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Everything posted by ViRuSLN

  1. @StarWars I totally agree with you
  2. @gengar But we can say that's the players problem not the groups, and maybe group HQs also whp just wants to collect a large number of members without caring about kicking inactive members or trying to make the group active..
  3. @master-chief this is our activity today, I advise you to shutup Also, groups can't have rewards and levels system like organizations, they have their own purpose and every group has its own job..
  4. Such a nice idea, good luck! And I will apply soon inshallah
  5. @bidrift lol
  6. @scorpyo said in [Suggestion] Helmet when riding a bike: Only works on CJ skin Tbh I didn't test the link mentioned in the topic, so idk if it works with CJ only or not, but I saw another edition which works with all skins but with the "bone attach" resource.. I just wanted to know the opinions about the idea itself but about the script I've contacted the another script's owner and asked him why did he delete it and waiting for his answer.. @tut-greco said in [Suggestion] Helmet when riding a bike: why would it not work with attachments too? :thinking_face: Attachments like what?
  7. Hello dear community, This is not a great suggestion or will not be a great addition.. but I think it will add something... As the title says this is a Helmet System script, it is just about the player automatically wears a helmet once he rides a bike, although it is useless but it can be a good addition.. Here is an example of what the script does: This is the script: click here So please if you have read this please leave a comment and mention your opinion :D Btw the poll title Addition* not Edition
  8. obsessed with memes
  9. Actually Idk if it is allowed to make a g/s/c with a name was used before without the owner's perm.. but good luck seems nice!
  10. @rabygon Well I still don't understand your point, the group name is arabic yes.. but when it is arabic that doesn't mean it is a jihad group lol, does even jihad exist now?.. and what does it mean if it is full of muslims I still don't understand? but firstly how did you even know everyone's religion? those are just RP names, but if we thought for a while we will find that the server is full of muslims and arabs too, so is the server related with Jihad? lol... you should first read the idea of the group before commenting but for the third time I say that I still don't understand what is the relation between 'Al' and the group name with Jihad...
  11. Nice copy, Good luck
  12. @rabygon not a jihad group
  13. I think it was @M7mod when he sold me his house, and he gave me money because he was lazy to drive me to an ATM, we hanged for a short period then he left me somewhere.. That's all what I remember
  14. @note agree, the old fonts is better than the new one, especially when using bold, and yeah.. it doesn't look the same as the old forum
  15. Al - Munazama - https://discord.gg/UNrG2XU
  16. @nav You could continue and know that it is a remix not a nasheed
  17. For more information - https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1433/al-munazama-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B8%D9%85%D8%A9
  18. From Syria.. For Mahdi's family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkF77N8Ro4s&feature=youtu.be
  19. @ted What is the real war, no war mentioned or any shit.. did you read our role? Did you even read our backstory? You are blaming us because we just used a real country's name and their flag? Really? I didn't even mention any details about the syrian revolution in the backstory, I made sure to keep this group away of any real events, the group's idea is not political, those are just rebels who are paid to free up the space for their family to continue their business, where is the political thing here? Nothing. So please continue your gameplay without commenting on something without getting the real information, and thanks. And btw I'm arabian and a Muslim so if you were thinking that I'm making fun of Syria's problem so you are wrong, All my respect to Syria :heart_decoration:
  20. @ted Read the backstory please, nothing political in this group, our only goal is money ..
  21. @FireFox @BlaZZey After viewing your applications, we'd like to welcome you in our organization, Meet any HQ ingame for your test Mosaad Mahdi
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