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Everything posted by MonkaS

  1. Application Format Nickname: My nickname is MonkaS. Age: I am 17 years old. Country: I live in Sweden. Language spoken: I speak Swedish and Kurdish From 0 to 10, how would you rate your English proficiency? (?/10):7 How long have you been playing on SAES: I started some years ago and quit because of real-life reasons. I came back to SAES: RPG 1-2 month ago. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: The greatest organization in San Andreas. The best arms dealers the world shave ever seen! Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Original Gangsters, It died. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None Name 3 BR rules: You're not allowed to start a BR without HQ permission. You're not allowed to Camp at the entrance marker. A gang is only allowed to do 2 BR max a day. Name 3 GR rules: You're not allowed to use grenades. You're not allowed to spawn kill. You're not allowed to spawn as a medic to help your gang. Name 3 Turf rules: You're not allowed to spawn as a cop or as a medic to assist your gang. You're not allowed to kill someone with help of using unclimbable roofs. You're not allowed to spawn at your properties if they are near turf zones. What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is basically you act like it is real life. What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is when you damaging or killing someone without a reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I would start off with a screenshot than report the person that dmed me at /reports. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I wouldn't show the cops any harm. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang before you applied?: No. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Well, I will be talking about myself in this section. My name is Rand and I'm 17 years old. I am studying in IT, which is really fun in my opinion. I currently live in Sweden, Gothenburg. I'm going to train for my driver license. My dad himself has worked as a taxi driver, I am looking forward to getting learned by him.
  2. Roster update 2019-03-23
  3. OG Roleplay #11 Title: Weapon exchange Date: 2019-03-22 Story: I was smoking at OG base, suddenly I got a call from a CDS member called @Medai, He wanted to buy weapons from OG, we discussed about the price and then he gave me a destination to go to, I packed the OG car with weapons and went to the location, When I arrived at the location I saw @Medai I started with taking out the guns from my car and transported them to @Medai car when I was done he paid me the money and we ended with shaking hands. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/MomS0AP
  4. @Carl000 Don't write here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. OG Events #6 Event Type: Rhino Shooter LWS/G6: LWS Winner(s): [CDC]Fad Prize:1.000.000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OMSgMOZ
  6. OG Roleplay #10 Title: Brought back the stolen car Date:2019-03-21 Story: I was resting in OG base, suddenly got a call from my gang member @Riize iize he told me that we need to talk face to face, He told me the location and told me to bring our DFT-500 car, I didn't ask why. I started the engine and then went to his location. When I arrived at the location we shook hands and he told me that his car was stolen and that he needs help to bring it back, he said I've already tracked the car its in the middle of the street in SF highway, We went there and took the car and brought it back to OG base. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/JpYaRCy
  7. @Malone meet me in-game!
  8. OG Roleplay #9 Title: Fast business Date:2019-03-18 Story: I was chilling at OG base while smoking a cigarette, suddenly I got a call from @Funstein in CDC gang. He said that we need money, All the gun were already in the car. So I finished my cigarette then went into the car and headed myself to CDC Base. When I got to the base I checked all the guns than I went closer to the CDC's weapon storage and took out the guns and gave him. He was very happy to make a good, clear and fast business with OG. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/MVbLKAA
  9. Join our discord server : https://discord.gg/ytmb9vS ( UPDATED)
  10. OG Events #5 Event Type: Simon says LWS/G6:LWS Winner(s):MiKu Prize:1.000.000$ Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/4n2p8vM
  11. Good luck
  12. Good luck
  13. OG Roleplay #6 Title: Buying guns Date:2019-03-14 Story: We were chilling in Las Venturas and suddenly, I realized that we didn't have any guns left, I made a call to the second best arms dealer in San Andreas, @xDarkMan member in Wild Angels. We talked about the guns that we want and the price. He gave us a destination to go to, @premuf started the engine and we went to the location. @xDarkMan arkman started with transferring the guns from Wild Angels base to the van, When we finished, we went into the van and went to OG car to transfer the guns to our car. When we finished transferring, We ended with shaking hands. OG always loves to do business with Wild Angels!! Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/zkDHv8N
  14. OG Roleplay #5 Title: ''Little bit of business'' Date:2019-03-14 Story: One day I was driving around San Andreas with naid666, suddenly I got a call from @Polentaa in the Highwaymen-MC gangs, he said that HMC needed guns, So after talking about what guns and price etc. he sent me a location. me and said brought our car full of guns. When we arrived at the location, we started with shaking hands. Then I showed him the guns, he looked at the guns and he picked up the guns he was interested to buy in. I and naid666 started to check all the weapons he wanted to buy, and then we loaded them in HMC base. When all the guns were in HMC base, he gave me the money we talked about earlier on the phone. After that, I and naid666 headed off to OG base. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/vty3oEX
  15. @naid666 Join our discord channel, It's in the topic. Pm me in the game for a test!
  16. Original Gangster : https://discord.gg/xZ2pPJH
  17. OG Roleplay #3 Title: '' Stolen Guns'' Date:2019-03-12 Story: One day when I was having a cigarette in Las Venturas, I get a call from a member of the gang and he tells me that he goes to the park and finds 3 cars with guns in the trunk. He gave me a destination, I started talking outside to the parking lot to take a car so I can go to the destination he gave me to meet up the rest of OG members. When we arrived at the location, We started with shaking hands than we went to the cars and I had a look at the guns in the trunk. I destroyed the window and started packing all the guns into our Huntley and then went to the OG base. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6n5Cuni
  18. OG Events #4 Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6:LWS Winner(s):nikisadaka Prize:1 000 000$ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bl8qOV0
  19. OG Roleplay #2 Title: ''Little bit of exchange'' Date:2019-03-12 Story: We were chilling in Las Venturas and suddenly I got a call from an OverdoseCrime member, Rainy. He was interested in buying drugs from Original Gangsters because he knew that our drugs are one of the rare kinds! After a while talking with Rainy, we told him to meet us at Los Santos airport with a plane. So when Original Gangsters noticed that it was time to meet Rainy up, We went outside and took the car to go to the destination to meet up Rainy. When we arrived at the destination we saw a plane coming closer to us and we saw that it was Rainy, We started with shaking hands and than we went right away by showing him the drugs, After a while, we started to talk about the price and after 5 minutes later we came up with a deal and started to pack all drugs into his airplane. When all the drugs were packed, he started his engine and went to OverdoseCrime base. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QX2qrE6
  20. OG Events #3 Event Type: Elegy Race LWS/G6:LWS Winner(s):KaiZaki Prize:1 000 000$ Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/jYR1zdd
  21. OG Events #2 Event Type: Chicken shooter LWS/G6:LWS Winner(s): COFFINBOYKAKIMBOSL Prize:1 000 000$ Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/ea6TTuW
  22. @Mohamed-Mostafa Thanks.
  23. @xX-Julio-Xx
  24. OG Roleplay #1 Title: Unknown trade Date:2019-03-05 Story: It was a beautiful day, Suddenly I received a call from a buyer called @premuf muf when I answered the phone he started to talk about guns that he needed and that I and @Mr-Niceguy have. So, I gave @premuf an unknown location that police officers couldn't find. When he arrived at the destination, I opened the car and gave him the guns. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OGrdCRn
  25. @alex0107 Thanks.
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