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Posts posted by MonkaS

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    ~[Event Number #13
    Type of Event: Attackers vs Defenders
    Additional Information: Well, I have been quite busy with school because I have a week's vacation coming up in some days so I decided to pick an event that people enjoy and it was A vs D. The event is really fun and it's something unique. I was enjoying my time with this event and I can see myself hosting it more in the future!
    LWS Helper(s): @KARIM
    Prize: 1.600.000$ | 150k each
    Winner(s): @Beckham @Jamal @Curny @rykila @SkulioN @RadiO @Lincoln @doom | JEW Team
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    ~[Event Number #12
    Type of Event: Fall Guys
    Additional Information: I did not know what to host after the LMS but suddenly Colo gave me an event type to host that was new and that I have not seen. It sounded like a fun event type so I decided to go with it.

    The event type was inspired by the game "Fall Guys" and your mission is not to fall, I and Colo were trying to make the event participants fall with a vehicle and a ramp. The event was really fun, will host it again shortly!
    LWS Helper(s): @Colo

    Prize: 1.000.000$
    Winner(s): @Capital
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    ~[Event Number #11
    Type of Event: LMS
    Additional Information: Today I was feeling like hosting the most classic and loved event in SAES which is LMS, although I am very tired of Jefferson motel LMS so I decided to try out Colo's custom LMS map in the ghost town.
    The event went well and the map was good.
    LWS Helper(s): @Colo

    Prize: 1.000.000$
    Winner(s): @Amara
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    ~[Event Number #10
    Type of Event: 5v5 Sniper Islands
    Additional Information: Since it was my birthday I wanted to do something different that has not been played much and a unique event. I and Versace took a 5v5 sniper with a custom map that had 2 different islands on top of the water. The islands were very good.
    The event took an hour and a half, It took some time because people did not listen correctly and it was stressful and hard for @Versace to communicate with like 30 people at the same time, It was a good event but I felt bad for Versace so I gave him extra money after the event.
    LWS Helper(s): @Versace
    Prize: 5.000.000$ (1.000.000$ each)
    Winner(s): Rogue Team @doom @Manny @Lincoln @Poodlyz and one more
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    ~[Event Number #9
    Type of Event: Knock me off my HPV1000
    Additional Information: Radio is only an LWS Staff member, he does not have an event panel so I couldn't do most of the events. I decided to take a funny classic event, Knock me off the HPV.
    I enjoyed the event since it took people a long time before they knocked us over
    LWS Helper(s): @RadiO

    Prize: 1.000.000$ | 2 rounds 500k each
    Winner(s): @Motazattia @LandShark
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    ~[Event Number #8
    Type of Event: Kill the LWS
    Additional Information: I wanted something fun but didn't know really what to host since Radio can't do all events because he does not have an event panel. Suddenly, Radio suggested a very fun event which is to kill him in LVX.
    This event was actually fun to watch since they have to be fast with killing since his hp resets after a number of seconds.
    LWS Helper(s): @RadiO

    Prize: 1.000.000$
    Winner(s): @Rondaw
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    ~[Event Number #7
    Type of Event: Sky Bat
    Additional Information: Blue was talking about his Sky Box event type and he wanted to host that one so I decided why not. I decided to use baseball bats instead of fists to try to make it different.
    The event turned alright, It was not the best since people were falling instantly.
    LWS Helper(s): @Blue
    Prize: 1.000.000$
    Winner(s): @Curny
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    ~[Event Number #6
    Type of Event: NRG-500 Parkour
    Additional Information: We were looking for a different event type but came by this one and I liked the mapping. I decided to take this mapping and to be honest this event type was not that bad, It was challenging parkour map especially with NRG-500.
    LWS Helper(s): @Versace
    Prize: 3.000.000$
    Winner(s): @silalius
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    ~[Event Number #5
    Type of Event: Marathon of The Death
    Additional Information: For this event, I knew that I wanted to add a small twist to an existing popular event type. Since MrSolrac had a good marathon map, I decided to make it " The marathon of death". I was in a hunter, trying to explode people.
    I have to admit the event was fun and I think the event participants liked it as well!
    LWS Helper(s): @MrSolrac
    Prize: 1.000.000$
    Winner(s): @Colobria
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