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Everything posted by Skinnydeads

  1. I'd leave my squad if this would be a thing as there is no point in being in one. Already most people are in a gang or want to be in one, If you give the option to be pc as well there is no reason to go to a squad, to begin with. The only way I would be fine with a criminal being PC is by being loyal to PC for years and as a reward keeping pc when they switch to the criminal side.
  2. Well thanks for removing all vehicles putting them in awful locations without the previous colourcode and nitro might aswell remove them
  3. Did they all have to be placed far away from the spawn without nitro/colour?
  4. Only had 1 in bc @Tut-Greco other one is in lvpd
  5. It's a shame that truckers don't get wanted stars anymore that decreased roleplay with the civilian group significantly. As to the suggestion, anyone just make a macro and spam /me locally thousands of times a minute for money
  6. Activity: ^[] Date: 6/11/2019 Screenshots: ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  7. Name: Legacy Username: legacy1 Rank before kick/leave: PvT How long have you been in sapa: Ain't sure Who kicked you: N/A Date of kick/leave: Left somewhere in 2016 Reason for kick/leave: Left to join FOX after getting pc, pvt due to them recruiting me. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : As mentioned above. Why do you want back in? : At the time it was either SAPA or FOX and now I'd be able to do both. Looking to help training new cadets at some point. What have you learned from this? : N/A Who do you want to apologize to? : N/A Why should we give you a second chance?: Like I've mentioned I left on my own accord after I completed my training. That's what SAPA is for and now restrictions to just SAPA or a squad have been lifted I'd like to be reinstated.
  8. Activity: ^[] Date: 6/10/2019 Screenshots: ::: ^[] ^[] :::
  9. @Tut-Greco re-placing lvpd's that you fucked :P https://imgur.com/a/5gk9Y4X (these 2 were mine and still standing here first pic is in lvpd) Additionally to this one in LSPD and one in SFPD So a total of 4 lvpd's all in this color (this was the color on it no idea what the color code is anymore https://imgur.com/a/eAMQnJY)
  10. Can anyone sort this?
  11. Bump, Dodo still has to be placed
  12. https://imgur.com/a/T3jdGdn @Groove here next to the helipads should work
  13. Vehicle 13/15: dodo #000000 Location: LS | FBI base https://imgur.com/a/T3jdGdn Username: legacy1,johnturner ===================== Vehicle 14/15: LVPD (modded one) w/ nitro #000000 Location: LS | FBI base Username: legacy1 ===================== Vehicle 15/15: police maverick #000000 Location: LS | FBI base Username: legacy1
  14. @Crash said in ATM REFILLING: I would say remove the criminal cop side from it why? Cause people will keep on getting it stolen or destroyed by people trying to steal it and people will get tired and not even try spawn as it unless during night morning time where there's like 20 people on the server and 15 are in lvx chilling So during the entire day there will be 60% of the ATMs empty apart from that it would be a nice script to be added Indeed, Only way i'd see the robbing part work is if it's a small chance percentage of the vehicle being "leaked" (So a rare occurrence of it being robbable) to criminals and that cops also get notified to help secure the vehicle till said atm's are restocked. (Cops would get a reward if it's not stopped by criminals) In addition, it could be a opt-in feature to be robbable for a greater reward for the drivers. Kinda like how trucking used to work you could get more money if you'd choose to be wanted.
  15. Happy birthday ^_^
  16. Vehicle 12/15: Yosemite #3a2020 - 10x nitro + #3a2020 Lights Location: LS | Property > Flat block C https://imgur.com/a/yHGlyQA Username: legacy1,therubik @Rubik
  17. @DROT said in Adding /mark <PlayerName>: Yes if the target is able to decline/accept the mark or is able to toggle whether they can or can not be tracked. Otherwise I'd hate it personally as ability to mark everyone could potentially kill the sneak/ambush gameplay aspect completely. Agreed, However I'd rather have a limitation let's say you can only mark one or two players at the same time.
  18. Address: El Bunker Der Cartel Account name: Mazen147 Last seen: 17th March 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ExADRfk
  19. username: mazen147 Last seen: 02/17/19 https://imgur.com/a/DFwn7H2 rs haul corp
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