Ingame name: BaRy Ingame username: bary123 (-----------------------Previous organizations and leaving causes:---------------------) C: Closed. Cripz: I got bored cuz of inactive members, that was 1 year ago. X: I got bored cuz of inactive members as you can see in-game now. (----------------------------Define Underground Empire:---------------------------------) it's Like the Italian mafia, it has a loose bond of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and rules of conduct, Difference is that UE doesn't have ethnic limits (like LCN and Russian mobs do). Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate was founded on June 23, 1886, after the American Civil War, three men ( John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis were former Confederate soldiers), these 3 men did hard on their life to earn a lot of money, they worked on smuggling arms and drugs. (-----------------------What binds you with Underground Empire:-----------------------) I am looking for an active gang like UE to share my experience in-game with it. UE gang always gets the job done. I saw the UE gang experience In-game, it's very cool. I hung out with UE members, I did some activities with them, we shared our playing with each other, I earned their trust and now we know each other. (-----------------------What do you know about organized crime:-----------------------) An organization that carries out many operations such as stealing, killing, etc. in a professional manner, with plans carefully considered in advance at an agreed time according to the plan.