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Everything posted by ElGrandeMaroki

  1. @AntiRug nah sorry sameone gimme 1M :( but i need better of then :(
  2. i got this from melou and i'll continue selling it until i get a good price ...
  3. Starting bid : 1 m PLACE : LS Marina chillaxpad ss: https://imgur.com/a/fxAYRfz
  4. ohh so good idea like GTA5
  5. @Crash you can close that
  6. @Ramby said in Bye bye!: Instead of "leaving" you could also just "take a break" and comeback after a while. Because at some point most people come back. This is the right talk bruuh and I hope to focus on something in your time of rest and be patient . YOUR PLACE IN SAES DUDE :deer:
  7. Started : 1M PLACE : LS Marina chillaxpad ss: https://imgur.com/a/fxAYRfz
  8. Event Number: #107 LWS/G6:@Filex Winner(s): @Hassoni Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cp320kf
  9. Event Number: #101 Event Type: falout Shooter LWS/G6: @A7md Winner(s):@ @Radio_ Prize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/6TX0sCO Event Number: #102 Event Type: ALL VS ALL COLT 45 LWS/G6: @A7md Winner(s): @lazar Prize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/bacRfV8 Event Number: #103 Event Type: HUNTER SHOOTER LWS/G6: @A7md Winner(s): @Melou Prize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/eU5pQPg
  10. Roleplay Number : #126 @Noisyboy said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive: Roleplay#7 Participants: Clandestine Mob & ~[Cartel De Sinaloa]~(maroon,sienna) ^[~Survival Of the Fittest~] It was a sunny morning in july 24th, Clandestine soldiers were doing their work as usual in the Los Santos Warehouse , until some of Cartel de Sinaloa members appeared infront of the warehouse , without any hesitation , Clands's soldiers opened the Garage door and let the others enter, the Cland's Caporegime expected their coming because they had a deal and they probably came to discuss about it , As usual , the soldiers welcomed their guests very well , After some minutes of talking about the deal they had , Marco Verde who was clands's capo for over 10 years and most trusted member there , got a call from his old friend and CEO 'Thomas Piccolo' who was running a huge compatibiliy Company , asked Marco to meet him as soon as possible , El capo didnt refuse his request and accepted to meet him near the warehouse , after thirty minutes, he arrived and met Marco , he seemed a bit worried and had that angry look , Marco tried to calm him down by asking him whats going on , Thomas explained that one of his rivals created a compatibility company just to compete with him and its making the work harder for Thomas and limiting the market so he demanded from marco to help him by intercepting an important money transportation from the his rival's company that is going from Los santos to San fierro bank and promised marco to pay him really well , Marco knew that he needed many guys to do this so he asked De Sinaloa's members if they can help with this Operation, the members accepted right away and got their guns out of the trunk and pointed that they ready for this. ^[] Two Hours of making the perfect plan and tactics , The 2 crews were reading for action , First they located the truck using the informations they got from Thomas , they Kept following the truck without even making the drivers notice that there someone behind them , few minutes later , the truck took a shortcut in a rural area on a bridge , the crew used this chance to cut them and intercept their path , they had 1 car infront of the truck and one behind it so they cant turn and run away , they quickly got out of the car and aimed their weapons at the driver and his partner , they got out of the truck with their hands on top of their heads, the crew , without any warning , ended their lives and threw their bodies from the bridge then took the truck back to Clands's warehouse , after that , Marco informed Thomas that the operation is successful and he can come to take the truck , thomas finally came and thank Marco and De Sinaloa's members for their effort and dedication also he promised to do more business with them in the future because both of these gangs are the most trustable ones in the whole of San Andreas , Thomas paid both of them Well then left the place with the truck. ^[]
  11. Address: appertement 34 lv Account name: southerner Last seen: 19 may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/D6zcXx7
  12. Address: 9 creek way Account name: killer89 Last seen: 16 may Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t6JG2Um
  13. Event Number: #98 Event Type: fallout shotter LWS/G6: @Star Winner(s): @Elegant Prize: ~[$]~(green)1.000.000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/T5gDfR1
  14. Event Number: #96 Event Type: Fallout LWS/G6: @Blu Winner(s): @mimo Prize: ~[$]~(green)2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QMd78NI
  15. @Ibrahim Your level of experience and maturity is not on level we require it to be, and did not show us your potential therefore, your application is ~[DENIED]~(red). You are welcome to reapply in 1 month from now if you are still interested. @misterX said https://i.imgur.com/73o5UuC.png this topic costum for the apply
  16. Event Number: #93 Event Type: airbox 1v1 LWS/G6: @Star Winner(s): @PHROST Prize: 1 million Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v7SW3E0 Event Number: #94 Event Type: rhino shotter LWS/G6: @Star Winner(s): @Gopnik Prize: 1 million Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/n0b3ztl Event Number: #95 Event Type: chiken shotter LWS/G6: @Star Winner(s): @ElPadrino Prize: 1 million Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F263dxK
  17. Event Number: #90 Event Type: chikken shotter LWS/G6: @Pozzo Winner(s): @PUTYS Prize:1.000.000$ SS: https://imgur.com/a/z8m5we5
  18. I have about 10 days waiting for help and I have a missing car super GT] @Groove
  19. Address: appartement 47 lv complexsouth Account name: grinnjoy Last seen: 06/05/2019 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/RYVWjEi
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