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Everything posted by Ghost722nd
@Groove said in Global Trust: Where is Eden Initiative?!! ;) Until someone revives it as group -> Offshore :P
Sry have to upload the pictures again, pls be patient until I've done it! Way to tired to do that now! Edit: Images should be fixed now!
Employees should use following format when posting roleplays and events: Activity name: Involved players: Funds used (if applicable): Backstory: Screenshots of the activity being archived (spoiler):
^[] Discord server: Global Trust Discord Server Media archive: Global Trust Media Archive Global Trust is a world-wide operating industry syndicate and one of the principal employer in the sections: industry, mining and energy production from fossil fuels like coal, oil and uranium. Our brand stands for stable markets, constant growth and save income of it employees. It is Global Trust's intend to increase the wealth of everyone who supports their projects. Research and development of new technologies offers even more capabilities for a rapid upturn of the economy where Global Trust increasing to invest in. After some market research the board members of Global Trust came to the conclusion that the current economy of San Andreas be a disaster. The result was that the economy suffers under a money induced inflation. This led to increasing of prices for immobiles, products like cars, fuel and services. It is time to get the train back on track! Through the forming of new jobs and negotiation with the local government will Global Trust try to change this miserable conditions. The population already starts to emmigrate and moving to other countries with better living conditions. It is time to stop this trend! Heavy industries and the mining industry will bring this country back to it's former greatness. Our overseas investors support Global Trust with all necessary funds to make this dream come true! Global Trust was formed in 1998 after many fusions of smaller companies which were tired of the increasing competition of environment-friendlier companies and their actions against the long-established industries like fossile energy production under the pretext to save the world against the greenhouse effect. Over the years Global Trust's power increased and more and more smaller companies fusioned with this growing syndicate to profit from their influence. The economy off the whole world experienced an upturn it has never had before. In 2005 Global Trust was the principal employer and energy supplier around the globe. This led to increased tensions in the population because their whole energy production was still based on fossile fuels. The board members promised to invest in new technologies to upgrade their industries to be more environment-friendly. After many years leaked out that this was a false promise. The whistle blower has been arrested by Global Trust's security and after the laws of the company imprisoned in their High-Secure Prison called "The grave". The tensions raised again and a new movement was formed the Eden Initiative. Their goal was to build up a nature friendly future and to fight against Global Trust's supremacy. Nearly every employee of Global Trust lived in luxury. The prices for apartments decreased due to the standardization of build materials and their efficient usage during the build process. And the production capacities mayorly increased every year. Only the hidden actions of the Eden Initiative were a thorn in Global Trust's board members eye. During the year 2012 has been a small group send to San Andreas to establish a new location to satisfy Global Trust's resource hungry industries. This plan has been interupted by the Eden Initiative and these plans vanished in the drawer. Until today! Supported by new technologies developed by the San Andreas Advanced Technologies abridged S.A.A.T this old plan has been reconciderated and a new team formed to finally achieve this goal. Board Members: Chief Executive Officer <CEO> The president of this company and has final decision over human, financial, environmental and technical operations of the corporation. Chief Operating Officer <COO> The vice president of this company. He is the second in command. Chief Technical Officer <CTO> Responsible for Research & Development of technologies. The scientists report to him. Chief Communication Officer <CCO> Responsible for press annoncements and public relationship. Chief Human Resource Officer <CHRO> Responsible for the recruiting of new employees. Chief Financial Officer <CFO> The treasurer of the company. He oversees the funding and the cashflow. Chief Information Officer <CIO> Responsible to report the current information about the resources to the CEO and COO. Chief Brand Officer <CBO> Responsible for the marketing and the advertising of the company. Chief Security Officer <CSO> Responsible for all security questions, be it protection or planning of security measures. Member Ranks: Technical Consultant <TC> Helps at technical issues and offers solutions for them. Lawyer <LAW> Represents the company in court cases. Bodyguard <BG> Protection of board members in the public. Scientist <SCI> Researches new technologies for the company. Engineer <ENG> Responsible for maintenance of company properties. Worker <W> Lowest Rank in this company. Does basic jobs like the work in Global Trust's facilities. Chief Executive Officer <CEO> ( @Ghost722nd ) | [saes]ghost722nd Chief Operating Officer <COO> ( @JohnTurner ) | johnturner Chief Technical Officer <CTO> ( @JohnnyEnglish ) | johnnyenglish Chief Communication Officer <CCO> unoccupied Chief Human Resource Officer <CHRO> ( @Bangas ) | jmyx Chief Financial Officer <CFO> unoccupied Chief Information Officer <CIO> unoccupied Chief Brand Officer <CBO> ( @Darth-Revan ) | maryondo Chief Security Officer <CSO> ( @buddler ) | buddler Member Ranks: Technical Consultant <TC> ( @DezZolation ) | desolator (On vacation because of RL) ( @jonas13362 ) | jonas13362 Lawyer <LAW> ( @Joshbond ) | joshbond Bodyguard <BG> ( @Terry ) | rizacem ( @Hesha ) | hi5ha ( @zaza ) | cunobaba Scientist <SCI> ( @SAFP-Carl ) | xirokax ( @BusterMcBadass ) | pedrinho ( @ElRastaMan17 ) | ElRastaMan17 Engineer <ENG> ( @Rubik ) | therubik Worker <W> ( @Lincoln ) | Abdivdbf ( @Cruz. ) | tubcol ( @Qweezy ) | qweezy331 ( @POCCKYE ) | POCCKYE ( @DBMoodyBlues ) | DBMoodyBlues ( @redlive122 ) | redlive122 ( @Funstein ) | Arkantos12 ( @duff ) | fener1907 ( @siddman ) | siddharta1985 ( @Toni ) | izlatko ( @Mohamed-Mostafa ) | Zelozed2 ( @ZipWyatt ) | ZipWyatt ( @Freezom ) | Freezom ( @brotherhoodman ) | Brother Personal Information Ingame name: Account name: Age: Native language: Additional languages: Availability on a scale from 1 to 10 (how much you are generally able to play, 10 is every day): Skill evaluation English language (0/10): Roleplaying skill (0/10): Driving skill (0/10): Strengths: Weaknesses: Background Previous organizations you associated with: Criminal history: Current organizations: Personality Why do you want to join Global Trust? (Less than 500 please and read -> (Spoiler -> #1)) Ghost722nd - CEO of Global Trust JohnT - COO of Global Trust The earth is only loaned to us, but no-one said anything about giving it back! ::: #1 : Please think about what you want to write. There is no need to rush it. Take your time. We don't want to hear that GT is a good group or you that you would like to join us because you like it and so on. We want to know what YOU can do for the group! It could be that you are a good story writer or that you are able to make high quality short movies or whatever. Then please write it in this section. Any other feedback can be placed there as well. But think about what you write and if english is not your native language then let Doc.Google or any other friend help you. We need true members not sheeps! #seriousmodeoff :::
Last night I've found Tilong AFK at the LVX and thought that he wouldn't mind to get his body used to have a little journey through SA. Used him as gate opener (Yes I know, abuse, abuse!) But nobody has been harmed so that I hope this "usage" was okay! Since I've took so many screens I'll only post a link to my Dropbox. There you can view his whole Journey :grin: Tilongs AFK Journey
And how about that you can only see other blips while being unwanted, maybe as an on/off feature? This way wanted crims couldn't see cops. Cops could chase wanted crims easier. And the rest can find each other faster! Just my opinion.
Uncle @Brophy , can we keep this @Joe he's so cute! :heart_eyes:
The current Weather on SAES.
Ghost722nd replied to jaimy's question in Suggestions / Changes - Archive
To have the choice would be nice because sometimes it's just annoying! -
@Laza said in Guess who's back from the dead :P: I'm so happy to see you're returning after a long time, guess you were the one back then in Global Trust, then moved to SWAT, if I have a good memory. On another hand, welcome back pal :tropical_drink: First SWAT, then GT and in between brought @iStar to rage quit! Yeah it's good to be back ^_^
@Hesha said in Guess who's back from the dead :P: Welcome back, and you can talk to me at any time you want, no need for the barrel. After we did, we will see! Prepare your anus, just in case! ehehehe
Some people already spotted me on teamspeak but I would like to make it official. Blame @kenny and @buddler for my return. And before someone asks: Yes, it's me! Look in steam, it's the same avatar as here! If you don't believe it, add me there and get your ass slapped for it! No, I don't have discord and no I don't want it! If you don't like it then go to hell! :P (But heared that it's a "Must have" so gonna install it tomorrow!) If it's true what I've heared about SWAT then I want to talk to the current commander and put him into a barrel of acid! Otherwise I'll try to find @Magnus to move his ass into the mentioned barrel! Ron and Tilong; I've got some new kinds of weed for you guys :D To all the others; I still hate ..ehm... love you! :P