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Everything posted by Sawos

  1. Participants: N/A District: Las Venturas -Los Santos - Tierra Robada - Red County Shift period: 22:09-23:41 Number of vehicles: 18 vehicles Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QwJZakd
  2. FOX crew: Sam, Sawos, Hassoni and Reacher Date and time of the patrol: 30-10-2020, 20:00PM Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type Of Activity: Delivery of goods. Date: 30/10/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yg6BPRl
  4. Involved SAI members: @Hassoni Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: @SoZa @Bones Date, time and duration of activity: 30/10/2020 40mins Activity type: Traffic patrol. Activity Details: I just started my shift by a traffic patrol inside the states. The first person i pulled over was a biker, i wrote him a ticket to pay it off for ilegally stopping on the highway. The secondary activity was a routine traffic stop ended with my comrade being kidnapped by a highly wanted suspect on his car which led me to pursuit him by depolying my spike strip until his car was flipped over and i had the chance to save my comrade but eventually we had to shoot at him for rejecting our requests. Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time, and duration of activity: 30/10/2020 - 50mins Activity type: State Patrol. Activity Details: During this activity, i faced too many suspects transporting illegal goods but also speeding vehicles on the highway disapproving my call which led me to put them under arrest. Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Type Of Activity: Stations refuel and wayfarer deliveries. Date: 30/10/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/S8slQ4Q
  7. Participants: N/A District: SF Date and time: 30/10/2020 -20mins Number of vehicles: 32 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oQjAwUg
  8. Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time, and duration of activity: 28/10/2020 - 45mins Activity type: Traffic Patrol. Activity Details: Nothing really to mention, just an usual state patrol. Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Participants: N/A District: LV-LS Date and time: 28/10/2020 - 30mins Number of vehicles: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6UkS4VC
  10. Activity #10 Activity Type: Impoundment patrol. Date: 28/10/2020 Cuban Cars Members: @Judy Participants: @Villain Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Type Of Activity: wayfarer delivery. Date: 28/10/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NxvQiNG
  12. Type Of Activity: Stations refuel and a couple of heavy deliveries. Date: 28/10/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pIh51OG
  13. Participants: @KanoX District: LV and mostly SF Date and time: 27/10/2020 - 35mins Number of vehicles: 12 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zt2oNBi
  14. Participants: N/A District: LS-LV-SF Date and time: 27/10/2020 - 45mins Number of vehicles: 17 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/23psMFr
  15. Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time, and duration of activity: 26/10/2020 - 1hour Activity type: Traffic Patrol. Activity Details: I deployed a speedtrap on LS-LV highway as a mary unit, i faced a lot of speeding vehicles who refused to pullover after going after them which led me to arrest them and put them in custody. Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Activity #09 Activity Type: Impoundment patrol. Date: 26/10/2020 Cuban Cars Members: @TaJ Participants: @JojoDb @Versace @Scorpyo Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Activity #08 Activity Type: Impoundment patrol. Date: 26/10/2020 Cuban Cars Members: @AdemBygt @K2rhym Participants: @vyn @Villain @nCov @Trap Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Activity #07 Activity Type: Solo roleplay. Date: 26/10/2020 Details: I've always had a passion for cars, personally for me it is very important to learn how to fix a car. Well, this is my third day after being admissibled in a mechanic company by the name of Cuban Cars. It was a sunny day i woke up early and went to our garage to start my shift, i went inside the office to take a cup of coffe and as i'm leaving my boss called me and assigned me for a job. It was a damaged car requesting for auto repair assistance not far away from us..she didn't really mention what type of damage so i had to take all the tools with me. I stepped inside my towtruck and went to the said location, once i arrived it was Ford 302 ci V8 with a smoke coming out from it accompanied by a hot business lady. I parked my truck just behind and stepped forward the lady and introduced myself but guess what ? she had no clue with the car parts and she couldn't help me at all what was the real reason why the smoking is coming out of her vehicle. Nohow, i asked her gently to step backwards so i can take a deep look on the damage's source. This can be caused by a number of things such as low coolant levels, a faulty thermostat ,a clogged radiator or a failing coolant fan switch but somehow with old engines like her's heat up very quickly. She really seemd in hurry but i literally had to tell her that her car must be taken to our garage for a diagnostic test so we can reveal the problem within the car's engine as well as performance issues with the fuel injector and air flow. I took her car's keys and told her we will call her....i attached these hooks on the mounting point by my towtruck and went immediately to our garage. Therefor, i dropped her car on board as soon as i and my comrades started the diagnostic. We plugged the diagnostic tool port to the engine which allow us to read the codes the car generates when it detects a problem. The car took us several hours straight of hard work because the car's engine including it's parts are so antique. It's nightfall, but thankgod everything ran smoothly achieve after all the efforts. All my comrades left before me and i was the only one inside the garage...the weather was too foggy which made me decide to sleep at CC's office. I closed our gates and gave the lady a call to get her car back by the sunlight with a 250$ cut. Eventually, the sunlight is here and as i was leaving the office to open our gates, the lady showed up getting out of the taxi to get her car back...she did really appreciated the work we've done. Screenshots: First show-up at the office: ::: ::: Being assigned to the shift by my boss: ::: ::: Responding to the said location of the car damage: ::: ::: Arrival to the said location: ::: ::: Damage source figure out: ::: ::: Towing the car to Cuban Cars garage: ::: ::: Diagnostic test on the fellow car: ::: ::: Giving a call to the client after the work by the nightfall: ::: ::: Closing Cuban Cars's service: ::: ::: Client's arrival to our garage by the daylight: ::: ::: Recovering the client's car to her: ::: ::: Waving back to the client and wishing her a safe drive: ::: :::
  19. Type Of Activity: Gas stations refuel. Date: 26/10/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/duaR65Y
  20. Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time, and duration of activity: 25/10/2020 - 20minutes Activity type: Traffic Patrol. Activity Details: Just a patrol check documents, everything was running smoothly achieve except a towing trucker who was going on the wrong side of the road which made me pull him over with a financial penalty to pay. Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Involved SAI members: me as Jack_Deth Divisions involved: N/A Other involved people: N/A Date, time and duration of activity: 24/10/2020 19:30-20:00 Activity type: VIP escort. Activity Details: While i was facilitating the passage process on LS-LV Highway, i recieved a radio dispatch from the white house to escort a VIP to LVX within a return. I immediately responded to the call. I was assigned to be on the high side as i'm a mary unit to facilitate the route for them and to avoid any incoming issue. Once we arrived at LVX, the place was filled with plenty of civilians which made the bodyguards hard to proceed the communication protection, so it led us to escrot him to a safer place al Los Santos Marina beach...we cleard it out of citizens as i've set a roadblock to make sure no one can pass through the area. Until then, we escorted him back to the white house. Screenshots: ::: :::
  22. Participants: @Ferthis @ALIJR007 @Remp05 @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @Denox @BOB @kanito @Niklaus @Aurora @NRG-aka-Caligula @cenadoloko @Soryair (might missed some to tag) District: Code 1000 in front of LSPD. Date and time: 25/10/2020 - One hour and half. Number of vehicles: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/u6p2eta
  23. Participants: N/A District: Almost all Date and time: 25/10/2020 -35minutes Number of vehicles: 6 Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. Activity #06 Activity Type: Quick repair patrol. Date: 25/10/2020 Cuban Cars Members: @ALIJR007 Participants: Screenshots: ::: :::
  25. Activity #05 Activity Type: Impoundment Patrol. Date: 25/10/2020 Cuban Cars Members: @Filippo Participants: @ZoRo Screenshots: ::: :::
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