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Everything posted by Bisollini

  1. ^[~[Big San Fierro Property]~] Could be used as a base ~[Vehicle donation spots]~(green) ~[It's next to a SR 20 secs by running]~(red) ~[Starting bid:]~(maroon) ~[1.000.000$]~(green) ~[NOTE]~(red) : Every next bid should be atleast with ~[1.000.000$]~(green) higher than the previous one. ::: :::
  2. ^[~[Big San Fierro Property]~] ~[Starting bid: 2.000.000$]~(gray,green,red) The property is close to the store robbery & CC base ~[The property can be used as a base]~(green) ~[The property is on a good location]~(red) ~[NOTE :]~(red) ~[Every bid has to be with atleast 1.000.000$ higher than the previous bid]~. ::: :::
  3. ^[~[San Fierro Downtown Garage]~] Starting bid : 1.000.000$** ~[Very good looking property]~(green) ~[Very cool looking underground spots]~(red) ~[NOTE]~(red) : Every next bid has to be atleast with 1.000.000$ higher than the previous bid. ::: :::
  4. I guess you will come bacj in the future... I hope... goodbye buddy
  5. What about the ppl who will create an organization or need a base for the next level... Etc
  6. Title: The Bad Boys Date: 02 / 24 / 2020 Participants: @Poodlyz, @Ferthis, ProToN and Alex ( Me ) Story: Another work-out day has began. I was driving to the bar by bike as always , as it shall be. There were already some clients inside. How did I understand that ? I saw more bikes parked on the car park and with different color than our. So I parked my bike and entered in the bar. My brother Poodlyz was already there working. I asked him how's going on with the business. He answered me it's going nice. He also asked me politely to service the clients. I agreed and went to them and asked them what would they like to order. They said they want 2 cold beers. I asked if that'd be all . They answered me affirmative. So I shouted and asked Poodlyz did he hear it. He nodded with his head instead of answering me with words. So he gave me the beers , I took them and gave them to the men. Also they weren't patience. We did their order as fast as its possible. Actually their behavior was bad. After I gave them the beer one of them lighted a cigarrate and then threw it on the floor. I asked him to take it , but he ignored me. His friend as well. So they just asked for the bill. I went to the machine and took it. Then I gave it to the bikers. They thanked me and left the bar without even paying me. I shouted at them to stop, but they ignored me again. I followed them outside with my friend Poodlyz. They wanted to fight. I said I will not fight , told them I ain't for fucking 10 dollars and told them to leave the area. Turned back and they started attacking me with bats. My friend Poodlyz hit them few times and ran away in order to call 911. After they punched me they went to their bikes , but I ran to them and stopped them. So I was distracting them till the cops come. Untill then I was just self-protecting myself. Mins later the police came. Aimed at the bikers and told them to put their hands up. They obeyed his orders . After that the sheriff put handcuffs on them. Then the officer told them to get in the police car and to not move. They did that as well. After that happen the police officer came to me and we spoke. I told him what happened. He said that I don't need to worry about it. Meanwhile they were screaming that they will send their friends to our bar to destroy it and that they will escape from the jail and will come back a.k.a revenge us. I said that will not happen , because they will have to stay on worm in their cell for quite a long time and started laughing & making fun at them. I also thanked the officer for his quick response. He said he did this job and went to the Police Department. Screenshots: Click here for screenshots
  7. Title: The Annonymoys Call Date: 02 / 23 / 2020 Participants: @Markus, Steven, Juby and Alex ( Me ) Story: As every single normal I was working in the bar as normally from 7 AM to 22:00 PM. So that day I was waiting for a delivery of beer & snack , because it was empty already. I was waiting the truck with stuff. So it shown up. I asked my friend Markus to help me with taking the deliveries of beer & snack. He agreed so we started doing it. In that moment we heard sirens and noticed two agents of Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ). They were aiming at us with a M4 . They ordered us to put our hands up. I directly without any question put them up , by my friend Markus asked why. They said they got a call that there is an illegal activity happening here. We told them its a false info and theres nothing to worry about. We said there's just some beer and snack. They didn't believe us so they decided to check. One of the agents was guarding us and the other was checking. The agent told us to face the wall with hands up and to not move. I repeated that we are clear. He told me to close my mouth. I was listening to his orders. So the other FBI agent who was checking the deliveries opened the boxes and saw there is beer and snack. He said we are clear. I told him we are clear. They apologized to us for what happened. We accepted the apologize and said no problems. So they thought the annonymous guy who called them and gave the fake signal was mistaken. I told them what happened yesterday a.k.a the robbery. Told them to look around for him. They asked me for his outfit. I told them he had a mask so I couldn't see his face or anything. They said they will check in the database. I smiled and said since they are here why not to drink some beer. They rejected with the reason "we can lose our job , because of it" which is actually right, but they said when they are off duty they will come , because they like the bar. The agent wanted to shake hands so we did it. We waved to eachother and they went back on duty. Screenshots: Click here for screenshots
  8. Title: The Robbery Date: 02 / 21 / 2020 Participants: @AntiRug, ProToN, @nutellaguy and Alex ( Me ) Story: One sunny day I was driving to our club in Dillmore and listening to rock & metal . I was singing and enjoying it. The atmosphere was great. So I reached the club and parked my bike. I turned off the engine , locked it and got out of it. Then I walked into the bar. I was thirsty so I took a cold bottle of beer. In the moment I was drinking it a guy with mask and pistol aimed at me and ordered me to give him the money from the cash register. I was in panic and got scared. I was screaming , I was praying and asking for mercy. I told him I have a family , a wife and children. He said he doesn't care. He came closer to me and aimed at my head. He shouted loudly "give me the cash from the cash register otherwise you will go to hell". I hadn't any other option to do so I went to the cash register and took the money from there. He took the money and kicked me. I told him to stop running , asked him where is he going. He didn't listen to me. He left the bar , I followed him. When I got out of the bar I saw he is shooting at my bike. The bike got broken. I couldn't call the police , he was already gone. I just phoned my friends DocPizza , ProToN and AntiRug. I told them to come as fast as possible. They asked me what happened and I answered them that I'll tell them when they come. I waited 5-6 minutes and saw them coming. I asked them to get in the bar so none hear us. I took 4 beers and told them what happened. They got shocked. AntiRug suggested to fix it. We all agreed and went outside to repair the bike. There were many shot holes on the bike and the tires were popped. Also the bike was in need of a new chain. We started repairing it. I took the tires from the van with the help of my friends. The tires were the easy part. The hard was that we hadn't a chain. So AntiRug had the idea to search around Los Santos for a store. He had two bikes one in his garage and one with him. The one in the garage was made by him , untested , new and dope. The engine sounded like a beast. I thanked him for that so we turned on the engines and went to Los Santos. It didn't take us that much time , we found it fast. We parked our bikes there. They choosed me to buy it as I was the guy in need and I had a wallet. So I bought the chain. We quickly got back to our bar. We letted AntiRug change the chain as he had the most desire. He did that and asked me to return his bike back to his garage. I agreed of course. After that all happened I thanked him and we shaked hands. ^[~A friend in need is a friend indeed~] ^[~ The teamwork is makes the power~] Screenshots: Click here for screenshots
  9. ^[] Title: The Roadtrip Date: 02 / 20 / 2020 Participants: @AntiRug, @LightSide, ProToN, @nutellaguy and Alex ( Me ) Story: 20th of May , a sunny day like every other one. The boys and me like always were in the bar drinking cold beer , playing billiard , talking and laughing. It was AntiRug , ProToN and Lightside. Lightside asked me for a cold beer , I opened the mini fridge and gave it to him. He thanked me and started drinking it. Moments later our friend DocPizza walked in the bar. He also wanted a cold beer so I gave him. I was bored , thinking what to do. I asked if someone wants to play billiard and drink , but DocPizza had a better idea - a roadtrip. We all agreed and went outside. We got on our bikes , unlocked them and turned on the engine. Then we made the formation. After that we started driving. The smell of the fresh air ummmm it was so enjoyable. We were driving around Flint Country and Whetstone. We saw a fuel station and stopped there. I refueled my bike and became ready to continue the roadtrip. I asked if anybody needs to refuel. Everyone said no so we just continued. We were driving , driving and driving till our friend DocPizza fall of his bike. We all stopped sharply. We parked and went to help him. He was injured. AntiRug decided to call 911 , but they didn't respond. Our friend DocPizza said its getting better and better so we don't have to worry about him. I helped him to stand. I carried him on my back. He could move which was good thank god. AntiRug noticed that one part got out of the bike while driving. He put it back. He told DocPizza to try now. DocPizza got on the bike and started driving , then fall off again , but this time it wasn't that brutal. He said it's not working again. We hadn't any tools to repair it. Then DocPizza remembered about one friend who has a house in Whetstone. The thing was the bike , how to move it with us. I had the idea to take a rope and carry it with bike. We tied it and moved on. DocPizza was navigating us. He told us the location of his friend's house. We were searching it for like 10 mins , but finally found it. We parked our bikes and knocked on the door. The door fall off and we saw there's nothing in. I asked DocPizza if he's sure about the place. He remembed he moved to San Fierro. We left the abonded house and got on our bikes. Then we were going for San Fierro. My friends' bikes were almost empty , so before we go to San Fierro we went to the fuel station again. They refueled their bikes and went for San Fierro. DocPizza called his friend. He rejected the call and made the things harder. We were searching for it. in whole San Fierro for like 30 minutes. Then we saw a garage with mechanic vehicles and a house right to it. There was a sign up "Mr.David's Mechanic Services". DocPizza said thats the name of his friend. We entered in the house. There were two floors. There were tools on the first floor. We went upstairs and saw a sofa , a TV , a kitchen and Mr.David. He welcomed us and especially DocPizza his old friend. We asked him for tools and told him what happened. He understood us and agreed. We took the parts we needed , thanked and go. We repaired the bike real quick. DocPizza tried it and it was even better than before. We got Mr.David's tools back and told him goodbye. After that we went back in Dillmore to our bar , relaxing the whole day ! Screenshots: Click here for screenshots
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