man Standing LWS/G6 Helper: Hotfire Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): ChmP Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. @Nord said in [Recruitment Open] Knighthounds Contractors: Name (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME): Mohammad Ziyad. In-game Name: Nishki Username: bluelive122 Age: 18 Current G/S/C (Please state past as well): Used to be part of OC.ThC and CripZ Current Groups (Please state past as well): I am currently part of IAC and SAS. Tell us about yourself: Well there is really nothing to tell about myself my name is Mohammad I am 18 years old I study Gastronomy and culinary arts since I am currently on vacation all I do is play SAES the whole day. Do you have any military roleplay experience(s)?: Well yeah I've done some RP's in the past with these kind of stuff. Why should we accept you as a Contractor?: Well after I've read the topic and the stuff about the group I said to myself that damn this group is damn fine and it does hold a bright future upon it so why not work hard and make it bigger and stronger with my strong activity and experience. What will you bring to KHC?: I would bring humbleness activity and lots of fulfilling and promising members to work hard on it. Do you understand our roleplay and our goals?: Yes I do. Who are the current commanders of KHC?: The 3 current commanders are @TaJ @Markus and @Nord
  3. About yourself. In-game nickname: Nishki In-game username: bluelive122 Your real name: Mohammad Age: 18 Nationality: United Arab Emirates Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes I do. Shiryu,Bor, and MrSolrac and I don't know if I am supposed to call Dequ a friend or not but I did hang out lots of times with him and we had our laughs together. Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: To be honest not really I just was so lost in the game between gangs applying and losing interest and pulling off my application so I sat down with myself for almost a week to think of which gang I want to join and stay at and I think The Outfit it the best one that will fit me. What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I can offer great activity bring humbleness into the gang and positivity great attitude and gratitude and leadership if that works. Additional information about yourself: Well there is nothing really that special in me I am just a guy who plays on SAES most of the time and enjoy my time around with friends. Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absences & forum time too): Well I have playing since 2014 I think and I don't think I ever went inactive. What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): I've been into OC, ThC, and Cripz well I didn't last in of them for long. left for personal desires. Why have you left the above?: Yeah as I've said above I left them all for personal desires I didn't feel comfortable in any of them but about CripZ I just had a misunderstanding with a member. But that doesn't really mean anything about me Unloyalty I just had a reason that I wouldn't like to say here I can talk to it in a Personal chat with the HQ's or anything. What server groups are you currently a part of?: IAC, and SAS. Previous server bans and reasons (include links): N/A
  4. Ingame name: Nishki Account name: bluelive122 Age: 18 Native language: Arabic Additional languages: English Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): 10 Skill evaluation English language (0/10): 8.9 Roleplaying skill (0/10): 8 Driving skill (0/10): 8 Strengths: Shooting, Driving, and ideas of role playing Weaknesses: Driving planes not actually driving them just landing them. Background Previous organizations you associated with: IAC and SAS as groups. Criminal history: I've joined some gangs like OC ThC and Cripz Current organizations: Just IAC and SAS as groups. Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) after I've read the topic and the RP of the group I've really liked the group and knowing the actual people in the group makes me love the group even more so I did say to myself that joining my friend in the group would actually make the Roleplay stories better and better.
  5. Application Format : Nickname : Nishki Username : bluelive122 Since when do you play SAES:RPG : 2013-2014 Current gang/squad/company : None. Current Groups : IAC Who are the Founders of SaS : Ganja and Karma Which division are you applying for : Actor. Why did you choose this division : Because I've been a fan of acting ever since I was a kid and I really would like to take part of the acting system. Who is the leader of the Actors Division : Karma is the Leader of it and Colo is the HQ Who is the leader of The Producers Division : Ganja. Why do you want to join San Andreas Studios : I've been recommended to join it and to be honest after I've read the topic I really loved the group and the story of it so I said to myself that it would be great to take part of it. Why should we accept you : I am really a fan of acting and I am super active on the server i'd bring activity and humbleness into the group and i'd be really useful to the acting team. Anything you want to add : I think this is my chance to prove myself in Roleplaying and my acting stuff. Thanks for reading best regards Nishki.
  6. @reket said in Roadsters of San Andreas V2: Ingame name: M07md Account name: Bluelive122 Age: 18 Have you ever been adminjailed or banned?: Never. Tell us a bit about your SAES career (minimum 50 words): I started playing as a cop when I was new in this server slowly slowly when I started actually knowing how this server works I switched to the criminal side and played as a drug dealers for the rest of the time and started joining gangs to to gain more experience. What is your current G/S/C?: Nothing yet. Why do you want to join Roadsters of San Andreas and why should we accept you?: To be honest I've read the RP role and watched your vids and I really liked the role of the group the way it fits me aswell and I hope that I would really be part of the group.
  7. Particcipants: @Rzz0 @TaaviLaudur and some other fggt. Type: RaceFlag Winners and Prize: RaaceFlag money and @TaaviLaudur Won. Screenshots:
  8. Participants: Shown in the SS Type: RaceFlag Winners and Prize: @Sanya and the money of the Raceflag. Screenshots:
  9. Hang-Around activity. TMH Members involved: @TaJ Duaration of Hangout: 1hour. Screenshots:
  10. Hope you get better soon bro! <3
  11. Lights out!
  12. Address: near Dragon Casino at LV Account name: pawol7 Last seen: 10th March 2019
  13. Ingame name: Nishki Account name: Bluelive122 Age:18 Have you ever been adminjailed or banned?:I've been admin jailed before. Tell us a bit about your SAES career (minimum 50 words): I've started playing as a robber when I started my SAES career until I realized that I could actually have more fun and more experience by switching into arms dealer or a drug dealer. I've been into a lot in the server day by day I realized that I could actually be party of a family or a gang I've joined Overdose Crime as my first gang I had really a lot of great experience there ill I was kicked because I had a small misunderstanding with the leader over there. then I decided to join The Company it was the best gang I've actually joined had a lot of great friends there and a lot of fun there but I've decided to I want to leave because I really didn't feel comfortable in there and that's pretty much it. What is your current G/S/C?:Nothing at the moment Why do you want to join Roadsters of San Andreas and why should we accept you?: after I've read the topic and the main story of the group I've really noticed that the group is amazing and the role of the group is really organized and it fits my role in everything. and I want to join the group to help it become bigger stronger and be a top group in the server.
  14. Hang-Around Number: 1 TMH Members involved: @TaJ Duration of hang: 20mins screenshots:
  15. Sorry no longer interested.
  16. Participants: @KARIM and @PewD and I Type:Raceflag Location: SF winners and prize: Karim 1st Pewd 2nd and me 3rd Screenshots:
  17. Participants: @Rainy and Myself Type:1v1 race Location: TMH base to LVX Winners and prize: 200k winners rainy. Screenshots:
  18. Participants: @KARIM and myself Type: 1v1 race Location: LV Winners and prize: Me no price set Screenshots:
  19. Participants: @Rainy and myself RACE FLAG Type:Raceflag Location: WS Winner and prize: @Rainy 1st place and me 2nd place. Screenshots:
  20. Participants: @Rainy and myself. Type: 1v1 race location: LS Winner and prize : @Rainy and 300k Screenshots:
  21. @SideSwipe Ez
  22. @A7md fucking dead ahahah
  23. Thank you for your time.
  24. #671 Event Name: Deagle 1 vs 1 LWS/G6/CEO: @Blu @Reggi Price: 1.000.000$ Winner(s): @flusha Screenshots: ::: :::
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