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Everything posted by Kristiina

  1. Name: Kristiina Username: twister Age: 26 Nationality: Finnish Squad: PARS Policing Groups: ProCop Pro Cop Since (date): 24.05.2021 Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: Previous Experience: I have been playing in SAES since 2012 so i have many years of experience in cop side. I have been HQ in many squads; such as FOX, SAFP, and STF. I also have experience of testing and roleplaying from SAI, SS, CC, HLS, government and squads. I were also ProCop for many years since 2012/2013 till I joined a gang which came official and lost my privilages to PC but I reapplied in 2021 and got it back. Why would you make a good tester?: as I said earlier, my over 10 years of experience in this server gives me a good view of what is good roleplay and what isn't. I am always ready to help people out with their problems the best I can and if I can't, I'm willing to guide them forward. I've been HQ/in leading position in many squads and groups so I also know how to properly lead and communicate.
  2. TXN ID: 31756927VB958173X and 11678930M4562640X (10 pounds each, confirmed by Brophy) Donation Amount: 20 GBP Requested Awards: Since this donation totals 30 pounds with the previous 10, donator spawn, donator group, 2 mil in game. Vehicles to be decided soon. Username: twister Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) Where you want it placed: LV Police Car at Brinks base, Zoro124_1 wrap https://i.gyazo.com/45d3dcabf0f90fae6f5813678261d21a.png
  3. Your ingame username: My username is twister Your ingame alias: My in game name is Kristiina Your year of birth: I am born in 1997 Your gender: I am a female Nationality: Finnish Country of residence: Finland How long you have been playing SAES: I have been playing on the server since 2012, making it around 8 years in total now. Qualities you can offer: I am a sociable person that has been part of this community for a very long time, and I have learned during that time a lot, and I am open to offer my knowledge back to the server that has given me so much during this time. Even though I do not like to show off on the main chat, I do enjoy helping out people with anything that I can, specially newer ones, but not only, no matter the type of help, sometimes explaining how different stuff works, how to purchase a vehicle, or just general server rules. I do not rush into making reports of people breaking rules either, I prefer a more verbal approach of things, I believe that rushing into punishing a person does not offer a better result, I think that talking is my main weapon when it comes to dealing with something. Communication is one important skill I have developed along time. I know how to handle situations also cause of my experience in different organizations in game as a HQ position, handling both reports regarding group or squad or gang members. One other important thing about me is my teamworking ability. I put others almost always before myself even, and I focus on the benefit of the many instead of personal benefit. As an advantage, I have also helped Ardron many times, even saw him doing his job from close by or taken part with him in different reports, housing activities or translations where it was needed and I really enjoyed the fact that I could help out the community back, because for me SAES is more than a community, I made great friends here and not only, I can say it changed my life. Your weaknesses: Everyone has its strong points and weak points, so do I. Sometimes I can rush into something or invest too much and get disappointed after if I do not succeed but hey, I try to learn from my mistakes. Sometimes I also make a few jokes, but hopefully in a decent limit and if I cross a line I always try to fix things and apologize. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do have both discord and teamspeak if needed, and I have no problem installing other communication software. Reason for application: It is not the first time I apply, I know I have applied quite a few times, but I will not give up, and I want to prove that I am ready for such a responsibility. I am part of this community for a very long time now, and as I said, it is more than just a community for me. I just believe that I am ready to take that step forward and give back something. I am very active these days, and I am ready to work together with the team to improve the server. I have reached the necessary maturity and knowledge to allow me to grow. There have been a few harder steps in my SAES career but I have always managed to get over them and that just made me stronger, even if people have attacked me before. I consider myself a strong personality and I will do everything in my power to prove that. Server Memberships: I am part of San Andreas Federal Police (SAFP) as Inspector General (HQ L), Secret Services (Agent), San Andreas Interceptors (Sergeant), Cuban Cars (Manager HQ), and I was along the time member of different other groups. Additional information: Well, I believe I hit most of the key points about myself in my application, but I can add the fact that I have also studied IT, and I know how to handle also software issues or hardware issues, and I offer such help to those who require it. I can also be quite active even during early morning many times or night. Besides that, Im just a simple human like everyone else here with a normal lifestyle, lived all my life in Finland, I enjoy outdoor activities too such as fishing or traveling and I also play other games. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have a few adminjails in the beginning mostly of my playing career on SAES, besides that, I only have troll punishments. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have not been banned.
  4. Date: 22/05/2020 Property Name: Huge Sale Shop Your Username: twister Rentee Username: [gang]San_Andreas_Federal_Police Duration: Till SAFP dies / moves Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  5. Date: 22/05/2020 Property Name: Huge Sale Shop Your Username: twister Rentee Username: [gang]San_Andreas_Federal_Police Duration: Till SAFP dies / moves Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  6. Date: 22/05/2020 Property Name: Ice Cream Agency Shop Your Username: twister Rentee Username: [gang]San_Andreas_Federal_Police Duration: Till SAFP dies / moves Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  7. 16.05.2020 Type of the activity: Patrolling, raiding SR, clearing jail, raiding CDC turfs Members online: Halo, Swal, Joaqo, Piem, Kristiina, Stone, Maverik, ArciHack Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dIKXq4u
  8. 09.05.2020 Type of the activity: Patrolling, raiding SR, delivering VIP Members online: Facuk, Halo, Stone, Coma, Maverik, Kristiina Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZB2KNSC
  9. 04.05.2020 and 07.05.2020 Type of the activity: Patrolling and overall activity Members online: Vine, Kajo, Stone, Madrazo, Rocoso, Gyula and so on. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5I8pzzQ
  10. 07.05.2020 Type of the activity: Training (sniping, combatshotgun, sr tactics + parajumping) Members online: Stone, Madrazo, Gyula, Rocoso Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/GnoUNki Duration: 2 hours and 43 minutes
  11. Date: 28/04/2020 Property Name: Los Santos Graveyard Your Username: twister Rentee Username: [gang]San_Andreas_Federal_Police Duration: Till SAFP dies / moves Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  12. Date: 28/04/2020 Property Name: Finnish Embassy Los Santos Your Username: twister Rentee Username: [gang]San_Andreas_Federal_Police Duration: Till SAFP dies / moves Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  13. Your ingame username: twister Your ingame alias: Kristiina Your year of birth: 1997 Your gender: Female Nationality: Finnish Country of residence: Finland How long you have been playing SAES: Since 2012 Qualities you can offer: I am a friendly and mature person, with a lot of experience on the server. I have learned a lot in the many years spent here, including managing groups of people, sorting issues, helping out people where it was needed. I am active daily on the server, I have enough time to offer out of my game time to do something for the community that I have been part of for all these years. I have no issues working in teams, so teamwork is quite an important quality for me. I am a very calm person, I can talk with people easily, so communication is another key quality which I can offer, both in the way of dealing with housing regarding players and with communicating with fellow teammates regarding different issues or stuff that requires cooperation with other saha or staff members. Your weaknesses: I sometimes take too many things on my responsibility, wanting to do as much as I can, which can sometimes be overwhelming Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): SAHA Do you have Discord Installed: Yes Reason for application: I have spent a lot of time on the server, over 8 years, and I think I have acquired the necessary experience and maturity on the server to step it up to the next level, and also offer something back to the community. Also, I have always provided in game activity, even outside this period with coronavirus Server Memberships: P~B as normal member, Cuban Cars as HQ, Secret Service as agent Additional information: I am Kristiina, 22 years old, living in Finland. I enjoy fishing, walking my dogs, outdoors and gaming. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have alot of troll punishments in my history but only 1-4 are legit from the start of my SAES career Previous (legitimate) bans: None Do you eat pork: Yes
  14. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 10 gbp When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? in old forums Why do you need this change? new gang Links to your donation topics: Search function in old forums doesn't work so can't link it, heres a link to my old forum profile; https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/15829-kristiina/ Links to your previous donation change requests: Same reason as above ^ ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Police Dodge with s14 shader in FOX base Location: FOX base Interior: - ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Glendale Location: P~B base Username: twister Interior: -
  15. Date: 21.01.2020 Property Name: Panopticon Farm Your Username: twister Rentee Username: [gang]Undisputed_Command Duration: Till U closes/moves Fee: 0 dollars Screenshot:
  16. @Enemy44 Accepted, welcome to FOX.
  17. @Danniel Accepted, welcome to FOX. @Moley Under review, keep training for those tests.
  18. @Script100 Accepted and passed the tests, welcome to FOX.
  19. @Whitelock You're blacklisted from FOX, do not post here anymore. Thank you
  20. @Pengo Accepted @Xtream Under review, we'll get back to you soon
  21. @Morena First shit talking about FOX and our members and then tryin to join us.. how about.. no :)
  22. @TaJ only you and Kim together was missing ;)
  23. @Maxyou12 unfortunately you do not have enough experience to join our team, play around the server more and maybe join SAPA In other words; denied. Kind regards, FOX HQ
  24. @NORI999 Accepted, meet HQ+ in game for invite
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