Attendants; Homeland Security Agents, @Element, @Anas_ , @Rocoso , @KiroSa & SWAT and FBI Units. Terrorists are @juanes12 , @Cristian Detailed scenario; Last night, we received a call from local police that an attack was being prepared. We immediately arrived at the scene as SWAT and FBI units. Some terrorists, who were preparing to attack by closing the railroad, seemed to have heavy weapons. When we came to the conclusion that the attackers were more dangerous than we thought. We decided that more professional teams should intervene. Therefore we called Homeland Security agents to the scene. HLS responded to our call as soon as possible and arrived at the scene with all of their equipment. HLS agents entered the tunnel with quick planning and had a combat with the terrorists. Terrorists were easily taken over and surrendered. On the other hand, We have provided support to HLS as area security and back forces. As a result of the searches made in the tunnel, the materials brought with them by the terrorists were carefully searched and taken under control. While the weapons and explosives were safely loaded onto the cargobob, the terrorists were taken to HLS Headquarters for questioning. ::: :::