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Everything posted by MonkaS

  1. @premuf Not quite serious but will give you a try, come ingame for test! ![alt text](
  2. -Section 1- Username: Rand12 Real Name: Rand In-game Nick: MonkaS Nationality: Sweden Country of residence: Swedish Age: I'm 17 years old. English proficiency: 7/10 Other Languages: Kurdish Why do you want to join us?: Well, I love the group and I think that it would be very fun being a member in Outbreak-Organization because of they're one of the most active groups atm and mostly because of it's a criminal group, I personally love criminal groups. I think that also I would be very helpful to the team with my skills such as my activity, communication, and teamwork. Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: I am an ambitious, mature and calm person. I like to consider myself to be a team player more than a single-player. I am a very active person on daily bases, I usually play SAES 5-7 hours daily. I want also to bring my qualities to the team to improve Outbreak-Organization. How long you been playing in SAES?: I started playing SAES: RPG 3 years ago, but I took a break since then and I am back now. Current group membership(s): Newbie in Luck's Company -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hey, I'm Rand. I'm a 17 years old guy, that lives in Sweden. Currently, I'm training parkour on Velux freerun parkour in Sweden. I like to spend my free time playing SAES: RPG and League of Legends.
  3. Application Form Real Name: Rand Nickname: MonkaS Age:17 Gender: Male Location: Sweden Tell us more about yourself (at least 2 paragraphs): I am a 17-year-old Swedish gamer. I like to spend my free time playing SAES: RPG and League of Legends. At the moment I am training parkour, I've trained parkour 2 months now. How long have you been playing on SAES: RPG for? I started playing 3 years ago, but I took a break and I'm back now. Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No Please list your current group memberships on the server: None atm. What are your strengths (at least 2 paragraphs)? I feel that I have many strengths, such as driving, roleplaying, shooting and drifting. What are your weaknesses (at least 2 paragraphs)? Well, In my opinion, the only weakness I have is that I am not very good at driving boats. Do you have access to TS3 or Discord? Discord How many hours do you play on average daily? 5-9 hours daily. How often do you visit the forums? Everyday 5-7 hours. Roleplay (out of 10):8.2 English (out of 10):7-8 Driving (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions Why do you want to join Lucks's Company? Well, I love the group role and I personally think that it would be very fun being in this group with all the other members that are in this group. I think that I will be very helpful to the team with my skills such as my communication and teamworking. Did somebody recommend that you apply to LC? If so, who? No Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes. In your own words, define roleplay: Roleplay is when you are acting as it is real life. In your own words, define DM: DM is damaging, attacking or killing players for no reason and/or at random and that is not allowed. In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is when you are in a team that you're in a team and that you work as a team instead of working alone.
  4. OG Events #1 Event Type: Simon Says LWS/G6:LWS Winner(s):Nothing Prize:1 000 000 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/eyYrJCt
  5. Roleplay format: OG Roleplay #x Date: Title: Story: Screenshots: Event format: OG Events #x Date: Event Type: LWS/G6: Winner(s): Prize: Screenshots: Activities Members online: Date: Screenshots: Bankrob BR Number: Location: Date:
  6. @Mr-Niceguy come ingame for test!
  7. @talarkovv1 Yeah, GL Us <3
  8. @IceCold I came up with that motto literally myself, But i will change it. @ChaMpi Thanks
  9. @FoxZilla Thanks.
  10. @Zei Yeah it does. Thanks again.
  11. GL
  12. @FastYounq @xJuDe @reket Thanks
  13. @Tapi Thanks.
  14. @Kim Thanks. @Spicey Thanks. @Funstein Thanks.
  15. @SoulFly Thanks.
  16. @Polentaa @Julio000 Thanks.
  17. delete this.
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