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Everything posted by Henrik

  1. ::: BR Number 1: BR Number 2: :::
  2. Auction is over. @ciann contact me in game :)
  4. Forgot the screenshots: Panel: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/197410996317454338/573197950310940699/mta-screen_2019-05-01_19-11-24.png The property: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/197410996317454338/573197979390050304/mta-screen_2019-05-01_19-12-51.png
  5. Another Antisocial Store Good spawn in SF. Pretty much right next to carspawn. Can be used for a lvl 1-2 base. Medium sized business ~[Starting bid at ONLY 1.5M]~
  6. Address: Another Antisocial Store Account name: kaganthekiller Last seen: 31st March 2019 Screenshots:
  7. In-game name: UE|Henrik. Username: henr9533. Age: I am 18 years old and born on the 25th of August 2000. Nationality: I'm Armenian but currently reside in Denmark. Previous bans/punishments: I have no previous bans nor punishments. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: First of all, I consider my English very good, so I doubt there will be any problems in the communication between me and the players or any of the other SAHA members. I have never broken a rule and will continue to abide by any rules. Other than that, I feel my knowledge about the rules and the game are at a pretty high level and therefore I consider myself a suitable person for the role. I usually have a lot of free time on my hands, so handling requests would not be a big deal. I'm also looking for something else to do on the SAES server, while still being a part of a gang. My decisions are righteous and I will never let my personal feelings or preferences affect any of my final decisions. Since I'm always looking to help people, I'm always available to contact through Discord, so if anyone ever needs any help, I'm always up for the task. I will also keep an eye on main chat on the SAES server and on any PM's to make sure everybody gets the help they require. I will stay active on the forums, to make sure I can help people with any issues regarding housing removals and the inactive property requests. I look forward to getting an answer from the SAHA group.
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