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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. DJ: Nishki Broadcasted on 2020/11/10 Duration: 30mins and still going. Screen: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  2. Jailbreak #1657 Outbreak Members: @Law @Velona @Ovello @PerroLoco @perrolocoo wtf why 2 accs? @Flippo Outbreak Helpers KINGS: @Fesito @nulgath @Ali @posho Screens: ::: Spoiler Text :::
  3. Happy birtthday retard much love.
  4. @Hetler <3 habibi hhhhhhh @Kybali0n gracias amigo when are youcoming back to kill some pigs @Sanfara Thank you and my bad for what i have said.
  5. @Cappo :baby: @DustyLoc already benefited 450m from it
  6. @Cappo thanks dog of ottaman empire still saudi>bulgaria. @blizzard Thank you but hopefully not let's make it happen on the 27th of octoper aye :boy: @Spark thank you zebi @zKill98 thanks :italy: @jamal2 thanks nikzebi @hope habibi yasta <3 @Rainy thanks :croatia: blacklisted from ob for calling me a kid. @fenter thanks :clown_face: @Maksim thank you sisi <3 @Brondy ey vallah abi <3 @Rivals thanks macaco <3
  7. @Pog Thank you amigooo viva el brazil!! @Groove listen to him.. @Greed thank you kardishim. @ElPendejoN graciasss
  8. @Yoko_Kurama Thanks big king hope you have a wonderful one as well. @Puppy Thanks puppy a real G <3 @Dalb Thank you blyat. @Latinoo thank you amigoo
  9. Thank you all for the birthday wishes made me role 3 joints instead of 2 really means a lot. <3 @Lincoln KANKER DOM thank you bro leme see navm at the top before i die @JohnnyEnglish Thank you buddy. much love <3 @Moley Nik omak thank you man a real G. @Marso markasoo thank you my fav weeb anime friend <3 @Xavier 555 t3mya tslm aysta <3 @Raf0 Thank you love @WenDo Thank you mate @Niklaus 5awyyy tslm mra fdetk <3 @rykila thank you ricardo siii best TT member. @Blue Thanks when TT? kurd @Dizzy thank you kanka means alot kardishim. @Garcia habibi tslm @redlive122 <3 thank you king @Law yastaaa 3la 3eni w rasi wallahi <3
  10. Jailbreak #1643 After Z BR. Outbreak Members: @Marso @baphomet @rykila @Mackey @Judyes @Beckham. Outbreak Helpers: @Rainy @Andrew03 @d9co @Dinaz @nulgath @Grim ::: :::
  11. Hello and welcome to Nishki's sexy LWS events. Over here i will posting my events. Event Type: Event Number: Event Date:
  12. brooo TT it is aye?
  13. Yes when @Teddy
  14. @Brophy Please Confirm.
  15. This is a Manual post. Amount Donated: 30.00GBP Requested Awards: 1/ damaged glendale 2/Taxi car forgot the name 3/Donator Spawn 4/Shamal. TXN ID: 3MU95159KJ5960134 and 9ML20404GW164025D I will show the Locations In-game.
  16. Just because @AngrySandvich made his bet 4m.
  17. finally 12 kid? happy brithday yasta 3o2bal el melyoon sana <3
  18. @Cappo kys saudi superior country bulgaria= discount turks
  19. Tenha um dia maravilhoso, espero que voc viva feliz para sempre @Pog Can we agree on him becoming the next leader for TT? @Tuga-Thugs
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