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Everything posted by Dango

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWBiJeUHJTg
  2. ~[I]~(maroon)ngame name: 215|Dango ~[I]~(maroon)ngame username: dango420 ~[P]~(maroon)revious organizations and leaving causes: ::: ~[The Strike Team (TST)]~(navy) 1st Generation: Left, squad got deleted ~[Hell Soldiers (HS)]~(blueviolet) : Left, deleted ~[S.W.A.T.]~(blue) : Kicked , I would like to talk about it in a PM. ~[SAFP]~(#01699B) : Left , I wanted to play again with my brother, also I've been on cop side for like 5 years and got enough playing there. ::: ~[D]~(maroon)efine Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded on the 23th of June 1866 by few former confederate soldiers which their families were killed by the Union Soldiers. The former confederate soldiers were : 1- John Dixon, who came from the war with a blown hand. 2- Edward McFarlane, who had PTSD and could easily get out of control. 3- Judah Davis, who was sick of living. Underground Empire had been through a lot of things and they didn't give up untill the FBI announced that they were alive again after being announced dead/inactive by the government. Was revived again by Dino "The Ace" Zee and Mr. Siegel aka. Hari. Underground Empire's roleplay revolves around : Weapon Trafficking , Drugs Trafficking , Contract Killing , Corrupting politicians and cops , Money laundering. ~[W]~(maroon)hat binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is known for their tactics/teamwork/backup/style which are really great things to look forward to be with such a professional and experienced people. ~[W]~(maroon)hat do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is that to plan for an incoming crime from gangs or the organization that looking for a crime. For example, Our server can explain and show the whole situation that the gang members plan to Turf zones/Rob a store/Rob a bank and how gangs are planning how to enter the bank/store and looking for the incoming troubles so not to fall in them.
  3. 13/04/2021 Patrolling around SA Members: @Afufu @Xhamster @Dango Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. ^[] Involved SAI members: @Dango (me) Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A Other involved people: @Immortal Date, time and duration of activity: 20 Minutes || 14/09/2020 || Activity type: RP Activity Details: I was setting a speedtrap at LV-LS Highway and I chased a guy exceeded the speedlimit Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fdfqTzm
  5. 20/08/2020 Type of Activity: Patroling around SA Members Online: @Halo @ROBERT-911 @Cristian @SAFP-Stone @Dango Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. 20/08/2020 Type of Activity: Protecting the store Members Online: @Halo @SAFP-Stone @Dango @ROBERT-911 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. 20/08/2020 Type of Activity: Protecting the store Members Online: @Halo @Dango @SAFP-Stone @Cristian Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. 21/08/2020 Type of Activity: Securing the VIP Members Online: @kellerman @samuel2 , SAFP*|Spanish @Dango Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. 19/08/2020 Type of Activity: Protecting the store Members Online: @Terry @Dango @DRAHMEED @Mohamed-Mostafa @ziad-i @SAFP-Stone @Rocoso @samuel2 @clashgamer Spanish @Kristiina (I don't know others real name:honk:) Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. 17/08/2020 Type of Activity: Patroling Members Online: @Terry @Dango @DRAHMEED @Mohamed-Mostafa @ziad-i Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Account Name: dango420 Icon name: Lv Sheenis Apartment 4 Account Name: dango420 Icon name: 22 Seedy Side Apartments Account Name: dango420 Icon name: Teller Jewelry Shop
  12. Patrol number: #11 CC participants: @Asexyno Date: 12/08/2020 Information: Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  13. Patrol number: #10 CC participants: N/A Date: 04/08/2020 Information: Repairing and refueling vehicals Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  14. Patrol number: #9 CC participants: @Versace @Gal Date: 04/08/2020 Information: Impounding vehicals Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  15. Patrol number: #8 CC participants: N/A Date: 04/08/2020 Information: Repairing and refueling vehicals. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  16. Patrol number: #7 CC participants: @Ardron @DJO @Versace Date: 23/07/2020 Information: Impounding and repairing vehicals. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  17. Patrol number: #6 CC participants: N/A Date: 01/8/2020 Information: Repairing and refueling cars. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  18. Patrol number: #5 CC participants: N/A Date: 01/8/2020 Information: Repairing and refueling cars. Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  19. happy birthday u ugly man
  20. Happpy BirtHday BOodoo luv u ma cousin
  21. @fenter said in [SUGGESTION] Making Code/Password for Party chat .: I can just throw random numbers and enter someone's party without permissions But yes. it's very good idea. Make it happen! have u ever guessed someone's password?
  22. Activity: Securing VIP Date: 11/07/2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Activity: Patroling around SA Date: 11/07/2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
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