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Everything posted by mrdemonio

  1. Property location: Starting bid: $40.000.000 Auction end time: Saturday , 1st of august 2020 at 20:00 server time Note: I am not interested in owning any other property, so don't offer any trade. I only accept cash. All offers need to be placed in this topic, where other auction participants can see them. Pictures of property: https://imgur.com/a/aLMbuqu
  2. @Groove after can you put me in the donator spawn as well ? thank you for your guys attention.
  3. This is an automated post TXN ID: 69S43169MS597043X Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #3e5751 Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (mrdemonio , darwingta , homemdaluz ) Where you want it placed: LV airport Vehicle Type: Cargobob Vehicle Colour: #0800ff Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ( mrdemonio , darwingta , homemdaluz ) Where you want it placed: LV airport Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #d2ff8f Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: ( mrdemonio , darwingta , homemdaluz ) Where you want it placed: LS airport Medium interior ; n12 for my house in LV "Infamous Meth Lab" @Brophy pls confirm
  4. @ferthis and how much people have expensive props ? You are talking about 50 people max . And the other people that have a lot of cash but cant spend it ? because the big props are now for sale but for stupid prices . So you need to think that are more than 50 people playing on the server . Probably 700+ daily so . That suggestion is not the best one . We should create a topic for suggestions . Cause if you dont know the inflation on the server is preatty stupid , the money worth nothing at the moment.
  5. @DROT I agree with you . How about create a Topic asking ideas for new items ? I know that some will be just rly bad , but in 100 you can have like 5 good ones. @ferthis
  6. If you say so @DROT , why is the percentage of people goin inactive incresing ? The people dont any goal to work for . So if you reset everything the people will need to start over and that increase not only the player online but also the amount of hours they play . Think about that .
  7. @JoGe i said to do a Public votation that the players can choose if want a reset or not . Is players choice not yours or mine .
  8. What everyone wants it just a confirmation that 2.0 will happen and a date for it . So if you guys (SAES crew) put some more work on it ("2.0") the game would be more enjoyable . And the ammount of player would increase drastically because the people would need to play more to have more . So what i am getting at is that some ("saes people") dont want this to happen . My resolution idea is ; like you did in elections create a vote if the 2.0 pass you guys go for it . And apply it , after all the work is done ( no bugs , etc ). If you guys need help with that you can open a recruitment for that task , because i bielive that somebody from the server know how to do the "reseting" . I would like to know your opinion . So coment bellow. @Ghost722nd @Bone
  9. Normally when we, the personnel, dont have a task assigned we like to spend some quality time with our families,for those who have one, or go out with our dates. But that doesnt happen with me.Theres no rest for the wicked! We got informed that our number one competitor, a colossus german corporation, was in the development of a brand new type of NRG engine that would creat a blockbuster in the bike industries. Something had to be done, we couldnt stay action less. On of our CEOs approached me and asked me to get my hands dirty. The plan was simple: I, by any means possible, had to find out about anything that had to do with the specific project. First things first, I had to pay someone who was not involved to our organization so that he would arrange a meeting with a representative of that german corporation. Then we would tap the room in order the conversation is recorded. The records would be used to blackmail the representative in a way he would tell us anything he knew about the project. Everthing went as planned. The representative arrived on the scene the time that was scheduled. He had a cup of coffee, and so did I. We starting talking bussiness by the very first moment. After a couple of minutes passed, we hade already accumulated more than enough for us to have something to blackmail him with. The appoitment was over so he reached the door to exit the scene. Then one of our CEOs intervined. He asked what was all this about so we let him know that he fell into a trap like a little rat he is. To make things short, he didn't fell for that so we were left with no other option than interogating him the old fashion way. It took him 2 long hours of torturing to sing like a mockinbird. We were more than satisfied by his cooporetion, and in a show of well kind, we spared his life. Now the only thing left is for our scientists to develop on that project and give us the lead on the race of the bike manufacturing.
  10. need a higher price guys @PulaR @JoGe
  11. Location : Las Colinas Info: This propety have Car Spawn and very nice garden . Starting Bid : 1m https://imgur.com/a/NIUpoDn
  12. Near LVX ( with car spawn) Starting bid : 3 million https://imgur.com/a/1unFn0a
  13. bro this in not a penthouse btw 4m
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