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Everything posted by mimyy

  1. ~[Dj Mimyy on AIR!]~(#b6e32d) ~[Streamed on 28/09/2019]~(green,#b6e32d,yellow) ::: :::
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 4XW65150NN743253L Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Cheetah and SuperGT Vehicle Colour: Cheetah dark red , SuperGT-black and blue (second color) Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (mimyy,strr3t,) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  3. ~[Date and Time:]~(green,lime) 15/09/19 - Evening ~[Type of Activity:]~(green,lime) Roadtrip! ~[ScreenShot(s)/If Any:]~(green,lime) Ofcourse ::: ::: ~[Thanks to everyone for participating!]~(green,lime)
  4. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  5. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  6. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  7. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  8. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  9. Address: Embrace Store Account name: rendor123 Last seen: 10th August 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. ~[Event Type:]~(green) Race ~[Event Prize:]~(green) 1.000.000 ~[Hosted by:]~(green) @Brooks ~[Winner:]~(green) NubBob ~[Screenshots:]~(green) ::: :::
  11. ~[Dj Mimyy on AIR!]~(#b9c238) Streamed on 09/09/2019 ::: :::
  12. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  13. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) AdemBygt and other racers. ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  14. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) AdemBygt and other racers. ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  15. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  16. ~[Dj Mimyy on AIR!]~(#dade09) Streamed on 02/09/20119 ::: :::
  17. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) Knele , Smurf,Arone ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  18. ~[Type:]~(green) Race 1vs1 ~[Participants:]~(green) oc|>cappo ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  19. @TaJ said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: ^[] ^[~[''STAY CAREFUL, MISS.'']~(#7d5752)] ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 55. ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP: From CIA : @TaJ From TMH : @mimyy ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: CIA. Known for not just its inteligence wonders to improve the world, but also responsibility to maintain law and order wherever and whenever necessary. This was something put to test once again today as CIA Vice Leader TaJ, who was on a routine patrol around the Bone County since it wasn't planned to be so large. The supposedly "boring" patrol unexpectedly turned interesting when the Agent came across a racey geeky lady who wore all green jersey with "TMH" written over it. The vehicle being ride by the mysterious woman was an ultimate race machine from the looks of it and that acted as a cause for Agent TaJ to pull her over at right next turn since she seemed to be riding a bit more than the legit speeds in the residential complex of such relatively lesser previlaged area. As the lady pulled over to the side of the road, a quick greeting proved to be enough for the two to get to the matter. Agent TaJ let her know the real cause of pulling over which was purely only "suspicion" of the fact that she was quite rash in the area and little over the limit by the looks of it. The suspect made it clear that as per her honest opinion she was within limits. The agent then, just to be on safer side, requested to check the License I.D. and Vehicle registiration papers. The "civilian" handed over the documents right away and Agent TaJ got onto his duty of checking those over the Database monitor inside his vehicle. As he returned with a smile of satisfaction and gave back the papers, he let her know that the past was all good as far as the government had in records and so it could be only a warning this time around. The agent made her realise how important it was to stick by the rules specially in such small localities since its not just dangerous for her but for everyone in surroundings if done otherwise. She thanked the agent for the kind opportunity and promised not to repeat this unethical behaviour on road. At this moment, both the parties wished each other a good bye and got back into their vehicles to approach their respective destinations. ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!
  20. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) Strret, Zabalito,Raiden,Taj ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  21. ~[Event Type:]~(green) ~[Kart Race]~(green,lime) ~[Event Prize:]~(green) ~[1.000.000]~(green,lime,#b1f5b6) ~[Hosted by:]~(green) @zaza ~[Winner:]~(green) ~[O|Juul]~(green,lime,#b1f5b6) ~[Screenshots:]~(green) ::: :::
  22. ^[] ^[Evening Activity]
  23. ~[Activity Type:]~(green,#10c960) RolePlay ~[Participants:]~(green,#10c960) @JeSoS like racer.Bobby ~[RP Scenario:]~(green,lime) Hello, today I lost one of my black babies, why, let me tell you. Today at dusk I decided to go hunting for racers. You have rightly heard. I stood on the highway on the bank of the river with the thought that I would not be lucky,but I found one.I immediately got into the car and chased him. Not long after, I stopped him, and who to see , that was my friend Bobby, no wonder he was as fast as he knew I was waiting for him. So, I told him about my idea and immediately offered him a race. With torture we convinced him and we went ..... Here we are on the track, we decided to choose the bet after the best wins. We started the race and wished our luck ... not long ... I lost ... So he has not lost any shape, the same is what I remember, fast and furious .... we started to talk about the bet, he asked for money, but i didnt have ... you know the crisis is, and the babies needed some stupidity ... I offered my black warrior ... em, yes ... now I'm poor and without the black warrior, but i will get it back, it will not stay long for him ... not now. ::: :::
  24. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) Taj,Jesos ,203|Victor ~[Screenshot:]~(green)
  25. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) Taj , Ment , Nishki ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
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